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OMG TEH WILD GONE? The wild, the people, the rants


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I personally was not affected by the wilderness update, and was enjoying cutting trees and doing the things I could not do as effeciantly before the update when I suddenly see that players take it upon themselves to attack us players who do not care as much and live with the updates Jagex comes because we want to enjoy the game as much as we can, not play it just to start problems and other such things.


This is the first update I have ever seen with this affect upon the players. Many quit, many ranted, many started riots and many basically flipped Jagex the finger. I could see why for some people and would rarely side with these people who spent hours upon hours on their pures, but I only would if they did not sound like they just graduated from kindergarten. Many rants end up becoming such big flame-fests that we have to have the mods on the forum put the flames out with their fire extinguishers. It is not Jagex fault that the game is "ruined", it is the communities. I am not picking any of you out at all but I am saying that as a whole, many in the community were abusing the rules set forth by Jagex to make the game a safe and enjoyable experience. Of course with every online MMORPG there are going to be problems with the players, but the effects of the players actions were hurting Jagex, which led them to get rid of the wild, allowing them the chance to throw the burden of the pack full of macroers and such off of their backs and into a stream, where it would hopefully go to the bottom, or be washed up somewhere in mexico, whatever works.


I really do think that the supporters of the wild are thinning out now. It started as a tidal wave that drowned all other rants that made sense, and now is just a smaller wave, that only reaches about knee height. I will never say that there are not that many of them, because even with two here on the TIF, you have to admit that they are a handful.


I find no reason not to be mad at Jagex for not coming up with a good PvP minigame or any thing like that, but I have always run into rants that are nothing but misspelled words and never ending banter about how bad Jagex is. I cannot side with the team that cannot even spell "the" right. I am always of course going to take the side that I feel is the right one to be on, but I would feel more pain for the people who had lost the wild if the idiots who write the rants would quit and allow the people who are actually going to give us ideas on how to fix these problems, and not use Jagex as a punching bag.


I always reply to the bad Wilderness rants because I want to tell the writer of it that if you want sympathy for the loss of the wild, for Pking and such, write a more educated rant, not one that involves the words "PLOX" "NOOB" or "WTF" Be more intelligent and many more people would listen to you, but, continue to use obscene words, continue to call us names, continue to blame Jagex for the wild being gone, and do not expect sympathy. You cannot expect us to sit down and have an intelligent chat with someone who cannot say a whole sentence without telling me how much of a noob I am for supporting Jagex.


So, the long and short of this first part of the rant is, write intelligent rants, and you will find yourself in more friendly territory.


The second part is about why you think we are bad guys for siding with Jagex. You make them sound something like an evil overlord, while we who continue to enjoy the game even without the wild, are their slaves. We are "fanboys" for wanting to follow Jagex because in our opinion, the game is still fine and we do not want to give up hours of our life spent on a character just because of one stupid thing. If you look at it our way, we are able to chop trees, get fish, and get flax much easier. We are not being scammed as much which was a problem with the newer players. We are happy with the game as it is, but one of the major problems is those who continue to be a nuance towards us because we continue to play. Its stupid to fight over something as petty as a game, and I know I am not one to talk, but I really do think that wasting some of our time fighting over something that has little effect toward our personal health or job or family really does not matter.


Its fine to complain about something, but not after eight months of embarassing yourself. I cannot name names but one of the ranters on this forum has been ranting for the past eight months about the wild, and will never be quiet about it, asking for us to hate jagex, and to feel bad for him, even though his rants usually turn into flame wars between this ranter and everyone else replying. Why? Because he does not implement logic in his posts, instead he mumbles and grumbles along like a neglected dog, hoping somebody will show up, feed him and give him shelter. But when that dog lashes out towards people, who would want it.


In the basic sense, I am saying that we are not slaves to Jagex and that we all have opinions. You cannot change an opinion by calling us a fanboy or a noob, but you will certainly make a lot of people think your ignorant.


The third part of my rant has to do with something that makes me wonder. Why do these people that supposedly gave up Runescape and will never play again have member accounts? If they are only to be on the RSOF and complain then that is more pathetic than crying because you stepped on an ant. Why don't people move on. Go out and play sports, go wait for mechscape and hope it has PvP, go play WoW or PotCO (Pirates of the Carribean Online). Do something else but annoy people on the forums who are looking to have a logical discussion over the newest update or something like that. We are all here to look for people to talk to who also play Runescape and could contribute to a discussion about say, the newest dungeon. While the flames are excellent places to look for a laugh, its pathetic to watch these people lose more and more sympathy, solely on the face that they cannot accept a companies decision that was causing them a horrible amount of problems. Accepting change is a part of life and if you cannot live to deal with change, then learn to. If say your father died, you would not return to his grave everyday and shout to the heavens: "Why did you take him God! Your evil!" etc. So do not return everyday to the forums to fight over something that you cannot control. Accept change, and you will find that life will be a hell uva' lot easier.


I will continue to adapt to change as Jagex continues to make more and more decisions, and if you cannot cope with the decisions of Jagex, then find another game to play.


So, I have preached to you all what I think. I have become an entity of justice in this war. I am the being that stands watch at the top of the ridge over the battle field, and wait for either the armies to leave due to having fought for eight months, or for someone from the supporters of the wild to appear that can be reasonable, and not fight about it. I have watched the armies of the wildy supporters dwindle as they fight a hopeless battle against the armies of Jagex. We, the people who post flames on their rants only antagonize them further, sending them into fits of rage reminescent of a ten year old when he finds out that his mother threw away all of his videogames.


In the end, it will be a battle that will have been for nothing. For months you had fought and now find yourselves fighting for a cause that will mean nothing. You will have wasted your time, and now are found lying and contemplating what to do next.


Thank you for reading, and have a pleasant day.


Post all comments, and if you find the need to flame, make sure you think it out...don't make yourself look like an idiot...

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I personally was not affected by the wilderness update, and was enjoying cutting trees and doing the things I could not do as effeciantly before the update when I suddenly see that players take it upon themselves to attack us players who do not care as much and live with the updates Jagex comes because we want to enjoy the game as much as we can, not play it just to start problems and other such things.


This is the first update I have ever seen with this affect upon the players. Many quit, many ranted, many started riots and many basically flipped Jagex the finger. I could see why for some people and would rarely side with these people who spent hours upon hours on their pures, but I only would if they did not sound like they just graduated from kindergarten. Many rants end up becoming such big flame-fests that we have to have the mods on the forum put the flames out with their fire extinguishers. It is not Jagex fault that the game is "ruined", it is the communities. I am not picking any of you out at all but I am saying that as a whole, many in the community were abusing the rules set forth by Jagex to make the game a safe and enjoyable experience. Of course with every online MMORPG there are going to be problems with the players, but the effects of the players actions were hurting Jagex, which led them to get rid of the wild, allowing them the chance to throw the burden of the pack full of macroers and such off of their backs and into a stream, where it would hopefully go to the bottom, or be washed up somewhere in mexico, whatever works.


I really do think that the supporters of the wild are thinning out now. It started as a tidal wave that drowned all other rants that made sense, and now is just a smaller wave, that only reaches about knee height. I will never say that there are not that many of them, because even with two here on the TIF, you have to admit that they are a handful.


I find no reason not to be mad at Jagex for not coming up with a good PvP minigame or any thing like that, but I have always run into rants that are nothing but misspelled words and never ending banter about how bad Jagex is. I cannot side with the team that cannot even spell "the" right. I am always of course going to take the side that I feel is the right one to be on, but I would feel more pain for the people who had lost the wild if the idiots who write the rants would quit and allow the people who are actually going to give us ideas on how to fix these problems, and not use Jagex as a punching bag.


I always reply to the bad Wilderness rants because I want to tell the writer of it that if you want sympathy for the loss of the wild, for Pking and such, write a more educated rant, not one that involves the words "PLOX" "NOOB" or "WTF" Be more intelligent and many more people would listen to you, but, continue to use obscene words, continue to call us names, continue to blame Jagex for the wild being gone, and do not expect sympathy. You cannot expect us to sit down and have an intelligent chat with someone who cannot say a whole sentence without telling me how much of a noob I am for supporting Jagex.


So, the long and short of this first part of the rant is, write intelligent rants, and you will find yourself in more friendly territory.


The second part is about why you think we are bad guys for siding with Jagex. You make them sound something like an evil overlord, while we who continue to enjoy the game even without the wild, are their slaves. We are "fanboys" for wanting to follow Jagex because in our opinion, the game is still fine and we do not want to give up hours of our life spent on a character just because of one stupid thing. If you look at it our way, we are able to chop trees, get fish, and get flax much easier. We are not being scammed as much which was a problem with the newer players. We are happy with the game as it is, but one of the major problems is those who continue to be a nuance towards us because we continue to play. Its stupid to fight over something as petty as a game, and I know I am not one to talk, but I really do think that wasting some of our time fighting over something that has little effect toward our personal health or job or family really does not matter.


Its fine to complain about something, but not after eight months of embarassing yourself. I cannot name names but one of the ranters on this forum has been ranting for the past eight months about the wild, and will never be quiet about it, asking for us to hate jagex, and to feel bad for him, even though his rants usually turn into flame wars between this ranter and everyone else replying. Why? Because he does not implement logic in his posts, instead he mumbles and grumbles along like a neglected dog, hoping somebody will show up, feed him and give him shelter. But when that dog lashes out towards people, who would want it.


In the basic sense, I am saying that we are not slaves to Jagex and that we all have opinions. You cannot change an opinion by calling us a fanboy or a noob, but you will certainly make a lot of people think your ignorant.


The third part of my rant has to do with something that makes me wonder. Why do these people that supposedly gave up Runescape and will never play again have member accounts? If they are only to be on the RSOF and complain then that is more pathetic than crying because you stepped on an ant. Why don't people move on. Go out and play sports, go wait for mechscape and hope it has PvP, go play WoW or PotCO (Pirates of the Carribean Online). Do something else but annoy people on the forums who are looking to have a logical discussion over the newest update or something like that. We are all here to look for people to talk to who also play Runescape and could contribute to a discussion about say, the newest dungeon. While the flames are excellent places to look for a laugh, its pathetic to watch these people lose more and more sympathy, solely on the face that they cannot accept a companies decision that was causing them a horrible amount of problems. Accepting change is a part of life and if you cannot live to deal with change, then learn to. If say your father died, you would not return to his grave everyday and shout to the heavens: "Why did you take him God! Your evil!" etc. So do not return everyday to the forums to fight over something that you cannot control. Accept change, and you will find that life will be a hell uva' lot easier.


I will continue to adapt to change as Jagex continues to make more and more decisions, and if you cannot cope with the decisions of Jagex, then find another game to play.


So, I have preached to you all what I think. I have become an entity of justice in this war. I am the being that stands watch at the top of the ridge over the battle field, and wait for either the armies to leave due to having fought for eight months, or for someone from the supporters of the wild to appear that can be reasonable, and not fight about it. I have watched the armies of the wildy supporters dwindle as they fight a hopeless battle against the armies of Jagex. We, the people who post flames on their rants only antagonize them further, sending them into fits of rage reminescent of a ten year old when he finds out that his mother threw away all of his videogames.


In the end, it will be a battle that will have been for nothing. For months you had fought and now find yourselves fighting for a cause that will mean nothing. You will have wasted your time, and now are found lying and contemplating what to do next.


Thank you for reading, and have a pleasant day.


Post all comments, and if you find the need to flame, make sure you think it out...don't make yourself look like an idiot...




I have spent years on this game... It's why I'm so stubborn to leave it... been playing since classic. The wild was what made this game popular. Runescape wouldn't have went anywhere without it.. but anyway.




I would not be ranting if they would simply make a decent pvp. Is it really that hard? It's been 8 months and we still havn't seen much effort on Jagex's part to make anything pvp. A lot of the things in this game are now broken. The items going into an item should not cost more then the final product... what's the point in making it? (Rune items, potions .. etc) This is happening because there is simply no demand for final products nowdays as everyone is either A. Skilling. or B. playing non dangerous mini games in which nobody loses their items. No item loss= No Demand. Rune Scims are now like 15k? What a joke.. also nobody has anything better to do then go for a skill cape. There really aren't many challenges in the game anymore as many things have been nerfed/ taken out.




Also. I do love Runescape, it's why I won't leave. I'm just upset they just threw out the portion of the game that made Runescape what it is today.

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If you loved RS you would not be baggin' on Jagex for ruining it...


There is challenge, go to GOW, go to the Fight Cave, fight the Kalphite Queen. Why are you so focussed on challenge? There is enoguh challenge in the game, you just have to find it. You cannot expect to have a challenge come from the sky. Do not say that there is no challenge, you just have to search for it.


I do agree though that the whole skill cape mess is not something that really makes sense, but its not my place to tell people not to get one so if they really want one, go ahead...

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I have spent years on this game... It's why I'm so stubborn to leave it... been playing since classic. The wild was what made this game popular. Runescape wouldn't have went anywhere without it.. but anyway.




I would not be ranting if they would simply make a decent pvp. Is it really that hard? It's been 8 months and we still havn't seen much effort on Jagex's part to make anything pvp. A lot of the things in this game are now broken. The items going into an item should not cost more then the final product... what's the point in making it? (Rune items, potions .. etc) This is happening because there is simply no demand for final products nowdays as everyone is either A. Skilling. or B. playing non dangerous mini games in which nobody loses their items. No item loss= No Demand. Rune Scims are now like 15k? What a joke.. also nobody has anything better to do then go for a skill cape. There really aren't many challenges in the game anymore as many things have been nerfed/ taken out.




Also. I do love Runescape, it's why I won't leave. I'm just upset they just threw out the portion of the game that made Runescape what it is today.




The wilderness didn't make Runescape popular, considering only 16% of players said PVP was their favorite activity.




I'd reply to your statement on Jagex not making any effort towards pvp, but when I read it I got that effect like when you eat ice cream too fast and your brain goes all :-# . Let's see, you've got Bounty Hunter, you've got Fist of Guthix, you've got Clan Wars, and you've got the upcoming PVP updates. The two free for all arenas coming out, one is dangerous the other isn't, and you have updates to clan wars to allow a dangerous playing arena.




And the price for the final product is lower than the price for the resources in any MMO you play. It's like that in WOW, doesn't mean the economy on EVERY server is screwed up, and it doesn't mean Blizzard ruined their game. The Grand Exchange just made it so people will pay what people will pay. If none of the sellers were willing to sell at below average, then the price will drop. When it comes to unfrozen prices on the Grand Exchange, it's working exactly as it should. The price will rise if enough people want it, and the price will drop if nobody will buy it at said price.




And what's been nerfed or taken out? Last I checked, people complained that you die too fast in Bounty Hunter, getting piled. I don't know what twisted world you live in, but that sounds like more challenge than being able to walk away from some idiot with a dragon dagger sitting in level 3 wilderness waiting for people to walk through to the abyss.




If you loved Runescape, you'd put more than .00001% of your intellectual ability (Yes, I do believe you're not even trying) when you make your arguments.




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This is focused mostly at eatrunearrow, but also to those who believe that the removal of wildy pvping "ruined" Runescape or removed the "best" part of the game.


There's a saying about there being no sense throwing good money after bad. It's a term often used for cars. It means that it's not worth investing more in the item because you can't get as much back out of it. When you hit that point, it makes more sense to go and buy a new car, no matter how much you may love your old car or how faithful it was, it won't be worth what you put into it.


You have to decide for yourself if Runescape has reached that point for you, is the time that you WILL put into your character worth the enjoyment you will get from it? Forget the time that you have already invested, that time is spent and gone, you cannot get it back so don't use that as an excuse to stay (it's the "bad" money). The question is about the future, the time and money that you have not yet spent. (the "good" money)

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At topic:








Bad rant.




You call yourself "Fairness"?




Bad name.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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At topic:








Bad rant.




You call yourself "Fairness"?




Bad name.




Hee hee hee...nice




Dragoonson... are you a son of a dragoon? Ratchet573... are you the bad guy from Murder on the Orient Express with a few numbers added? Bad names. Hee hee hee. If you criticise my nick, I suppose that's an acknowledgement of how I'm right.




Now, seriously, I fail to see how anyone could actually READ this rant. Make it shorter please... at this length of rant there is no need to rave on about how they quit, who quit, what did they do to quit, where they protested etc. As for the bad rant, reading whatever few sentences I found to be of interest - we've seen enough idiotic rants about how the wildy/trade limit updates were bad (which they were), BUT we've also seen enough fanboy rants about how these crybabies should GTFO. There is no need for another of either.



You're being watched.

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Well, first of all my name is derived from that of a videogame character...


Secondly, I am not a fanboy, especially by the fact that I play rarely anymore, I gave up my membership and all that because I wanted to wait till Jagex cleared this up before I went back on...

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So you aren't? Your rant title/content belies that. Admit it, it's a waste of space to make this topic, there are much more of the same type of rant, search for one, necro it and copy/paste your rant there.



You're being watched.

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Why does the fanboy argument have to keep coming up?Why don't we pull another word out of a hat and use it as an argument for everything.Here's one "Troll".




By the way,Dragoonson is a comic book character who happened to be hella similar to me when I made this account.


so i herd u liek devarts?

If you look at me and feel offended by my 666-ism,think.I could be just as offended by your "cross".

[hide=This's why I'm hot]

The Eleventh Commandment:Thou Shalst only say "Amen,brother".

Amen, brother :lol:

Amen, brudda (referring to the 10th commandment)

amen Bruder! (german ftw)

I'm invulnerable to everything, except Lenin and Dragoonson.

That's impossible.


I love people.[/hide]

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Us as a group who have been playing since near the beginning or at the start, pking is really what ya had to do, as the whole world was wildy, though given alot of people didn't like it, updates came, an things progressed. I played for lvling of skills and to build pkers/duelers an thats where the buzz was, I'm not going into a long debate as its like :wall: so to those who started AFTER rs2 was released, you can't fully grasp the concept of what we did lose as a community, I don't rant about this all day long, I have gotten used to how rs is now an If I didnt like it I wouldn't still be here, yes lvling is to easy, I've gotten to 77cb in just over a month (No summon) along with a couple of skills up, where it took us years to get stats up before is why some are bitter in the fact ya see so many high lvls, an being 90-100 is no longer respecatble. With the "RULES" people broke them all the time, in the begining it wasn't a big deal, drop trading, well it was the thing to do, you don't make millions on ya char, an then re do it on another so you can afford some arrows, was a waste of time, and with bankers, hacking was a major thing, you needed a banker because rich people where easy targers - Who's winning in lumby duels all the time or high lvl ect - HACKED - It doesn't apear to be a problem now, so drop trading with bankers was really neccisary 5 years ago.


Either way, ya play rs for what it is now, or leave, I will always say I loved rsc more, an I have more respect for those players who played since the begining with there comments as those who've played for 2 years really just can't understand so in ending;




Old school players - I'm with you, but honestly play what it is now, or bye an just remember the good times. :|




New school players (only rs2 players) - You can't understand how it used to be as a community with us. So please don't get all high an mighty as if you know it all.






Arguing about this really is just like = :wall:




Ps. Don't flame me, or others, it's just opinions.

~ K O N K A R ~ Konkar Jr ~ X Konkar X
99 Strength - 18/12/08 - 99 Attack - 5/2/09
99 Hp - 20/7/09 - 99 Defence 26/7/09

Krisk Jr
RSC, Lives on in all of us

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Why does the fanboy argument have to keep coming up?Why don't we pull another word out of a hat and use it as an argument for everything.Here's one "Troll".




By the way,Dragoonson is a comic book character who happened to be hella similar to me when I made this account.




It's the same category as "12 year olds" or "whiners", really. I don't know about such a character, and I'm not sure if others do.



You're being watched.

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Arguing about this really is just like = :wall:





Exactly, you tell them one thing how it really was back in the days, and they contradict you and say no it wasnt, you played rsc, you're a criminal for drop trading so gtfo.





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Arguing about this really is just like = :wall:





Exactly, you tell them one thing how it really was back in the days, and they contradict you and say no it wasnt, you played rsc, you're a criminal for drop trading so gtfo.








Did you know that drop trading is against the rules? And who cares what it was like back in the day, now is now...and will never be yesterday.

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Arguing about this really is just like = :wall:





Exactly, you tell them one thing how it really was back in the days, and they contradict you and say no it wasnt, you played rsc, you're a criminal for drop trading so gtfo.








Did you know that drop trading is against the rules? And who cares what it was like back in the day, now is now...and will never be yesterday.




Everyone drop traded... Runescape is the only big morpg I can think of that doesn't let you share items with your other accounts... It was and has always been a stupid rule. "Unfair for new players" OH NO3S P00R N33bZ!!! Oh well. Probably why so many of you people hate the wild because pures like me slayed you when you were noobs. And I loved every second of slaying the innocent newbie the second they walked into the wild.

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Y'know, I'm by no means a fanatic for either side. I enjoyed a little pking, and the current pvp is pathetic. I'm a little upset that the wilderness is gone, it kinda ticks me off. But I'm not the sort of person to riot or make stupid clone rants. Pking is gone and all we have are shoddy substitutes, so I'm going to do pretty much the same thing, except without pking.






But when people make rants like this, basically a zombie of every '0mg get oVer it n0b cheet3rs' rant ever written about pkers who want the wildy back... As far as I can see, the only purpose of these pker bashing threads is to give the op and supporters a chance to sit back and make arses of themselves by telling anyone who posts a different opinion to 'get over it' and '0mg if u dont like it, quit', while they spew clouds of smug. And these sorts of threads were annoying enough when they were actually up to date, but here you go posting one something like eight months after the fact... Don't you people ever get bored of insulting people who support a different point of view?

There is no meaning or truth in life but that which we create for ourselves.


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Exactly, you tell them one thing how it really was back in the days, and they contradict you and say no it wasnt, you played rsc, you're a criminal for drop trading so gtfo.








Did you know that drop trading is against the rules? And who cares what it was like back in the day, now is now...and will never be yesterday.




Everyone drop traded... Runescape is the only big morpg I can think of that doesn't let you share items with your other accounts... It was and has always been a stupid rule. "Unfair for new players" OH NO3S P00R N33bZ!!! Oh well. Probably why so many of you people hate the wild because pures like me slayed you when you were noobs. And I loved every second of slaying the innocent newbie the second they walked into the wild.




As stupid as alot of us see this rule, it is still one of Runescapes rules...


Rules that all of us agreed to when we made our accounts (whether we like them or not), aru

You dare question my eccentricities?


~The arus are back~

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Everyone drop traded... Runescape is the only big morpg I can think of that doesn't let you share items with your other accounts... It was and has always been a stupid rule. "Unfair for new players" OH NO3S P00R N33bZ!!! Oh well. Probably why so many of you people hate the wild because pures like me slayed you when you were noobs. And I loved every second of slaying the innocent newbie the second they walked into the wild.




As stupid as alot of us see this rule, it is still one of Runescapes rules...


Rules that all of us agreed to when we made our accounts (whether we like them or not), aru




Yeah i mean, if jagex tells you to jump out of the window being a part of their awesome rule, im sure you're gonna do it. Rules are rules, right?




These halfwits these days... Jesus <3:

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Why am I not surprised that you turn to calling people names instead of coming up with a decent retort...Jagex controls there game, not our lives...so we must follow the rules set forth for the game...if they told me to jump out of a window I would tell them to screw me, because as far as I know, I did not sign a rule list for living my life.

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Yeah i mean, if jagex tells you to jump out of the window being a part of their awesome rule, im sure you're gonna do it. Rules are rules, right?




These halfwits these days... Jesus <3:




Using extremities to prove a point does not work. It's their game, they are entitled to making the rules. However, we live our own lives which they cannot dictate how we should live.




Jumping out window =/= drop trading.




Guys, I want to know would you consider me a "fanboy" or just someone who has the simple capability of pointing out the flaws these people are using in their arguments?

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Yeah i mean, if jagex tells you to jump out of the window being a part of their awesome rule, im sure you're gonna do it. Rules are rules, right?




These halfwits these days... Jesus <3:




Using extremities to prove a point does not work. It's their game, they are entitled to making the rules. However, we live our own lives which they cannot dictate how we should live. J




umping out window =/= drop trading.




Guys, I want to know would you consider me a "fanboy" or just someone who has the simple capability of pointing out the flaws these people are using in their arguments?




you are in no way a Fanboy for pointing out these peoples flaws. But the people who you point this stuff out to apparently have such simplistic minds that the only thing they can think of is something to offend the one who just publicly humiliated them, thus, humiliating themselves in the process.

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