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RAWR RARWR RARAWR stupid updates die


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Jagex should learn to play.


the game officially sucks now, its quite stupid of them, the game is controlled by the players and that is what makes a game fun!




I along with many others think most of your updates today are stupid.


What if somebody wants to sell an item for 4k cheaper?


Yeh your stupid system restricts it, there goes mates rates.


Controlling the prices is lame.




So are these stupid tomb stones. The whole point of the game is risk, and risk makes it fun. you cant even take non combat items into the wildy anymore!


lame lame lame




ok im angry and not making any sense so ill just be quite. :oops:


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everyone loves runescape!




Correction: Everyone loved* Runescape




Correction:So far 2 people* loved Runescape.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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I don't think so. Besides you people should just adapt to the new updates. You're the minority that's ranting.




Obviously you didnt have any rares, any friends to trade items to.


Or enough money to pay for members (dueling)


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I don't think so. Besides you people should just adapt to the new updates. You're the minority that's ranting.




Obviously you didnt have any rares, any friends to trade items to.


Or enough money to pay for members (dueling)


I said I don't agree to that new 3k limit on trading, but soon people will adapt to it. But I want that damn limit OUT, Jagex shouldn't do that just because of gold-sellers. And I do have money for members, thank you very much. But it doesn't want to travel to England.

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There's people on World 32 Varrock asking for the old Wildy. I wanted to say to them that I don't give a damn, just remove those damn revenants. I was going to buy a cape and I got attacked by a Revenant Goblin, lvl37. It hit a 11 with magic on me, and I was unarmored.


(I saw 3 Revenant Imps in a line moving about, was kinda funny).

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No offense, but that's a pretty spoiled thought of how you said "the people control the game and that's what makes it fun"... that's.. partially true but if the world and games were perfect, there's no fun.


Risks are stuff that people cannot control and that makes things even more fun, so either way, if one "fun" is greater, the other decreases so it's totally neutral.




I'm going to say this again, but try to give Jagex suggestions rather than to rant and rant about it.

You are not alone, Our Father, God will always be with you.

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