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A Short Interview With Woopidoo2!


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Hello woopidoo2, Thanks for letting me have the chance to interview you!




Woopidoo2:Your Welcome




Well, I see that your currently a Moderator of the Gallery forum. How Is that going for you?








Very good, About 80% of all my posts are somewhere in The Gallery.


From the very beginning The Gallery attracted me, I really like to design things and since December '06 I am a motivated photographer. I also like to give advice to others, I think thats what made me a Tip.it Staff member. :)




Good, When did you become a Moderator? And have you ever been on any other part of the Tip.It staff?






I wish I could tell you, but I cant remember the date. I tried to remind myself to save 'The PM' where Albosky asked me to join the staff, but due to being too busy with school it got deleted :)


I think Im a moderator since... March?




Did you ever expect to join the Tip.It Staff?






No I really didnt, it came totally unexpected. When my father asked me once what 'Tip.it' was all about I told him something about what people post around here, and he joked around and said: 'Well, you must be a staff member then? I remember I said: No, I wish... 8-)




When Did you start using Tip.It's Forums?






*Points at join date*






How did you hear about them?






The one who told me about these forums was Rodsay, a good friend of mine when I still used my main, Woopidoo2. She said she had made some guides for the Frontpage, but she doesnt have a forum account. Too bad, shes a real good person. I dont know what happened if she never told me about Tip.it.




What forums do you most enjoy?






The Gallery, Off Topic. I read alot more than I post at OT, so I know more what happens there then you might think :)




Cool! Well, Thanks Again for letting me have the time to Interview you, See you around!








No problem, thanks for interviewing me.

~Tip.It's #1 Party Girl & Events Team Supporter~


Next TET Event: A Holy Pilgrimage!

Next TET AU Event: Zamorak Strikes Back Part 1!

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