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The Dumbest thing you've ever had to do


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Whats the dumbest thing you did that you either decided to do it or you were forced to.








2 years ago, at my school all the 6th graders had to do a lip sync play (Which is a thing where you move your mouth and pretend your singing) and you had to act stuff out and do stuff with the song. Well it turned out that it was pretty embaressing when your the person on stage but it was pretty funny watching everyone elses. :D

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No particular order:








-Run around naked outside a hospital a warm summer night. (Alcohol involved)








-Crawl around my school on my bare knees to get to a very large room (filled with people) where I ate chocolate pudding of a dyper without using my hands. The grand finale was to do the "chickendance" on top of a table.








-Broke in to an abandoned factory which turned out to not be abandoned. Havent run that fast in my entire life, they even had dogs chasing us and we were about 9-10 years old at the time.








Those are the one I think off right away but I prolly got more that I cant think of right now.

A recent study shows that 92% of all teenagers have small purple pet elephants named Jack. Put this in your sig if you are one of the 8% who like to do the fandango on Wednesday afternoons

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I've done alot of silly things. I've done so much, I can't remember half, but two resent ones are:








1. After we went out on a saturdaynight, my friends challenged me. I had to go home on my bicycle, only wearing my underwear, socks and shoes. Well of course I did it. I'm too easy.








2. After losing some alcohol dice game on vacation. I had to go on the street (in front of 3 hotels and the people sitting on the balconys, in the hotels) I had to give a serenade, I had to do a Dutch song; Frans Baur - Heb je even voor mij (well, the Dutchies of T.I.F. will now how much of an embaresment that is!).


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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1) Walk onto a bus and off it without bending your knees




2) Face the opposite direction to everyone else in a lift/escalator.




3) Do House drama, in front of your own school, wearing nothing but speedos. (and win)




4) Go to a fancy dress party as 'party boy' - complete with fake tan




5) Have a shower in the rain outside the window of a restaurant




6) Walk home via the Mersey Tunnel (look it up on a map)








Welcome to my world! :P

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well, these are some of my stupid things :?




and im dead serious about the first one, its mind killing :evil:




1) homework




2) swim in a river, which was green because of the plants in it :shock:




3) walk into a glass wall-thingie, twice (didnt see the glass ><)




4) trying to swim in my bathroom(yes, i caused a flood :oops: )




5) hang a chair from my sealing and try to sit on it




6) eat 4 cans of pringles, without drinking (hot and spicy)

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As it's our last week of school (nearly out of here after 7 years!), we're doing really random things. Instead of my Stats lesson we played twister and ate cake. During lunch I wore a bunny suit, my friend wore a monkey suit. I had to run him over (very hard to see where you're going with a bunny head on) at slow speed, go out and help him, then he beat me up and stole my car. All on video of course ;)








Tomorrow I turn up for 20 minutes, then drive to Krispy Kreme (or what ever it's called) to get doughnuts for my Ethics class.








No learning, and i have exams in a month :shock:

Goals to get my skills back up to a barely respectable level on the high scores:



Currently going for Bone to Peaches spell. It's amazing how boring doing the same repetitive task is! Stupid MTA

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Helping a friend walk, and not fall on his back and let him choke on his own puke(drinking is fun, isin't it kids? :roll: )








Waiting at someone's house for someone to deliver a couch, to open the door for them.....On the wrong day












There's probably many more, but I can't remember.

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I dropped my pants and wore a skirt outside in front of my friends (mostly girls) for the hell of it. It was embarrassing, but fun at the sametime








I had to walk around in a dress on the beach during spring break...and wear a bra.

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1. extiguished a fire with gasoline :shock: :shock: (Small fire, gasoline thrown with force)




2. abducted a friend read: http://moronic-moments.thewyrd.com/inde ... abduction/




3. reversed thru a drive thru




4. sat in a rubbish bin tied to a speeding car








Beer was involved in all these incidents.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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well i didnt do this, but:








a friend of mine went to McDonalds with his friends, with a video camera. One decided to order, then purposly trip to see what the staff would do (but make it look like he tripped on accident).








He orders.








My friend is outside taping this.








The dude that orders walks out of the line with his tray. Trips, but didnt see who was infront of him: a guy dressed in black with a bullet-proof vest on. He showed the dude that tripped his FBI ID, and said, next time, look where ur going.








:shock: :lol: :lol: woops!

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I defiently didn't accidently light a friends pants on fire with Ignition Fluid and a candle in mid-winter.








No, why would anyone ever think I did that? :wink:










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