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Jagex getting younger?


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Impossible. Just like you canÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâôt turn back time, Jagex can only get older.




Specially since Jagex if anything, has become older and more mature.


Bet some ppl didn't know that Andrew Gower and his brother paul ran Runescape for the first months of launch anno 2001 out of his mom's house in his bedroom.


Sounds kind of kiddo to me, as opposed to being worth millions and owning a multi-national company anno 2007. :-w

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Yeh I'd agree with this, they aim updates at a younger audience yet you shouldn't be playing if you're over the age of 13 (for Americans). They themselves say they aim the updates at what they'd like to see but with the new halloween update for example it seemed very childish, what with the playground slide in the middle of the grim reapers mansion... There is a difference between being childish and having a sense of humour there are lots of humorous situations in RuneScape but i'd say there's more childish updates than funny updates.




:roll: You realise that the whole 'kiddie slide' in the Grim Reaper's mansion was supposed to be a joke, right? Why did you take it seriously? I thought it was kinda obvious that it was humorously placed in the wrong place, since even the design (Bright purple?) was completely out of context with the whole idea of the Grim reaper. It was funny, get it? :notalk:




Jagex is 13+ years of age game.


So maybe they think the whiners are acting so kiddy-like, that you and the rest deserve what you get --> childrens toys.







~ W ~



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Yeh I'd agree with this, they aim updates at a younger audience yet you shouldn't be playing if you're over the age of 13 (for Americans). They themselves say they aim the updates at what they'd like to see but with the new halloween update for example it seemed very childish, what with the playground slide in the middle of the grim reapers mansion... There is a difference between being childish and having a sense of humour there are lots of humorous situations in RuneScape but i'd say there's more childish updates than funny updates.




:roll: You realise that the whole 'kiddie slide' in the Grim Reaper's mansion was supposed to be a joke, right? Why did you take it seriously? I thought it was kinda obvious that it was humorously placed in the wrong place, since even the design (Bright purple?) was completely out of context with the whole idea of the Grim reaper. It was funny, get it? :notalk:







I realise it may be funny to kids but a slide in my opinion doesn't represent a laugh out loud situation. Maybe when you visit a park and see a purple slide you burst into laughter but I myself think of a slide as being a place for kids to play.


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Yeh I'd agree with this, they aim updates at a younger audience yet you shouldn't be playing if you're over the age of 13 (for Americans). They themselves say they aim the updates at what they'd like to see but with the new halloween update for example it seemed very childish, what with the playground slide in the middle of the grim reapers mansion... There is a difference between being childish and having a sense of humour there are lots of humorous situations in RuneScape but i'd say there's more childish updates than funny updates.




:roll: You realise that the whole 'kiddie slide' in the Grim Reaper's mansion was supposed to be a joke, right? Why did you take it seriously? I thought it was kinda obvious that it was humorously placed in the wrong place, since even the design (Bright purple?) was completely out of context with the whole idea of the Grim reaper. It was funny, get it? :notalk:







I realise it may be funny to kids but a slide in my opinion doesn't represent a laugh out loud situation. Maybe when you visit a park and see a purple slide you burst into laughter but I myself think of a slide as being a place for kids to play.


I don't think an indiana jones style bridge would have made the difference, do you?

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Don't really see your point. Jagex releases whichever items they think would make the game more enjoyable/fun for everyone. It's obvious they know the age rate of most of their players and aim a bit more for that, but lets THINK for like 1 minute:


What are these season event's about? A mature celebration of a fantasy chicken which lays colourful chocolate eggs? Or a scary reaper who asks for treats? Santa who distributes presents through the chimney's?


If you're going to claim that Jagex is more imature because of items they release for events which are based on children's stories and fun events where age doesn't matter, you're COMPLETELY wrong.


Runescaper since June 2005


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So as you may have noticed if you have been playing RS for a while jagex has lost a bit of maturity. In my view they have started to target the 10-12 age range. Why do I think this? Well, look at some of the holiday events over the past few years, lets forget for a second the some are tradable and some arn't. Santa hats, Party hats, masks, rubber chicken? chicken suit? In my opinion that wasn't funny, that was just stupid. (the chicken suit) the rubber chicken was ok. Now looking at that list, it seems that jagex either has lost it's sence of humor, or the have lost some of the maturity that made the game fun for me before.




Ill write more if people are interested.








read the new tip.it times article where is talks about all those ppl who are like "i can do better" i know you nvr said that but ur post sounds really like u wanted to say it.




first off, the first ideas were good because they were the only ones




now that jagx has had like 4 yrs of holidays, they are running low on ideas so some of them are desperate


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Dude, they did great this year. And if you say they did bad, get over it, they didn't pick the event, we(RSers) did.




*AHEM* Did you say we?




We involves us


Us involves me


Certanly I did not choose that drop.




The thing that choosed that was a majority with wrong ideas, because I wanted emo/gothic clothes for the halloween event. Only imagine emo glasses and belts with black and red/blood sweeters with hoods lol.




I do not blame Jagex for being unmature, they are cool, the chicken suit was funny and I liked it. Perhaps you should preffer a serious book that transforms you into a pink anime bunny?




And for the new hood I liked it, but not too much because it's blue-ish instead dark/evil black.



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Do not judge holiday events as a level of maturity for Jagex. Just because they make a certain event that you think is kiddy, doesnt mean the rest of us think that. If you dont like that one update of the year, then ignore it. The rest of us will have fun with what Jagex gives us.

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