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Going back in time...Impossible?


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And if so, wouldn't time have the same properties as speed?


For example, they are both present in this 3D world and the higher speed you are at the faster time goes (that's proven if you go faster than the speed of light you can travel forward in time)





Mice for example have a much faster heart rate. So although they only life one or two years, they subjectively may life as long as humans.


If you're going to say "nothing is impossible", at least act like you understand what you're trying to refute. Geez.




I am trying to refute something?

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I am trying to refute something?


Yes, that time travel into the past was impossible (ignoring a few rare, mentioned hypothesized quantum mechanical occurances, as your discussion involves an observer traveling through time, not a point particle or wave).




Which you followed up with two hypotheses that had no validity whatsoever, as well as a risible point- that somehow a faster heart rate is going to dilate time for rats dozens of times faster than our experience of time. For one thing, a faster heart rate would technically cause a slower movement through time, so you're completely on the wrong side of time dilation there. Beyond that, that shows a complete lack of knowledge about time dilation- there's no way in hell a faster beating heart is going to have any kind of visible effect on the movement through time of the rat. What, you think rats' hearts move at sub-light speeds or something, especially considering the rest of the body does not?

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My friend and I were discussing an interesting topic on time travel. I'm not in a Physics course yet, so I'm not sure if any of this is even right, but here goes.




I just thought speed and time are related. Speed is really a measurement of time. See, after 70 or 80 years, people usually die. So the time for a human life is at the speed of 70-80 years... Or say you run 10 kilometers in an hour.... that's 10km/h.




And if so, wouldn't time have the same properties as speed?


For example, they are both present in this 3D world and the higher speed you are at the faster time goes (that's proven if you go faster than the speed of light you can travel forward in time)


If so... then wouldn't that prove my theory on time travel?




So right now we are going at an unknown speed of time... sort of like you don't really know how fast you run when your not timing.




Let's call this the SOT (speed of time) and the current speed n.




If we somehow manipulate the SOT lto go faster than the speed of light, and the SOT becomes bigger than n, we will go forward in time because time will be faster.




If we decrease the SOT to less than n, then we will be moving in slow motion.




If the SOT is at 0, than time stops.




But since the speed cannot go below zero, neither can time, which makes it impossible to travel back in time.




My brain just IMPLODED!!!



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Time and velocity are not the same thing. Mathematically one's a vector quantity and the other's scalar, they're certainly not interchangeable. Saying "one day I was travelling at 50m/s on a bearing of 20 degrees" cannot be interchanged with "one day I was travelling at 5 minutes". That's crazy.




I wasn't saying that they were interchangable. I was saying that if both of us right, then they would be the same, but since they obviously aren't the same thing, then one of us is wrong. I was just hoping that someone could prove me wrong. But I already figured out why I was wrong. If I wasn't so tired, I wouldn't have made such a stupid mistake.




What I said was complete bull crap. Velocity doesn't have to be negetive for time to be negetive. It will just make time negetive. I guess I was thinking that time was a result of distance over velocity. But that isn't true. So I'll edit my post so I wont look like such an idiot now.






But it is possible to have a negative velocity. You just need a negative time.

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there is a link with this and in one of my books just let me find it its roughly that if u go in space for lets say for EXAMPLE 1 week ud be a tiny bit older but when u got back to earth everyone would be a lot older.. let me find the book so i cna correct it




EDIT : found it




quote nestle smarties all the incredible facts youll ever need to know




Warped Speed




Strange things ahppebn if you try and travel near the speed of light. If anyone could see you , theyd see you shrinking, youd also be getting heavier and heavier. time would slow down so, if you went on a journey at near light speed by the time you got back you'd only be a little older but everyone else would have died centuries ago.


Dragon Drops: Platelegs x9, Med Helms x7, Plateskirts x4, Shield Left Half x3, At least 75+ Boots!, Hatchets x5, Ruined Shard x1, Solo Claws x2, Dragon 2Hander x1, Spear x2

Whip x27, Dark Bows x9, Draconic Visage x1

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