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Now, before I start this, I will say that I can understand power mining and why to do it, I have even done it myself. However, why, in God's name, does someone think that it is ok to power mine in one of the better banking spots? Especially when the mines are busy? Can't they go find one of the more secluded mining spots to power mine iron? For example, the iron in Edgeville dungeon is far enough away from a bank that it is a pain to bank it and almost no one goes there to mine iron. Is it not a much better place for power mining that in the dwarven mines? Honestly, the people that I saw doing this should have been relatively safe from the skeletons and the iron is far enough away from the hobgoblins that the level 48's don't get in aggro range.




But, as if this wasn't enough, why, can someone tell me, does one attempt to power mine on coal in the mining guild? Don't they know that iron is the best bet for power mining? What is wrong with these people that they not only draw resources away from other players, but that they must do so in such an alarmingly inefficient manner? And, no, these were not people who were dropping coal to get more mith, unfortunately, that I could understand to a degree, but they were simply dropping all of the coal that they were mining.




BLARGH!!! I am so very glad that I am close to my current mining goal and will be able to stay away from the guild for a while after that.

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Well it does take less time to get a to a popular training spot than a secluded training spot. People are lazy.


Thanks to all those who have messaged me concerning a revamp of my Range-Slayer guide. Because of you all I will start rewriting it asap.[/color]


Formerly RobinHoodie.

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Free coal! Although I was with someone yesterday who was powermining everything in the Dwarven Mines, from coal up to addy. He was going for 85, and was giving me the free stuff(stupid trade limits, they really piss me off).


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But, as if this wasn't enough, why, can someone tell me, does one attempt to power mine on coal in the mining guild? Don't they know that iron is the best bet for power mining? What is wrong with these people that they not only draw resources away from other players, but that they must do so in such an alarmingly inefficient manner? And, no, these were not people who were dropping coal to get more mith, unfortunately, that I could understand to a degree, but they were simply dropping all of the coal that they were mining.




Some people power coal in the mining guild because it is the quickest way from 59-60 mining ( they drink a dwarven beer whatever they are called lol). Although i agree about power mining iron.

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It's not the quickest way 59-60 mining, iron is.. and it's dwarven stout :P




I don't suppose they think "YEEEAH let's waste everyone else's resources!! That'll be AWESOMEEEE."


It had never occurred to me that it was wasting other people's resources. Was unaware that it could be seen from that perspective tbh.


Maxed 15/06/13

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Ugh, i hate this too. When you make a perfect circuit where once you mine the last coal, the first one you mined respawns, but then someone who doesn't give two cents breaks your circle and just mines randomly to "power train" his mining level on coal.

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Honestly, I wasn't getting outmined, I do have enough civility to allow a person to mine their fill in peace, then move into that area when they bank to finish filling. (iron in this case) However, the powerminers were enough to make me give up this practice for a while and simply "own" the spawn, especially when a powerminer was there. I have a decent connection, a higher mining skill and I pay attention when mining which makes it that much easier to keep the spawn to myself.




Bad911: There is seldom a perfect circuit, it's often a little off (I find anyway), but I very much agree with you there. It often seems as though the people doing this are new to the mining guild (I keep the hi scores open to see who I'm competing against), so they just might not know any better. Most (note I use most, not all) of the miners at 70+ are quite courteous when it comes to mining the coal, mith is competed for, however. Usually, I find 8-9 rocks makes a good circuit, although once, when the guild was almost empty (there might have been one other miner) I went 12 before the first one re-spawned (just about everything one-hit).




I've seen several types of these though, there are those who start on the first unmined rock they come to, and mine a line back to their circuit (annoying), those who are simply going from the closed unmined to the next closest unmined (usually newer to the guild) and those who randomly bounce from rock to rock with no apparent pattern at all (confusing and annoying).




The first are annoying, but you can either use an off the path pattern, or attempt to keep the rocks in their path clear when they come through.




The second are usually fine once you get them set up in their own pattern (maybe try explaining it to them a bit).




The third, umm, I really don't know what to say about them, I've seen some people run from the bottom edge of the guild, with 2-3 unmined rocks in easy distance to them, to run to the upper edge (near the guild entry, not the dwarven mine entry) to pick a single rock or two, then running towards the back, skipping several more unmined ores. If someone can explain this manner of miner to me, I would be grateful.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Who powermines in the mining guild.....




Good point! More like throwing either cash or smithing experience down the drain!




It is just beyond me, not to mention that there are no good ores to powermine other than iron...at least in F2P.



R.I.P. Neko :[

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I sometimes powermine in the dwarven mines because I'm mining addy and mith and banking that, but powermine while I wait for it to respawn.




Other than that I never powermine though.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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Instead of suggesting that other players use a different spot, which isn't really fair. Maybe you should hop worlds or find a different spot yourself.




People will train however they like, and while you may not agree with their methods, it's entirely up to them.




For less stress in Runescape, I advise that you overlook this kind of incident, and try to work round it ;)




EDIT~spell check.

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