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Rs2: Blaming Miniclip For All The Evils Of Runescape


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What was worst about Runescapes new inhabitants were that Jagex just welcomed them with open arms. Do you guys remember the time when the wilderness ditch wasn't around? Or when they still made quests like Underground Pass? Those times are over, nowadays they really dumb things up, kids are roaming around Runescape and they expect Runescape to be kid friendly, and so they get their way.


Were they blind to what was going on and where RS was going? or did they actually want for Runescape to be taken over by noobs?


I dunno, maybe they make a better profit by doing that. Afterall kids are the main source of income when it comes to games and miniclip and the like are just major hubs leading them through the world of free benefits known as the internet.


In the end, even though I don't like to believe it, profit is what it is about so why shouldn't it be alright with them?



I'll get there!

... eventually

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Yeah runescape is full of kids who got there parents to pay for runescape with their credit cards and it automatically renews every month without the parents knowing it would happen and the little kid gets members forever. None of this would have happened if rs wasn't on miniclip and the little brats discoverd it. And Schoolastic wouldn't of made a fricking book on runescape that says it's for 8+ year olds!




Also if that quote is from december 2006 then it's inaccurate since well I started playing 11 months ago and people were the same as they are now unless it happened in a month's time..




God one of my friends checked that book out of the library so we could get a chuckle. It is so out dated and just.....uhhhh. mini clip and scholastic have ruined Runescape.




It was fine until around a year after RS classic.

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^ Cowboy is the Best ^


Hell yeah I do. Whats your msn?

That's how it all starts.


Next he's going to ask you what flavor of candy you enjoy and whats your favorite color van.

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Back in Classic probably the problem wasn't as noticeable since there were far less players than today, however, with growth the problem just became much more noticeable everywhere you went in Runescape.








I started Runescape though back in Classic. The problem was not as bad as today, and usually, other players were helpful to you. Someone I know even showed me around Runescape and led me to Varrock when I first started.




Just goes to show you what has changed in this game over the years.

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i'd say that runescape did use to be a pretty enjoyable place to me. when you asked, people answered. when you suddenly wore weird clothes, people asked why and some joined in. people helped each other; actually talked to each other.




but then...i came in right after bunny ears and missed out on scythes...so...things basically began to change after rs2 became rs2. i mean...there was this whole sleeping bag thing for a while, then i stopped playing an entire two years, and when i got back into the game, people had changed. so now..i just keep my mouth shut and carry on doing my own stuff. and when people try to scam or call me noob, i say "work on it. that's the spirit."




one thing to note though...i've realized that a lot of members - most of the mid level (i.e. up to the 80s and 90s max.) members never care to stand on someone else's viewpoints. basically what they do is squish all the young ones (in terms of levels) way down into the ground and tell them to stop being 'noobs'. and just how do you define noobs? we should get someone on tutorial island to start callin all the players noobs, just so they can get used to it; cos this is a chain reaction - once you get called noob, you call others noobs. it just goes on and on. so miniclip doesn't take full blame. we do. our minds do.

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u kinda have to look at runescape as being the world we live in right now most of the people in real life are the same as the community of runescape there are beggers, scammers, and annoying people but even though there is a huge percentage of those kind of people you can still find good helpful people and if you have enough of them you can easily forget the flaws of our world or runescape and just keep on living and or playing. So even though the game may have been better back then complaining about it wont help or change the game so continue on being a good person and if you hate it so much then quit though i dont recommend that in real life

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