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Something that could bring in the gureilla warfare tatic

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Well I made this post leading off the invisibilty post which I thought was a bad idea so I decided to turn it up a notch and come up with my own.












Stealth Potion (maybe this idea has already been posted )








Uses: Only in the wilderness (3x)- But cannont be used back-to-back there should be a set time in between uses to make it fair.








Description: When used in the wilderness you'll be able to sneak up




on your opponent but as soon as you attack your opponent you become visible again. To make this potion not seem like a waste of money your first attack is ALMOST a sure hit and does a good amount of damage. The percentage of hitting could be based on combat skills and other skills as well.








This would be prime for a clan of pkers sneaking up on another also bringing in the old combat tatic of gureilla warfare.

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there already is a gureilla warfare tatic. its called crashing pk wars and evens when OoC people go thru the wildy :twisted:








but what ur reffering to, would that apply to multi-combat areas, coz 3 people sneaking up on u and instantly killing u would b kinda unfair...but look funny if it were some1 else.



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Set up two firing lines of archers. The front line shoots to attract the enemy and falls back as the second line covers their retreat. Repeat ad infinitum.








For better results, assign another squad of archers to act as flankers, and keep them out of sight until the enemy has passed a certain point, then they move in and take the rear.








When enough casualties have been dealt, scatter and harass at will.








There. Instant cut-the-enemy-to-pieces guerilla tactics.

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MAke a new range item that looks like chocolate dust but darker, call it "poo"...








Oh, you said "Geurilla", not "Gorilla". :oops: My bad...
















((Forget you read that...))


Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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MAke a new range item that looks like chocolate dust but darker, call it "poo"...








Oh, you said "Geurilla", not "Gorilla". :oops: My bad...
















((Forget you read that...))








lol, none the less still a great idea :D



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i think your char should still be seen, but his dot disappears from the radar








this means players will have to be more alert, but can still see the enemy comming when in striking distance

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hmm, this is a pretty good idea except for sum problems.




it should just hide ur dot, like sum1 else said, and i dont think there should be a better chance on the first hit, bcuz then they could use sum special and have an even easier 3 hit kill. Maybe you could only wield a dagger or sumother small weapon when using it, since u cant really sneak around with a big ol maul

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Like zonorhc said all you need are people who follow orders. Unfortunately most people don't, your idea isn't too bad but like others have said you could just have a bunch of people instantly take out someone else in one shot.

Domovoi123-Level 80 f2p

Noxious 0ne-Level 46 f2p

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Same thing in Castle Wars... No one ever takes orders.








I think that Archer line up idea was great, but this is what I would do:








Have an entire line (maybe two) of melee's gaurding the mages and the archers. Then have the mages behind (like 5+ squares away) the melee's. Then have the archers even farther away since they have the longest range (Maybe another 5+ squares away from the mages, 10+ away from the melee's).








I've tried to do this in Castle Wars, as it would be extremly effectve. But, all the lower level's think they are actually going to mae it out with the flag, when, in reality, they don't even make it out of the enemy castle.

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