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"The Game" How Far Can You Go?


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I'm useless at this thing, any clues for number 8 with "William fothergill cooke" in the title and a bunch of lines and dots in the picture.


What do those lines and dots remind you of? Perhaps the precursor to the telephone?


Morse code, thanks. Now I'm stuck on 9 after turning off the light, what am I supposed to be appending?


EDIT: Never mind, got it. On to 10.

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I never got 18 myself, I stumbled across the answer somewhere but still can't figure out how they got it.




I'm on 20 now, but I haven't really been trying and I have homework.


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Can someone please just tell me the answer to number 11? I've been staring at it for over an hour and the hints people gave still arent helping me.




Edit: Actually, the hints people gave actually threw me off. People said to change the mistake, I thought there was a spelling mistake, but it was a different type.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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Can someone please just tell me the answer to number 11? I've been staring at it for over an hour and the hints people gave still arent helping me.




Edit: Actually, the hints people gave actually threw me off. People said to change the mistake, I thought there was a spelling mistake, but it was a different type.




[hide=Clue]Try to think outside of the game[hide=Clue 2]Check the main page![hide=Clue 3]There's something fishy about the Picture on the main page![hide=Clue4]It's not yourworld, but MYworld![/hide][/hide][/hide][/hide]




Does this clear up anything?



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or maybe try learning a little more about william?




still stuck on 18 btw...i've been told to look at the url of the mp3 but thats not getting me anywhere




[hide=Clue]The answer is in ID3v2 Tags![hide=Clue 2]Try changing the url to the song that's playing![/hide][/hide]



Are you into DnB or Dubstep?

Be sure to check my SOUNDCLOUD and MIXCLOUD,

and like me on FACEBOOK to stay up to date!

Latest mix: Leuven Goes Out Deejay Contest Winning Set (Dubstep + DnB)

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I've pretty much given up over #15 :x
Me too! Help please? I know what ID3v2 tags are, but I can't for the life of me figure out what to do with the knowledge...


Being immature is a part of being mature.
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I've pretty much given up over #15 :x
Me too! Help please? I know what ID3v2 tags are, but I can't for the life of me figure out what to do with the knowledge...




think about the picture and the hint:




theres more HERE than this "game"


Uh, thats not a hint to this question :P

Doomy edit: I like sheep

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dangit im stuck on fake 30 now. i read the source but that didnt really help




#1 Wongtong stalker.

Im looking for some No Limit soldiers!

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My girlfriend and I found this one out after like 2 hours #-o. Here's the trick:


[hide]You need to find the song "king of my world" on the author's homepage. Save the mp3 to your computer and find a way to view the ID3 file. That's the thing that shows you the artist info, etc. If you don't have winamp, just open the mp3 file in notepad and look for some meaningful text in there. [/hide]




Hope that hint was enough for you.



Proud owner of a Quest cape!

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I'm still stuck on level 4. :?


I changed the "IV" to "8" and it comes up with an image and there is a caption of "Skip Something?" and a number eight in the top left corner. I can't click on anything and its confusing me. :(


I've tried to change the image link and it doesn't work.


Hint please?

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Source refers to the source code of the web page. If you're using IE7, it can be found under the 'page' tab in the upper right of the browser. Firefox was explained way back in the first few pages, I don't remember how as I don't use it.


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