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Rafael Nadal. Wimbeldon Champion. He completely deserves it. 6-4, 6-4, 6-7, 6-7, 9-7


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I wanted Federer to win, can't stand Nadal. Now there both even, Federer beat his streak on clay, now Nadal beat his on grass.


What? Federer didn't beat Nadal on clay; he's completely undefeated at the French Open. Nadal completely outplayed Federer in all aspects today except for first serve. It just took him a few tries to get the monkey off his back with all those Championship points.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I wanted Federer to win, can't stand Nadal. Now there both even, Federer beat his streak on clay, now Nadal beat his on grass.


What? Federer didn't beat Nadal on clay; he's completely undefeated at the French Open. Nadal completely outplayed Federer in all aspects today except for first serve. It just took him a few tries to get the monkey off his back with all those Championship points.




I wouldn't say he out played Federer, if so Nadal would have won it in three sets with ease.




Really wanted Federer to win, can't stand Nadal in his sleeveless shirts, he looks so stupid.

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I wanted Federer to win. I can't stand Nadal either. Federer is composed and calm, while Nadal, on the other hand, is extremely wild.




Very dissappointed, but I enjoyed watching Federer come back and make mince meat of Nadal on his firsts serves. How many aces did Federer have. Around 20?


|Signature by Jason321|

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I wouldn't say he out played Federer, if so Nadal would have won it in three sets with ease.




Really wanted Federer to win, can't stand Nadal in his sleeveless shirts, he looks so stupid.


The only reason he didn't win it in under 5 sets is because of Federer's first serve. There were many times where Federer was down 0-30 on serve and either aced him or hit an unreturnable serve. I've been around tennis my whole life, and groundstroke to groundstroke, Nadal was easily the victor. Take a look at break chances and breaks converted. Nadal again owns that department.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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I wanted Federer to win as well, but too bad he couldn't break bjorn borg's record of 5 wimbledon's in a row. It did stand as the longest match in the wimbledon final's at 4 hours and 48 minutes though. I agree, Federer had some amazing aces but the unforced errors were pretty close. I think it was during the tiebreak there were some amazing points, it looked like Nadal was out of it be he did his trademark forehand down the line to beat Federer. 4 championship points to get to Federer, but i think in the end Nadal deserved it as he has faced Federer so many times, yet beat him only on clay.



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What a FANTASTIC game! I'm a big Federer fan, but in yet another 'Fedal' finale, they were both playing incredibly solid and beautiful tennis, almost flawless until the very last point. While Nadal was stronger in the rallies, Fed's serve was perfect at moments and often saved him from a desperate situations yet again.


I've seen hundreds of games, played hundreds as well but this was without a doubt the most exiting and best tennis I have ever seen. A legendary game and I'm sure it will take a very long time before we can witness another game as wonderful as this one again.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Wow this was such a great match!!! To do this after the last Wimbledon which was an amazing match as well completely amazing. Both class acts, and great champions. I'm such a big Nadal fan if Federer would have won I would have been ticked D:, but if he did win he totally would have deserved it. So nerve wrecking when Nadal had those championship points. :ohnoes:, and dang Federer has just such an amazing serve like Sampras. To get out of 0-30 a couple of times is just amazing. Just amazing play by both.



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Regardless of who was your favourite, it was an AMAZING game. Gosh! It's stuff like this that makes life worth living xD




Well, Federer was my favourite, he's usually flawless and even today he made some pretty awesome comebacks. But also he made some pretty childish mistakes, and Nadal on the whole was much better than him today. If only for his energy and determination he deserved to win. He also made some incredible saves. I don't know how anyone who watched today's final could say with a straight face Nadal did not deserve to win this one. So congrats to him, and I'm very curious what will happen from now on, will this start a new series of his successes on grass, maybe? Is Federer finally beginning a losing streak? He lost quite a lot this year and this was a *big* loss. Wimbledon was his domain. But gosh the game was so exciting. And that blasted rain who interrupted the match twice...Both of them must have nerves of steel to go on playing at this level for around 4 hours, I think that was as long as the match lasted.




Btw, Federer did beat Nadal on clay once or twice even, I think - but it wasn't at the French Open, it was at some more minor championship.

"Metal isn't about violence or faggy whiny lyrics. It isn't even about who plays the heaviest and fastest. It is about invoking a sense of wonder and magnitude that no other genre can depict."


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I wanted Federer to win, can't stand Nadal. Now there both even, Federer beat his streak on clay, now Nadal beat his on grass.


What? Federer didn't beat Nadal on clay; he's completely undefeated at the French Open.




I dont know what but i heard the commentators say something about a 85 streak being beaten on clay. Maybe im just hearing things.

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I knew it would be Nadal's year this year. I even unpatriotically put money on Nadal before he played Andy Murray. That being said, after losing the 2nd and 3rd sets, Nadal made me nervous a few times - thankfully he pulled through for the win. =D>


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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I'm very curious what will happen from now on, will this start a new series of his successes on grass, maybe? Is Federer finally beginning a losing streak? He lost quite a lot this year and this was a *big* loss. Wimbledon was his domain.




Wouldn't call it *big*;it wasn't like Nadal destroyed him, far from it actually. But I guess you meant that it was important, which it sure was :)




Both of them must have nerves of steel to go on playing at this level for around 4 hours, I think that was as long as the match lasted.




4h47min I believe... I'd have collapsed at around the 4th set, from exhaustion or from a heart attack :P




Btw, Federer did beat Nadal on clay once or twice even, I think - but it wasn't at the French Open, it was at some more minor championship.




Yep, but Fed has never lost on grass before, in fact he hasn't lost on grass the last 65 games, apparently the 66th was just too much.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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Heh, wanted Federer to win like many here. He fought back nicely but wasn't enough to take him through. Hoping for Roger to reclaim it next year. :P


Thanks to WithTheQuickness for the sig!

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@Oy the Great: Yup, that's exactly what I meant by 'a big loss'. Federer never lost on grass before and Wimbledon was practically his back yard. This was quite a historical match.




And I remembered when Federer beat Nadal on clay (the only time, I believe): in Hamburg, last year. And that match was also memorable cause Federer won very easily, in 3 sets. I sort of hoped he'd go on to win Roland Garros later that year, but nah, it didn't happen. ;p

"Metal isn't about violence or faggy whiny lyrics. It isn't even about who plays the heaviest and fastest. It is about invoking a sense of wonder and magnitude that no other genre can depict."


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So if this "serves" me correctly, this is the first win for Nadal in a grand slam other than in the french open? And persay Federer's first lost at wimbledon since 2002? The commentators were talking about how now that Nadal was not only the king of the clay courts, but maybe a new era in grass courts aswell. My insight to the match was the breaks, i think Federer had only be broken once in the whole match, which in the final set that Nadal took and won the final game. The serves definitely dominated in this game, that's why the points were so close and there were tiebreaks, Their serves took control of the court and it probably would have kept going in the final set except Nadal won a break point. What a brilliant match it was :thumbsup:



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My insight to the match was the breaks, i think Federer had only be broken once in the whole match, which in the final set that Nadal took and won the final game.


So, uh, the two 6-4 set victories that Nadal had, he didn't break Federer? Try impossible. a 7-6 set is the only way Federer wouldn't have been broken. I love the general population watching tennis now.


"He could climb to it, if he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, gulp down the incomparable milk of wonder."

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My insight to the match was the breaks, i think Federer had only be broken once in the whole match, which in the final set that Nadal took and won the final game.


So, uh, the two 6-4 set victories that Nadal had, he didn't break Federer? Try impossible. a 7-6 set is the only way Federer wouldn't have been broken. I love the general population watching tennis now.


Federer was broken three or four times. Nadal only was broken once.


|Signature by Jason321|

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I don't see how everyone can stand watchign tennis it is extremley boring and it goes on and on and on.... my point is i think they tv station should just air something else lol.




Yes, we should all just watch Spongebob instead.

Bill Hicks[/url]":dhj2kan9]Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such.


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What do you mean we shuold just watch spongebob, tennis is an ok sport to watch but not for more than 10 mins i'd rather just play tennis then watch it.




You just haven't got an appreciation for the skill.

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