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Update of items kept on death with GE?


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This would actually be quite an interesting thing to see, although im not sure if it would happen or if it would benefit as many people as we all think it could.




For example, We all have seen the recent update to RWT and the staking nerf. Why did jagex do this, well as we all have been thinking its also their attempt to have people go back to skilling to make money, not have 10times the amount of people that stake get cleaned and quit. And then have that person that won those 10 peoples wealths RWT and get banned with all of that.




So the fact that we know jagex has never liked how people could win such vast amounts of money in such a short amount of time, and how they never intended for the current rares such as party hats to do what they have done over the years with their inflated prices...Tends to lead me that if Item prices are redone for items kept on death. That it might not include rares.




[hide]I'm sure there was prolly a much better way of saying that I doubt that if this happens that Rares will keep over other items.[/hide]

CLICK - 770th to 99 SLAYER 2/4/08 - 204th to 99 Summoning 7/1/08 CLICK



[Hide=List of Drops That I haven't updated in Years but want to keep in my Sig anyways...]VISAGE DROP - 12/06/07

3 Duo Sara Hilts, 3 Duo Arma Hilts, 2 Trio Arma Hilts.

Dark Bows: (11) Dragon Boots: (50!)

Whip Drops: (42!!!) Dragon Drops: (90+!!!!!) 2 D CHAINS!, 3 D Axe, 8 D meds, 7 left halfs, 7 D legs, 6 skirts, 8 Spears[/hide]

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For rares I agree but for the rest I say keep the say.








I'd wear my santa hat more


No, I don't have a phat, and even though santas are a bit over 20m, I still refuse to wear it since If I die thats 1 less santa I own and that would be sad since it's my favorite.



the trick is to balance all of these methods to get 99 and either play real life or train another skill while farming.


635th to 99 Farming 12/16/07

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Spear prices would crash, helm prices would skyrocket... :?




Its effect on the rare market could be up or down because itd lead to one less way of losing rares.


Ever wanted to find street prices of RS items? Check out the SPOLI Index


Nex Drops: Pernix Cowl, Pernix Chaps, Torva Helm, Torva Platebody, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Chaps, Virtus Robe Legs, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Mask, Torva Legs, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Zaryte Bow, Virtus Robe Legs, Virtus Robe Top, Virtus Robe Top, Torva Platelegs, Zaryte Bow, Pernix Body, Torva Platelegs, Torva Platelegs, Virtus Robe Top

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I think the system should, like normal, choose your 3 items that you keep on death, but I also think that you should be able to swap out items you would prefer to keep on death.




For example: when I die I would lose everything but my whip, rune plate, and legs. I would rather keep my rune boots since the real value is higher than the price of rune legs.




I mean Jagex owns the characters, but shouldn't, we the people who are playing them get to control what we keep?

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Interesting idea, and I agree with this. It's pretty odd that a gold bar, or even a lobster would be kept over a phat. Though, another interesting idea, is that you don't die, thus you don't lose anything. I know its very frustrating when this happens, but in my opinion losing things is a consequence of a runescape death and a minor one at that. And as for dying with a rare on? I'd think anyone who put themself in a situation to risk death with a rare on is pretty stupid.

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