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Should I still keep my pure?...


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I'm sure this has been asked already, but honestly I only played RS to pk so naturally I'm pretty pissed. I'm F2P and I heard bounty hunting was stupid because you just get teamed by a dozen 1-itemers, but is there any way at all to salvage all the work I put into my pure?




Those random monsters in the wild are supposed to "replace" pkers, so do they drop anything good? Are they based on your level?

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1) What combat level is your pure? If its 50-55, then itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s going to do OK in Bounty Hunter. Anything over 55 though and its not going to do very well against level 95 tanks!


2) Bounty Hunter is designed for teams, and as such you need to have a group of mates who are well organised to take down other teams. Practice in clan wars til you get your piling down, then use those techniques in BH for some rewards.


3) Jagex have stated that they will be bringing out a 1v1 area in 2008, so I would hang onto the pure in the meantime. DO NOT get def or prayer on it if you are staying F2P, and if you are under level 55, then train up your range/strength to max out 1 level below it (you will gain the extra combat level playing BH later anyway.)


4) You will not be able to drop trade anything to your pure after 1 Jan, so make sure he is well stocked prior to this date.

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Stay pure. Soo many of my old pure friends are getting 40 def and 44 pray, it's disgusting. I don't know if the 1v1 pking coming in the next few months will be worth holding out for, but don't get def or pray no matter what. With or without it you'll just get annhilated in BH without a team. And with a team, the higher str/range, the better.




If you need something to do in the meantime, just skill. Or duel arena maybe.




The wildy monsters only drop gold in f2p, to my knowledge.

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4) You will not be able to drop trade anything to your pure after 1 Jan, so make sure he is well stocked prior to this date.




That summarises half the reason why they are removing drop trading anyway. Well done. =D>




Keep the account, it may be useful in the future.

~ W ~



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i think you should post in Graveyard Help & Advice




Also yes! Jagex is coming out with a new 1v1 arena. :)

This is a temporary account. Ash6110 is my real one. As soon as I get my account back I will not be using this one anymore.



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4) You will not be able to drop trade anything to your pure after 1 Jan, so make sure he is well stocked prior to this date.




That summarises half the reason why they are removing drop trading anyway. Well done. =D>




Keep the account, it may be useful in the future.




I thought that drop trading was already gone?


I haven't played in a while, how long will items say on the ground?

Any fool can write a rule, but any fool will mind it




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i think you should post in Graveyard Help & Advice




Also yes! Jagex is coming out with a new 1v1 arena. :)

Yeah, now you can kill the other person for 5k! Can't wait!



P2P offers more and better ways of making money than f2p. That's one of the cons you just have to play with if you don't feel like having 1 bigmac meal less per month.

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4) You will not be able to drop trade anything to your pure after 1 Jan, so make sure he is well stocked prior to this date.




That summarises half the reason why they are removing drop trading anyway. Well done. =D>




Keep the account, it may be useful in the future.




I thought that drop trading was already gone?


I haven't played in a while, how long will items say on the ground?




You are right, drop trading is already gone. BUT you can still do unbalanced trades with a mate - if you want your pure to have 10 scims, and a few hundy strength pots, 1k lobs etc ready to do battle - then best get on with transferring those goodies now.




To the self righteous who say this is the reason for Jagex stopping trading over 3k - get off your high horse this istant - itÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s a shieffield pony, not a stallion. Stocking your pure up with goodies has no bearing on Jagex enforcing balanced trades.

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