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OFFER to duel Anywhere


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Why wont Jagex let people just OFFER to duel anywhere, it wouldnt matter. Plus it would make city life more realistic with fights breaking out anywhere, everywhere, anytime. What do you think??

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Well it used to be like that... It provided a good way for people to clear training spots as well. I remember being challenged countless times when stealing nats in ardougne, all you had to do was carry a couple of super pots and you had the room all to yourself :D

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Yeah, I was priveledged enough to actually see that when I had members for one month; it was quite entertaining to see two 120s going at it...especially when you come back three hours later and they were still going at it!




I don't understand why they changed it, though. I mean, it's pretty silly to make everyone have to go all the way to the Arena just to fight. If I was still a member and wanted to do that, I'd go to the Wild!




They really should bring that back...










Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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I remeber when members first got the dule option and everyone would fight at lumby because it was faster :) Why did they change it, prop because a million people got P.O. from getting 50 billion challanges a day for wearing a Phat or a mask.

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that problem could easily be fixed, by either sending the losers to place no1 would willingly want to go, or not send them anywhere, instead have them be "KOed" and stay in the spot of the duel with a dunce cap so everyone could see the loser :lol:

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Yeah... I wish they'd bring that back, if you got pissed at someone, you challenge them, and they either accept or look like a pucci :lol:

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some1 asked if when u died, would it be like u were skulled or sumthing like that.








No, in rsc when you could duel anywhere, it was just like today's. You accept a duel and your taken to a screen with options on it and u put what u want to stake and stuff. If you died, you would only lose what you stake.












Id love for this to come back, but instead of going to lumby, you would just stay where you were at. You'd lie down , then just get back up having lost whatever you staked. And your hp would not go back to max and stuff so that when u were training, you could just duel some1 have them kill you and ud be full life again

Runescape is fine, its just the idiots who run Jagex that ruin the game.

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i agree 300000000000% that would be soooo cool, be able to kill all those noobs that say they can own you :twisted: and what would be even better would be that the duel would take place in the town square if your in a city, that way everyone can watch

Horus was weak, Abbadon was a fool, but I Karkan, chosen of the chaos gods, shall conquer Terra, I shall kill the false emperor. Under my blood stained banner, chaos shall rule the universe

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i like it :D








"agresser, will you be my gf?"








*challenges them*








"i'll be your gf if you can beat me"








*completely pwns them* :twisted:









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Yea I really like that idea, not because I like to deul, mostly because I like to watch other people duel and I dont like going to duel arena.




I dont really see much of a down side to it








I like the idea, It should come back!


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Powermining to Victory! (80/85)

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just out of curiosity, has this been mentioned on the rs forums?








If anyone can find anything on the official RS forums, then they deserve some kind of meritous acheivement award. I tried one time a few months...I still have a nervous twitch from the ordeal and the nightmares haven't gone away either...










Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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