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The future of the PS3 and the 360


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The hard drive is pretty useless without many good games to save on it.




I haven't got a ps3 myself, but a friend of mine has got one since it came out here in Holland. And I have played plenty of good games on it. Motorstorm, Stuntman 2, the Darkness, Uncharted, Assasin's Creed, Warhawk, Ratchet and Clank, Resitance and various games that you could download from the shop. Now that's eight good games from a console that has been out from March 2007, a good game a month. And I guess that they will be releasing games in the future as well, I couldn't imagine all those games being bad. At this point in time I just don't see the logic in buying a 360, sorry. The console (ps3) is more powerfull, it has got a blu-ray player, excellent online support (yes the 360 has got that as well, of course), and I think a longer lasting future. I wouldn't mind spending 50 bucks more for that.

Motorstrom and Stuntman 2(haven't even heard of this one) don't sound like they would entertain me long. Haven't heard of the Darkness either. Assassin's Creed is on the 360 as well. Warhawk, R&C, Resistance, and Uncharted look good, but do any of them have very much lasting appeal?




It might have the specs, but games really don't look any better(in fact, some look worse) than they do on the 360. Online support is owned by the 360 hands down. Blu-ray is a great feature of the PS3, I'll give you that. But I'm personally not a big movie watcher, and I don't think I'd watch blu-ray movies very often. I certainly wouldn't spend $30 on a movie I could get on DVD for $15.






This being said, you really can't go wrong with either. While they both have excellent exclusives, there are also great games that will be released for both. While I love my 360, 3 out of the 4 games I own(I own NCAA Football 2008, Call of Duty 4, Guitar Hero 3, and Halo 3) are available on the PS3. Now, I've rented Bioshock and Gears of War, and both were great games.




I'm personally an online gamer. There is no way I would spend $400 on an additional console that only offers a few more excellent single player games(R&C, Uncharted, MGS4). I'd much rather have a 360 which has online games such as Halo 3 which has the potential to provide hundreds of hours of online play.




Now, I may change this view when the next R&C game gets online support. R&C:UYA entertained me for months and months with the stellar online play.




Competition is nothing but good for us, the gamers.




I still think 360 is the superior of the two though.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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Can't say I know much about this, but I will say one thing;




PS3 sales will skyrocket once FF13 comes out. Got to love those FF fans.




Goodness knows it's a good enough reason for me to finally buy one.

What's your definition of skyrocket? I highly doubt that more than 100,000 FF fans who don't currently own a PS3 will go buy one just for that game.




I guess Halo made the 360 skyrocket, but Halo gets 100x the hype FF does.

Quit RS, combat 104, total 1651


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  • 4 months later...
PS3 will crush 360. Wii will remain on top. I really don't see why people are still complainig about the price tag of the PS3. It's 50 dollars more expensive, but you get 20 GB of hard disc space extra, AND a blu ray player. Now I don't know, but that seems like a pretty sweet deal.
The hard drive is pretty useless without many good games to save on it.




PS3 will most likely finish dead last, 360 second, and the Wii will win.




Do you even know anything about the games on the PS3?

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as of now, the ps3 is 9million consoles behind the 360, and the 360 is 3mill behind the wii. I dont think that MGS4 and FF13 alone could suffice for that much, especially with Fable 2 down the road. i know MGS and FF13 are better than fable, but 9 million is to much of a gap. And you people that are saying that in 4 years no one will want dvd and will flock to the ps3 for its blu ray: these are gaming consoles, and in 4 years the zeyphr (next console for micro) will be out.








p.s. speaking of future the ps3 verision of COD: World at War will only be a port. The true verision will be originally disigne for the 360

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luluu can you show us where you got those numbers?


i'm seeing way different numbers than that, the gap between the wii and 360 is alot bigger and gap between the ps3 and 360 is alot smaller. the ps3 can catch up to the 360 because it has outsold the 360 every single week this year. why? i don't know because supposedly the 360 has better games but is still selling less than the ps3




i won't argue that the wii is going to sell the most consoles even though i believe it has the least amount of great games. as it is now, all 3 consoles have their fair share of good exclusives from smash brothers, to mass effect to mgs4


but the wii is missing out on alot of games that the ps3 and 360 share like orange box, gta4, cod, resident evil 5, devil may cry, assassin's creed, add bioshock to that list etc




i use my ps3 more than my 360 due to the blu ray factor, but in terms of a gaming system they are pretty equal. the ps3 has alot more raw power and capabilities but there is almost no difference between the 360 versions and ps3 versions of games because the developers create them pretty equally so saying the ps3 is more powerful means so little. power isnt' really the main argument, the main argument is the games on the systems. but now i can't really say that the ps3 still doesn't have enough good games because it has plenty.




wii games are also the cheapest and fastest to make so most of the companies trying to jump on the wii's massive install base fail. most wii's successes come from nintendo itself so it really isn't the console of the future because all it can handle are zelda, mario, and smash brothers games and a few exercise games like wii play/sports/fit




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p.s. speaking of future the ps3 verision of COD: World at War will only be a port. The true verision will be originally disigne for the 360




I don't think thats true, they only announced it in the last few days and haven't said anythnig about this.

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PS3 will crush 360. Wii will remain on top. I really don't see why people are still complainig about the price tag of the PS3. It's 50 dollars more expensive, but you get 20 GB of hard disc space extra, AND a blu ray player. Now I don't know, but that seems like a pretty sweet deal.
The hard drive is pretty useless without many good games to save on it.




PS3 will most likely finish dead last, 360 second, and the Wii will win.




Do you even know anything about the games on the PS3?




And the simple part that wii isnt even next gen ...




And ps3 WILL Come up top next year .. 360 has wayyy to many exclusives so far to come this year.






Don't flame my opinion on the wii.


Blame yourself you dumb wii fan boy. -.-

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ps3 is good even though its expensive. Ppl just dont like it because their parents wont cooperate on buying it. others it is good and u r also missing the fact that it has blueray dvd player which is a key factor. they r expensive and if u buy ps3 its basically 50$ more than the blue ray by its self.




so if ur shopping for blue ray u might as well buy ps3 and have some fun!




+ xboxes r usually unreliable and have a great chance of breaking.




they r almost the same thing with similar games its just that ps3 is more expensive. but it does have the blueray making it worth it as well. if u have the money go buy the ps3.

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And the simple part that wii isnt even next gen ...



Are you serious? If I were to pick one console to be a "next gen console", it would be the Wii. Yeah, PS3s have Blu-ray, 360s are just good, but please explain to me how they're extraordinarily different from PS2s/Xboxes.


I believe the most recent numbers are Wii - 25 million, 360 - 20 million, PS3 - 13 million. Looks like the PS3s in a hole, right? It really sucks right now, but I have to agree, in a few years, it will catch up to the 360. Probably not the Wii though, even though many people will buy PS3s for Blu-ray and the few good games that are coming out, many more people will buy Wiis.


This thread is about PS3s vs. 360s, however, so um...Well, I'd say that generally, they're the same as systems. The only big difference is that PS3s are Blu-ray. It could be a deciding factor, it might not.


As for games, what's the best-selling game for PS3s? MotorStorm? 3 million copies? Halo 3 is way ahead, over 8 million copies...As for the future, sure, there are a bunch of decent exclusives coming up, but there are just as many coming out for 360s...


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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And the simple part that wii isnt even next gen ...



Are you serious? If I were to pick one console to be a "next gen console", it would be the Wii. Yeah, PS3s have Blu-ray, 360s are just good, but please explain to me how they're extraordinarily different from PS2s/Xboxes.


I believe the most recent numbers are Wii - 25 million, 360 - 20 million, PS3 - 13 million. Looks like the PS3s in a hole, right? It really sucks right now, but I have to agree, in a few years, it will catch up to the 360. Probably not the Wii though, even though many people will buy PS3s for Blu-ray and the few good games that are coming out, many more people will buy Wiis.


This thread is about PS3s vs. 360s, however, so um...Well, I'd say that generally, they're the same as systems. The only big difference is that PS3s are Blu-ray. It could be a deciding factor, it might not.


As for games, what's the best-selling game for PS3s? MotorStorm? 3 million copies? Halo 3 is way ahead, over 8 million copies...As for the future, sure, there are a bunch of decent exclusives coming up, but there are just as many coming out for 360s...




You forget the wii is last gen hardware hense it can be sold for a lot less.


If you've got anyone to blame its the wii fan boys.

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You forget the wii is last gen hardware hense it can be sold for a lot less.


If you've got anyone to blame its the wii fan boys.


And the 360 and PS3 use last generation controls. Your point?


My point is that each console has its strengths and weaknesses, the Wii's strength is its innovation of motion controls, its weakness is the hardware. The PS3s strength is the Blu-ray (Graphics), the weakness is the cost, and a current lack of good games. I consider the 360 to be good all around, though it does have some weaknesses, such as being prone to hardware failures (RRoD FTL).


And you really think all 25 million people that bought Wiis are fanboys?


Cenin pân nîd, istan pân nîd, dan nin ú-cenich, nin ú-istach.

Ithil luin eria vi menel caran...Tîn dan delu.

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You forget the wii is last gen hardware hense it can be sold for a lot less.


If you've got anyone to blame its the wii fan boys.


And the 360 and PS3 use last generation controls. Your point?


My point is that each console has its strengths and weaknesses, the Wii's strength is its innovation of motion controls, its weakness is the hardware. The PS3s strength is the Blu-ray (Graphics), the weakness is the cost, and a current lack of good games. I consider the 360 to be good all around, though it does have some weaknesses, such as being prone to hardware failures (RRoD FTL).


And you really think all 25 million people that bought Wiis are fanboys?






Innovation or gimmick?




And last gen controlers? How ... It makes it easier for the players of the games.

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