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Bush Tells Israeli's Should get out of Arab Land


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Bush urges Israeli occupation end




US President George W Bush has said Israel must end occupation of Arab land taken in 1967 so that a viable Palestinian state can be created.


He also urged a solution to the Palestinian refugee issue which would involve paying compensation.




This is thought to be the first time Mr Bush has publicly pressed the Israelis to give up occupied land.




Mr Bush was speaking in Jerusalem after two days of talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders.




He also re-affirmed US commitment to an Israel inside secure and defensible borders.




And he called on Arab states to reach out to Israel - a step he said was "long overdue".




Earlier, Mr Bush said he believed the two sides would be able to sign a peace deal before he leaves office in January 2009.




:-k Very Interesting, First he gives Israelis weapons to fight the Palestians. Only a few years ago America recognised Palestians as terrorists




Now hes telling Israeli should give back its terrority




Personally I believe it was the only right thing to do, Palestine was there first and so it was wrong in the first place to take it away from them, Even if the Jews were persecuted in WW2




Just a thought I wonder what the Russian Reaction will be, Most Jews who live in Israel are Russian :-k




http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle ... 181658.stm

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Please don't say that they recognized palestinians as terorrists, thats a majorly flawed generalization.




I believe you mean the palestinian terrorist organization HAMAS among others.




on side note: i totally agree with you. Palestine should have the land back that was STOLEN from them in the 6 day war.


And to comment the russians, they should shut up in this case. If the israeli's loved their land so much they woudln't have left it 4000 years ago. It was not lack of foreskin, but foresight that is causing this terrible problem anno 1959-2007.

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I just find it amazing how America can fund the Israelis with weapons and guns to kill palaestines and lebanese and yet when they take up arms their automatically labelled terrorists. It's sick.




Still, America is damned if it acts and damned if it doesn't... Thats the price of being the world's biggest super power i guess... :roll:

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

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I just find it amazing how America can fund the Israelis with weapons and guns to kill palaestines and lebanese and yet when they take up arms their automatically labelled terrorists. It's sick.




Still, America is damned if it acts and damned if it doesn't... Thats the price of being the world's biggest super power i guess... :roll:




Well. Its just as ironic that they helped the Taliban get Afghanistan back in the 1980's. Trained them, supplied them, and reinstated them into power.

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I just find it amazing how America can fund the Israelis with weapons and guns to kill palaestines and lebanese and yet when they take up arms their automatically labelled terrorists. It's sick.




Still, America is damned if it acts and damned if it doesn't... Thats the price of being the world's biggest super power i guess... :roll:




Well. Its just as ironic that they helped the Taliban get Afghanistan back in the 1980's. Trained them, supplied them, and reinstated them into power.




Good Point, Lol Pattern is coming through here...I think Americans really do hate the Russians :uhh:

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I guess it's never too late to come back to your sences.


Still, Israelis are probely very used to the fact of living there, so they won't leave happily, even if Bush said they should..




No one cared about the palestinians feelings when they kicked them out in 1960.. TBH I don't care about the israeli feelings, and this is meant in absolutely NO racist way. I just don't sympathize with the israeli's look on things, and the way they've treated their closest neighbours for the past 60 years.








And to get things straight, the BRITISH helped reinstate the country Israel, not so much ameriaca-.

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Most Jews who live in Israel are Russian :-k



that is totally not true, and dont try to argue with me, i live in israel. i dont agree with giving back the lands, we conquered the lands in war they declared on us, we already gave them lands about 2 years ago, and now all the israelis who lived there are homeless.





on side note: i totally agree with you. Palestine should have the land back that was STOLEN from them in the 6 day war.


And to comment the russians, they should shut up in this case. If the israeli's loved their land so much they woudln't have left it 4000 years ago. It was not lack of foreskin, but foresight that is causing this terrible problem anno 1959-2007.




we STOLE the land from them? we counqered the land in war.


and we LEFT the land 4000 years ago? it was taken from us, and as u said, ITS 4000 YEARS AGO!

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I just find it amazing how America can fund the Israelis with weapons and guns to kill palaestines and lebanese and yet when they take up arms their automatically labelled terrorists. It's sick.




Still, America is damned if it acts and damned if it doesn't... Thats the price of being the world's biggest super power i guess... :roll:




Well. Its just as ironic that they helped the Taliban get Afghanistan back in the 1980's. Trained them, supplied them, and reinstated them into power.




Good Point, Lol Pattern is coming through here...I think Americans really do hate the Russians :uhh:




Not so much as they used to. China is the next biggest superpower now, so they hate them most atm.

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Most Jews who live in Israel are Russian :-k



that is totally not true, and dont try to argue with me, i live in israel. i dont agree with giving back the lands, we conquered the lands in war they declared on us, we already gave them lands about 2 years ago, and now all the israelis who lived there are homeless.




Not much conquering, when you roll in with massive tanks and automatic weapons, against kids with rocks and sticks and stones.




Its more like baseraping in a Battlefield 2 server.

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I just find it amazing how America can fund the Israelis with weapons and guns to kill palaestines and lebanese and yet when they take up arms their automatically labelled terrorists. It's sick.




Still, America is damned if it acts and damned if it doesn't... Thats the price of being the world's biggest super power i guess... :roll:




Well. Its just as ironic that they helped the Taliban get Afghanistan back in the 1980's. Trained them, supplied them, and reinstated them into power.

Thats the funniest thing my mum remembers India trying constantly to tell America not to trust the Taliban. After they finished their enemy in Russia they turned around and caused one of the most well known disasters in history...




History seems to have a lot of causes yet the general thinking is to have one group/person to blame it on.

world2isntthathardby4.pngI think merchanting is extinct....

lordofthehauntedminestextcb6.png Completed haunted mine at level 75.

Barrows Drops: Dh platelegs, Guth helm, Karils cb, Torags legs


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Most Jews who live in Israel are Russian :-k



that is totally not true, and dont try to argue with me, i live in israel. i dont agree with giving back the lands, we conquered the lands in war they declared on us, we already gave them lands about 2 years ago, and now all the israelis who lived there are homeless.




Not much conquering, when you roll in with massive tanks and automatic weapons, against kids with rocks and sticks and stones.




Its more like baseraping in a Battlefield 2 server.


u make me laugh, get ur facts right, and then talk.

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I just find it amazing how America can fund the Israelis with weapons and guns to kill palaestines and lebanese and yet when they take up arms their automatically labelled terrorists. It's sick.




Still, America is damned if it acts and damned if it doesn't... Thats the price of being the world's biggest super power i guess... :roll:




Well. Its just as ironic that they helped the Taliban get Afghanistan back in the 1980's. Trained them, supplied them, and reinstated them into power.




Good Point, Lol Pattern is coming through here...I think Americans really do hate the Russians :uhh:




Not so much as they used to. China is the next biggest superpower now, so they hate them most atm.




:P America Don't Mind China atm, They are becoming more Capitalist while Russians are now being Idiots and becoming more Communist




Id still say Iran is America's biggest Enemy atm though

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How would you depict Russia as becoming more communist atm?


Russians have no intention of returning to communism, and their new upcoming president has no intention either. Yet I still get this from time to time, that Russians are returning to communism..


The only real communist state left is Cuba, and with Castro dying soon, so will communism.


And when the hippies die, it will be forgotten.

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How would you depict Russia as becoming more communist atm?


Russians have no intention of returning to communism, and their new upcoming president has no intention either. Yet I still get this from time to time, that Russians are returning to communism..


The only real communist state left is Cuba, and with Castro dying soon, so will communism.


And when the hippies die, it will be forgotten.




Ok I didn't really Mean communism as such just they're starting to hate the America, Uk and the West again




Main Cause :- President Putin




Things Russia have recently Done which shows tension with the West






Killed Alexander Litvinyenko with Polonium 210




They threatened Europe they would Aim there missles at us if America decided to build that defence shield system




They started to fly the old cold war bombers on routine Flights Across the World




They have exited an Arms treaty which was set up at the end of the Cold War (I think , mabye WW2)




They are helping Iran building Nuclear Power




Just a few things.....

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Most Jews who live in Israel are Russian :-k



that is totally not true, and dont try to argue with me, i live in israel. i dont agree with giving back the lands, we conquered the lands in war they declared on us,

Yeah, and then the entire Egyptian airforce left Egypt and bombed the living daylights of every single airfield in Israel so the Israeli airforce was left severly crippled. Amirite?
we already gave them lands about 2 years ago, and now all the israelis who lived there are homeless.
... and the palestinians who lived there before those israeli came, where are their homes?

-This message was deviously brought to you by: mischief1at.gif

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Personally I believe it was the only right thing to do, Palestine was there first and so it was wrong in the first place to take it away from them, Even if the Jews were persecuted in WW2




Err...Israel owned that land for thousands of years. Until the great Diaspora occurred, when the Jews were driven from Israel and scattered across the world.




Palestine came, couldn't grow sod on rocks for farming and GLADLY sold Israel to the US and Britain in 1947. Based on a few Palestinian officials who did not like having to share power with white Jews, a movement began to retake Israel. All this movement was due to the officials wanting to regain power, and playing on the radical religious elements of their nation (only a few compared to many, sounds familiar?) to wage war on Israel. Long after these men are dead, their legacy remains covered in blood. Israel has proposed giving Palestine sovereignty (like the US gives Guam and Puerto Rico) but it has been denied.




As far as the occupied territories? Israel earned those lands in the Seven Day War.






And about the discussion about the US sponsoring the Taliban? Untrue. We sponsored the Mujhadin during the Afghani War in the 1980's (watch Charlie Wilson's War, for Pete's sake!). However, we did not CONTINUE to help Afghanistan financially after the war, and the Taliban was able to ride the waves in and wrestle control from the Mujhadin (the Mujhadin are now known as the Northern Alliance and helped the US evict the Taliban).




The phrase "get your facts right" has paramount meaning here.


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I just find it amazing how America can fund the Israelis with weapons and guns to kill palaestines and lebanese and yet when they take up arms their automatically labelled terrorists. It's sick.




Still, America is damned if it acts and damned if it doesn't... Thats the price of being the world's biggest super power i guess... :roll:




Well. Its just as ironic that they helped the Taliban get Afghanistan back in the 1980's. Trained them, supplied them, and reinstated them into power.




Good Point, Lol Pattern is coming through here...I think Americans really do hate the Russians :uhh:




Not so much as they used to. China is the next biggest superpower now, so they hate them most atm.




:P America Don't Mind China atm, They are becoming more Capitalist while Russians are now being Idiots and becoming more Communist




Id still say Iran is America's biggest Enemy atm though




I don't think they can afford to [bleep] with China atm. China exports a helluva lot of stuff to the States, so, if they start messing with them, they can just shut down shop. Won't do much good against a country who's prepared to forcefully get what they want, I suppose, though.


sleep like dead men

wake up like dead men

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How would you depict Russia as becoming more communist atm?


Russians have no intention of returning to communism, and their new upcoming president has no intention either. Yet I still get this from time to time, that Russians are returning to communism..


The only real communist state left is Cuba, and with Castro dying soon, so will communism.


And when the hippies die, it will be forgotten.




Ok I didn't really Mean communism as such just they're starting to hate the America, Uk and the West again




Main Cause :- President Putin




Things Russia have recently Done which shows tension with the West






Killed Alexander Litvinyenko with Polonium 210




They threatened Europe they would Aim there missles at us if America decided to build that defence shield system




They started to fly the old cold war bombers on routine Flights Across the World




They have exited an Arms treated which was set up at the end of the Cold War (I think , mabye WW2)




They are helping Iran building Nuclear Power




Just a few things.....




You portray those things in a negative way, IMO its good that at least ONE civilized country is standing up to the bullies.


First things first. I can't justify all these acts, but I'll do a few.




Who is the "us" you mean? And thats because the missile shield is built globally, and the closest is in Germany, easily reaching Moscow and Russia, they are in their full rights to object to the building of the missile shield, which can easily become a missile WEAPON.


So they are flying old junky bombers around, while America is flying high-tech advanced warplanes and actually USING them across the world...




So they exited an arms treatment. America was never in it to begin with.

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I just find it amazing how America can fund the Israelis with weapons and guns to kill palaestines and lebanese and yet when they take up arms their automatically labelled terrorists. It's sick.




Still, America is damned if it acts and damned if it doesn't... Thats the price of being the world's biggest super power i guess... :roll:




Well. Its just as ironic that they helped the Taliban get Afghanistan back in the 1980's. Trained them, supplied them, and reinstated them into power.




Acctually they trained afghanistan's mujahideen, most were not taliban. But yes there were enough to cause trouble when we desided we needed to come in.

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How would you depict Russia as becoming more communist atm?


Russians have no intention of returning to communism, and their new upcoming president has no intention either. Yet I still get this from time to time, that Russians are returning to communism..


The only real communist state left is Cuba, and with Castro dying soon, so will communism.


And when the hippies die, it will be forgotten.




Ok I didn't really Mean communism as such just they're starting to hate the America, Uk and the West again




Main Cause :- President Putin




Things Russia have recently Done which shows tension with the West






Killed Alexander Litvinyenko with Polonium 210




They threatened Europe they would Aim there missles at us if America decided to build that defence shield system




They started to fly the old cold war bombers on routine Flights Across the World




They have exited an Arms treated which was set up at the end of the Cold War (I think , mabye WW2)




They are helping Iran building Nuclear Power




Just a few things.....




You portray those things in a negative way, IMO its good that at least ONE civilized country is standing up to the bullies.


First things first. I can't justify all these acts, but I'll do a few.




Who is the "us" you mean? And thats because the missile shield is built globally, and the closest is in Germany, easily reaching Moscow and Russia, they are in their full rights to object to the building of the missile shield, which can easily become a missile WEAPON.


So they are flying old junky bombers around, while America is flying high-tech advanced warplanes and actually USING them across the world...




So they exited an arms treatment. America was never in it to begin with.




Us as In just countries in Europe




America May be Bullies but so are the Russians




Things like Turning of Georgia's ? Gas supply last year because they took down one of Russians war Statues...Would the USA do that..no!. I might be wrong hmm




Also I read the Other day Russia owns All the Resources of another Country, Can't remember which, and is basically taking all its Gold

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I just find it amazing how America can fund the Israelis with weapons and guns to kill palaestines and lebanese and yet when they take up arms their automatically labelled terrorists. It's sick.




Still, America is damned if it acts and damned if it doesn't... Thats the price of being the world's biggest super power i guess... :roll:




Well. Its just as ironic that they helped the Taliban get Afghanistan back in the 1980's. Trained them, supplied them, and reinstated them into power.




Acctually they trained afghanistan's mujahideen, most were not taliban. But yes there were enough to cause trouble when we desided we needed to come in.




The muhahideen are the same people who later formed the Taleban, I thought this was common knowledge, therefore I didn't feel it was necessary to give a serious history backdrop.

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Wait, are we talking about the Bush who invaded Iraq, causing more problems there, and won't withdraw troops?




Hypocrit -.-.




That isnt and occupation, we arent there to stay and make sure things go our way forever. We came there to correct past mistakes created by past foreign policy




I guess it's never too late to come back to your sences.


Still, Israelis are probely very used to the fact of living there, so they won't leave happily, even if Bush said they should..




No one cared about the palestinians feelings when they kicked them out in 1960.. TBH I don't care about the israeli feelings, and this is meant in absolutely NO racist way. I just don't sympathize with the israeli's look on things, and the way they've treated their closest neighbours for the past 60 years.








And to get things straight, the BRITISH helped reinstate the country Israel, not so much ameriaca-.




Israel has been attacked several times by its Arab neighbours even since its creation. That in and of itself would cause the tension needed to make things unresolvable, especially since most arab nations dont even recongnize Israel.

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