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Brave attempt by a photoshop newb


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Ok, I made this sig and avatar last night, it's probably only the second or third time I've used photoshop for something like this... go easy on me :P








Credit goes to Azvareth for finding me a good stars tutorial.

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Right, uhm. I think the background serves its purpose, eventhough it could be improved. It looks a bit... moderate, currently. But for a first, it looks good (even if you followed a tutorial :P).








As for the text, it's cool that you chose the Nightwish font (heh), but it's a bit hard to read. Too thin, me thinks (due to its small size). To fix this, go: right click the text layer --> Blending Modes --> Stroke. Add a 1px white stroke, and set the Opacity to about 50+... or just set it to whatever you think looks the best.




Also I suggest you fix the outer glow; make it more focused, because it works as a blur all over the text which, obviously, makes it hard to read, as well. Just alter the "Area" pin (or whatever it's called. It's right under the Contour-thingy) until it looks good, and is more readable.








Other than that, I like the atmosphere of the piece. So I think you did a fine job, especially for a first. :)
















// Azvi.


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Thanks for the suggestions, I'll try to work them out tomorrow.

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