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*c�������¡bb�������¡g�������©*~~Tart llamas goal for 1 mil. cabbage~~*

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[hide=about me]


hey every1 im tart llama, and im going to give you a little history about me. my first guy ever on runescape was magicdude626. I made him 4 years ago. i became a member and trained all ksills evenly. I had fairly good skills. everything was good. That all changed. One day i came back from school and went to get on my guy. it said i needed to check my messages from jagex so i did. some1 had hacked my account and got on himand did everything imageinable to ruin him and get him kicked out of rs. but that didnt stop me. I tried my best and 3 days later i got my account back, with one major difference. he was perm muted. I very dislike being perm muted. So that is why i made tart llama. I got the name because i looked off a list of adjectives and i thought tart was super cool. I made tart about 2 months ago and i wanted him to be a pure mage. I got to lvl 17 mage and then stopped. i stopped rs thinkin about what to do for a wile. Then i decided to start a massive collection of cabbage. so that is what this thread is about i hope you enjoy.[/hide]




[hide=My goal and what wi will be doing to achieve that goal]


my goal is to collect as much cabbage as i can for as long as i play runescape. any time i am on rs i will most likely be collecting cabbage. i will aim for 1 million cabbage and i will work from there. 99% of the time i will be in world 50. private chat will always be on and i will of course be in lightning clan chat. talk to me if you want. I pcik lal my cabbage in draynor and bank in draynor.stop by and say hi if your in the neighborhood. [/hide]






(i might not get every day but i should get most)


[hide=DAY 1]


i was not on long at all today so this is all i got






[hide=Supporters list]


puppyking~first supporter :)












































im not on the most in the world just to let you know. but i usually get on everyday but mon-fri i not really on that much.

my goal for 1 million cabbage



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Good luck! I visited you blog as your demand.




Add me as 2nd supporter on your list! ::'

Ty Veyron for Siggy help!

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There is a bank in Zanaris Boris you fool :XD: :anxious:




I know, but theres a toll gate and you need 1 diamond to get through once,




1m/27 cabbage (1 slot lost from diamond)= 37037.037(recuring)




Its not worth wasting time.




Sammy you fool \' :XD:

Luck be a Lady

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  • 7 months later...
There is a bank in Zanaris Boris you fool :XD: :anxious:




I know, but theres a toll gate and you need 1 diamond to get through once,




1m/27 cabbage (1 slot lost from diamond)= 37037.037(recuring)




Its not worth wasting time.




Sammy you fool \' :XD:




No theres another bank in Zanaris just a lil northwest of the Zygomites, Boris you fool! \'






EDIT: I forgot to say I support! you'll be bored outta your mind but 100 Mill aint too bad (though you'll have to do Lost City or find a wheat field witht he crop circle to get there).

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