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A big staking problem - finally resolved.


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Stopping xlogging was like fixing a flat tire.




The 3k staking limit is then like setting the car on fire and driving it over a bridge into a canyon.




But at least the tire's fixed.




That comment made my day.




In my opinion, it was a temporary update by Jagex to make us to try out the tournament, instead of just sticking to 1v1 staking where you can stake more and have better chances of winning.


621st person to achieve 99 slayer on December 3rd, 2007

177th person to 99 summoning on June 21st, 2008

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Hahaha, so they fixed X logging and then just totally deleted staking, what was the point with fixing it if they're just going to delete staking anyway? :roll: Seriously.




Hehe, wow, now X loggers can't scam me off of 3k :D

[insert birds flying in a circle here]

Yes, that sig was annoying.

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Good! except for the fact killed it at the same time. So to use another example: they put a band-aid on staking, then shot it in the head and stabbed it numerous times.






lol gonna siggy :P






so many funny posts here




and yeah. stakin dead. i had been making a staker





I'm gonna be walking down an alley in varrock, and walka is going to walk up to me in a trench coat and say "psst.. hey man, wanna buy some sara brew"

walka92- retired with 99 in attack, strength, defence, health, magic, ranged, prayer and herblore and 137 combat. some day i may return to claim 138 combat, but alas, that time has not yet come

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Personally, the "xlogging" update should have been there from the start, but such is the way of life. On the 3k stake limit, however, there's an issue. It's perfectly alright, IF YOU'RE LEVEL 7. Even a set of STEEL costs more than this!!! When they wake up and check the rants forum, if my guess is correct, the post dedicated to this will be well over 2000 pages long, if not 3000. The number of members accounts will also probably send a message. On the tournaments, I think they should have one room where the tourneys are set up as they are now (with the obvious change of how they're paired up, instead doing it by LEVELS, and allowing numbers as little as 8 start after like 5-10 mins), and allow the players to set the rules and ante in another room. That's my only real gripe there.




its just about 8k, if not 8k already in the RSOF rants. i think plenty of people aren't very happy, but ya know what? i hope they DON'T change it back. It is helpful from keeping Gold farmers from transferring their money to buyers. It is unfortunate, but necessary.




I wouldn't mind if this perminatly eliminated rwt...


... but it doesnt, they can still do it!!!


so why do it??




Its like them removing woodcut and fishing and mining and green dragons from the game just to stop gold farmers earning money...

Solo GWD'er


Drops: Bandos Hilt x 1/ boots x 1 / Steam staff x 1 / Shards x 9


99 Str/ 99 Att/ 99 HP (More to come...)

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Personally, the "xlogging" update should have been there from the start, but such is the way of life. On the 3k stake limit, however, there's an issue. It's perfectly alright, IF YOU'RE LEVEL 7. Even a set of STEEL costs more than this!!! When they wake up and check the rants forum, if my guess is correct, the post dedicated to this will be well over 2000 pages long, if not 3000. The number of members accounts will also probably send a message. On the tournaments, I think they should have one room where the tourneys are set up as they are now (with the obvious change of how they're paired up, instead doing it by LEVELS, and allowing numbers as little as 8 start after like 5-10 mins), and allow the players to set the rules and ante in another room. That's my only real gripe there.




its just about 8k, if not 8k already in the RSOF rants. i think plenty of people aren't very happy, but ya know what? i hope they DON'T change it back. It is helpful from keeping Gold farmers from transferring their money to buyers. It is unfortunate, but necessary.




They can trade the money between the accounts just as easily.




Buyer: Hey man, long time no see


Gold seller: Yea I know I quit like a year ago lol


Buyer: Aww man why?


Gold seller: this game sucks i moved on to WoW, you want some of my stuff


Buyer: yea sure! if you dont need it anymore


Gold seller: kk come to varrock mid


-Buyer goes to varrock mid-




Buyer: holy! wow thanks man!


gold seller: Yea np, i dont play anymore, figure it should go to someone who does


Gold seller: If you get WoW add me, the name is the same.


Buyer: yea for sure, cya, and thanks!


-gold seller logs out-






Would anything be suspicious about that? No.


Erm..yeah and they would probably be banned for receiving a lopsided trade. I know people who have givin their friends 10 MIL without receiving anything in return. Days later both accounts are banned for RWT. Appeal process was denied. Just because it "looked" like a RWT.

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