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Day Of Silence


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Is anyone participating? Iam, because I myself am gay.












The Day of Silence, a project of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) in collaboration with the United States Student Association (USSA), is a student-led day of action where those who support making anti-LGBT bias unacceptable in schools take a day-long vow of silence to recognize and protest the discrimination and harassment -- in effect, the silencing -- experienced by LGBT students and their allies.












For more information check out: http://www.dayofsilence.org/

6de6vi6l - Est. 2002

---New name= "iLike_Phish"

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Round here we don't have any trouble with those sorts of people... (in that they are socially well received by most, if not all).








I'd support that sort of thing if it were to come here, insofar as I'd not talk if that's what is desired. I somehow doubt that this area would participate, though; the people are too conservative. They're not closed minded, and they aren't at all oppressive (to my knowledge), but I can't see them being involved in any silence longer than on november the 11th.

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Its not like a parade or something, its a student run program..start one for next year :)








I know... but, as I say, there's really no (apparent) problems with it here, and I wouldn't want to disrupt things unnecessarily--might be a good excuse to get out of doing some manner of work at some point.... hmm. :)

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Its not like a parade or something, its a student run program..start one for next year :)








I know... but, as I say, there's really no (apparent) problems with it here, and I wouldn't want to disrupt things unnecessarily--might be a good excuse to get out of doing some manner of work at some point.... hmm. :)




Good luck if you do it :)

6de6vi6l - Est. 2002

---New name= "iLike_Phish"

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Isnt it a day for everyone who supports gays and thinks that they are silenced in schools should be silent the whole day to represent how gays/lesbians are silenced? I dont see how gays are silenced in anyway around my school but maybe it happens around yours.

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What are you gonna do when a teacher or somebody asks you a question?








Here at least, there's an arrangement with the school administration that anyone participating is exempt from any activities that would require them to speak.

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wouldnt people sign up for that so they wouldnt have to speak during class? Just so they wouldnt have to answer questions in class?




Some teachers will ask you to write your answear down on paper and hand it to her is she asks you a question

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We don't have any problem like that - in fact it's more difficult to shut a couple of them up! I know a large (well, for my area/generation at least) amount of GLTB people (if you to Uni you should know what that stands for - or its GLB in some places). Well, more L than G, but maybe that's just me.

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Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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Nope, participating in somthing like that around here will get your wagon kicked. Not that i would support anyways...







Wich is why this project has started in the first place. To stop hate in Homophobic schools, and to make a safe enviroment for GLBT students to free and open without discrimination. I guess im pretty lucky, I have yet to experience hate from others.












I dont see how gays are silenced in anyway around my school but maybe it happens around yours.




The people who are afraid to come out because of all the hate that happens, are silenced.








wouldnt people sign up for that so they wouldnt have to speak during class? Just so they wouldnt have to answer questions in class?




Yea you needa be signed up, at least at my school. They give you a little card to show your teachers, so random people can just like not talk in class :x

6de6vi6l - Est. 2002

---New name= "iLike_Phish"

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in our high school, its for anyone who has felt like they've been silenced because of sexual orientation, race, etc..




I did it last yr, but not doing it this yr because of a college fair trip. It's basically a day where you don't have to participate in school.

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First, you claim to be a girl on forums/game, then you say "Okay, okay, I'm a guy.", now you're a GAY guy?








For god's sake, make up your mind, lol.




If you looked at my msn display pic you shoulda known i was g@y lmao :lol:

6de6vi6l - Est. 2002

---New name= "iLike_Phish"

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Sorry, but this is something I just can't support. I don't see why gays deserve a special day to honor their sexual orientation. Heck, you might as well have a "porn-addict's rights day" or an "adulterer's rights day." They're all sexually immoral, and I see no reason to support that.








Now, before you start flaming me and saying that I'm just discriminating, let me explain something. I used to be in that same boat, because I was addicted to porn for a while. I consider that just as bad as homosexuality or adultery. I'm sure there's guys here who know what that's like and how horrible it is to be trapped in lust like that. I wasn't able to quit until I came to know Christ, and I'm still recovering from the mental and emotional scars. Based on my experience with sexual immorality, I don't think homosexuality should be encouraged in any way, shape, or form. Rather, I think we should provide them with counselling and help them recover and be normal.








Mods, sorry if anything in there is offensive or inappropriate, but that's my view of the situation.



"In so far as I am Man I am the chief of creatures. In so far as I am a man I am the chief of sinners." - G.K. Chesterton

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Sorry, but this is something I just can't support. I don't see why gays deserve a special day to honor their sexual orientation. Heck, you might as well have a "porn-addict's rights day" or an "adulterer's rights day." They're all sexually immoral, and I see no reason to support that.








Now, before you start flaming me and saying that I'm just discriminating, let me explain something. I used to be in that same boat, because I was addicted to porn for a while. I consider that just as bad as homosexuality or adultery. I'm sure there's guys here who know what that's like and how horrible it is to be trapped in lust like that. I wasn't able to quit until I came to know Christ, and I'm still recovering from the mental and emotional scars. Based on my experience with sexual immorality, I don't think homosexuality should be encouraged in any way, shape, or form. Rather, I think we should provide them with counselling and help them recover and be normal.








Mods, sorry if anything in there is offensive or inappropriate, but that's my view of the situation.








Its your oppinion, and i respect that.








But what is, normal? The world is SO diverse..what is the norm?

6de6vi6l - Est. 2002

---New name= "iLike_Phish"

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Sorry, but this is something I just can't support. I don't see why gays deserve a special day to honor their sexual orientation. Heck, you might as well have a "porn-addict's rights day" or an "adulterer's rights day." They're all sexually immoral, and I see no reason to support that.








Now, before you start flaming me and saying that I'm just discriminating, let me explain something. I used to be in that same boat, because I was addicted to porn for a while. I consider that just as bad as homosexuality or adultery. I'm sure there's guys here who know what that's like and how horrible it is to be trapped in lust like that. I wasn't able to quit until I came to know Christ, and I'm still recovering from the mental and emotional scars. Based on my experience with sexual immorality, I don't think homosexuality should be encouraged in any way, shape, or form. Rather, I think we should provide them with counselling and help them recover and be normal.








Mods, sorry if anything in there is offensive or inappropriate, but that's my view of the situation.








When i first started reading your post I agreed. I dont think that any race/sex deserves a special day over any others. This is only a one off protest type thing tho so i guess its ok. It would be annoying in the workplace however if 5% (the world average gay population apparently) of the people here stopped talking. As far as i am aware there isnt any sexual discrimination here. Maybe its different for others I dunno.








Porn addict and adultery are sexually immoral i guess but being gay most certainly is not! You then go on to blab about how christ loves you yadda yadda yadda and it all falls into place. You are brainwashed by fools that cannot accept how people are.




Being gay IS NOT abnormal and they shouldnt need councilling any more than your typical straight person








I find your point of view very offensive and innapropriate and most of all complete rubbish. I dont respect your opinion because it ISNT your opinion, its what you have been told is right by someone else.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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Porn addict and adultery are sexually immoral i guess but being gay most certainly is not! You then go on to blab about how christ loves you yadda yadda yadda and it all falls into place. You are brainwashed by fools that cannot accept how people are.




Being gay IS NOT abnormal and they shouldnt need councilling any more than your typical straight person








Homosexual intercourse cannot lead to the procreation of the species, making it an abnormal sexual preference. It's common sense, not bible-humping.

I know the price. I pay it gladly.

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Porn addict and adultery are sexually immoral i guess but being gay most certainly is not! You then go on to blab about how christ loves you yadda yadda yadda and it all falls into place. You are brainwashed by fools that cannot accept how people are.




Being gay IS NOT abnormal and they shouldnt need councilling any more than your typical straight person








Homosexual intercourse cannot lead to the procreation of the species, making it an abnormal sexual preference. It's common sense, not bible-humping.








Masturbation does not lead to procreation of the species either. I still consider it perfectly normal.

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So, does this mean I can have a silence day for being straight?




With no incentive to offend, I don't care. You're gay, big smeg. I don't see why that gives you the right to have a stand up and be counted day like this.




If you are being discriminated for it that's totally wrong, of course it is. I hardly see how this, however, would prevent it.




Just because you have a different sexual preference doesn't mean you should be oppressed to express in anyway. Alas, it also doesn't give you a higher right to express like this.




Just be happy for who you are. This is making a bigger issue than it already is.

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Based on my experience with sexual immorality, I don't think homosexuality should be encouraged in any way, shape, or form. Rather, I think we should provide them with counselling and help them recover and be normal.











Porn addict and adultery are sexually immoral i guess but being gay most certainly is not! You then go on to blab about how christ loves you yadda yadda yadda and it all falls into place. You are brainwashed by fools that cannot accept how people are.




Being gay IS NOT abnormal and they shouldnt need councilling any more than your typical straight person








Several things.








I agree with Mercifull, in that I don't believe that being gay is immoral; people are born being gay. Your God allows sin, as far as I can gather, because it's the fault of the person sinning--if a man kills someone in a rage, it's his fault. However, how can it be the person's fault if they are born that way? It's like telling a left handed person to become righthanded, because well all know that there's something sinnister about lefties.








Addiction to porn is just that: an addiction; whereas being gay (I would assume) is like being christian. Are you addicted to being Christian? No, it's something you are now. Who here knows any formerly gay people? Asking someone to become straight is probably like asking someone to change their political stance; it's brainwashing, and isn't their choice.








Point two: I would agree with Astralinre about it being wrong to encourage it... if that were at all the issue. It's wrong to encourage any sexual preference.

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