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Weirdest nicknames


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AT my school we call my lang. arts teacher Mr. Dinosaur cuz he's pretty big and nobody likes him. My friend got yelled at cuz he stepped on the seat of a desk to get over by us to talk and dinosaur man yelled at him. :P




It's still pretty funny to call him dinosaur man, we also call our counsler Mr. Turtle :D

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Im lysol, or novacain, thats what they call me...




then theres the other kids... like...
















































meh, tomany... it isnt all its cracked up to be, being popular in a school of 3000 kids :\ ahh well...

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Well we call one girl, who's name is Tanya, Manya - for obvious reasons




Someone else the Lurpack Man - because he's a carbon copy




Bill the Milky Bar kid - same reason as above




One of our teacher's Gus - because we went on a trip to chester zoo once and saw the monkey's, one of which had a cranium exactly like the teacher. So everyone (including staff) returned to call him Gus. Needless to say he flipped out and never worked at the school again.

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"The Sack", he cant play drums whatsoever








"Banjo" he wanted to be called "The shovel" no one thought it fitted with his personality so somenoe came up with Banjo








"Biscuit" no one knows








"Johnny boy" Some people call me, I dont know why.








"Daniel Black" hes black.




"Daniel Red" Red hair








"The Duck" is a teacher who walks and talks like Donald Duck








"Brittler" a really stupid mean teacher whos first name happens to be Britt

A recent study shows that 92% of all teenagers have small purple pet elephants named Jack. Put this in your sig if you are one of the 8% who like to do the fandango on Wednesday afternoons

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in highschool i got:




pebbles (it has no relation to anything people jsut started calling me it one day) and ben-german (kinda whitty in an odd kinda of way) they've really jsut stuck



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I call my mate "Double U" because his normal name is Wouter and that starts with a W. I don't really use nicknames, when we played Runescape we sometimes yelled the character name at people when they don't hear their name, also people from Runescape that I've met; XSreality (Insjuh), Dessert, Aimless400 (Aim), Ne0phyte (Neo) and others, we just talked with the runescape names, instead of using their normal names, because it was too confusing. :P And a friend who is named Tobias names hisself "Toad". I do get called Daniel sometimes, but that's because my name is Daan, and some people call me male reproduction organ, but then in Dutch. :)


Signature by Maurice Sendak

When the stars make you drool just like a pasta fazool, that's amore!

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In relation to Dinosaur- Theres a girl here with the nick of T-Rex. Because she has virtually no arms (maybe a few inches), only hands.








Real nice. :roll:








Because its up to me to determine the nickname of someone I don't even talk to? I was just putting it out there.
















And for the record I think its hilarious.

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As do I, as long as no-one who cares about her ever finds out. :D








I've said it before, and I'll say it again (if prompted):








I have a friend called Steven, whom, naturally, we call Beb. Another friend, whose name is surname is Nield, we call Hodge--his surname used to be Hodgson, but he changed it ages ago; the name just stuck. I wonder what people who meet him now will think when they hear it for the first time.








Nicknames are something we don't often use; we do, however, sometimes call someone by another part of their name--sometimes the diminutive of their first name, sometimes just their surname. I have one friend, for instance, whom people call Irwin; another whom people call Oxley.








So, with the exeption of the two at the top there, I don't really know any weird nicknames. T-Rex... hahahaha





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we call this one kid q-tip because the first time we met him his hair looked like a q-tip, we call one girl boobies, because she went from flat to big twins in like half a year haha :-P









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I'm known as a shadow because I don't make any noise and don't attract attention to myself I just work.




My friends like to call me Emo because of my hair covering one eye.



~^v^~Ex-Leader of the Divine Flames of Redemption~^v^~

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There's this sect of 3 or 4 kids who call me "Clem" because one of them jokingly called me that during a biology class 2 years ago..*shrug*








I also have a group of friends who call me "X-Ray" sometimes. That came from us joking around in Guild Wars and giving eachother radio alphabet letters for names. Mine was the only one that stuck, for some reason...

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