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Quest Calculator


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I apologise if this is in the wrong section.


I'm trying to use the Quest Calculator and it states "You have finished all quests and currently have 253 quest points. Congratulations!"


I have 554QP and have NOT finished all the quests. I also noticed you have added the subquests to recipe for disaster to the Quest list and I have a suspicion thats the culprit.


Once again sorry if in the wrong section.

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Please try again and let us know if you are still experiencing the problem.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm actually experiencing this problem also (it's why I registered for the forums). It happened to me last night, and it keeps happening for me now after all the traditional user-end fixes (cache-clearing, hard reloading, etc.). It first started to happen after I updated completing "As A First Resort", putting me at 10 undone quests/subquests. While I do have 253 quest points, like I just said, I've still got a handful of quests left to complete.




However, I did a bit of poking around-- if I give myself 254 quest points (by ticking the "Back to my Roots" quest), the quest calculator works properly again-- but once I untick the box and get 253 QP and 10 undone quests/subquests, it's back to saying I've done them all. Obviously a short-term fix on my end is doing another quest. But on your end, it looks like the problem might be something hardcoded in to a number-- either of quests, or of quest points-- and forgotten in a later update.




For more details, in case this is helpful for recreating the problem, my undone quests (much shorter list than the complete ones) are Back to my Roots; Contact!; Dealing with Scabaras; Dream Mentor; Fairy Tale Part II - Cure a Queen; Great Brain Robbery; Recipe For Disaster - Subquest 9 Final Fight; Rocking Out; Summer's End; TokTz-Ket-Dill.






Sorry if I wasn't supposed to reply here, especially on an old-ish topic-- I just saw it was the same problem I was having, and thought it would be better to post here than create more clutter with a superfluous topic. Hope my info helps, and if there's anything else in the way of details that I could provide that would assist you in locating the bug, let me know.


You sass that hoopy Alaisiaga? There's a frood who knows where her towel is.

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thanks very much for your informative post - will try to get the right people to look at this issue. It probably does not matter but ... if you'd make another post stating what browser you are using, OS, etc, just in case that might also help them to troubleshoot.




again, thanks so much for the details.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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You're welcome. Being a programmer myself, I know how difficult it can be to pinpoint one line in something so involved. ^^




I'm using Windows XP without SP3, I believe (borrowed computer). I am using Firefox 3.0.3.




I'm almost certain it has to do with number of quests-- I just completed another quest (Fairy Tale Part 2), updated the calculator, and it showed the "You have finished all quests and currently have 255 quest points. Congratulations!" message. Is it possible that this has something to do with adding in the subquests? When putting in the Rag and Bone Man subquest and the nine parts of Recipe for Disaster, that would lead to 10 more quests than "actually" exist; the erroneous message that I've completed all quests happens when I have 10 quests/subquests left undone.


You sass that hoopy Alaisiaga? There's a frood who knows where her towel is.

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Well, the subquests actually have quest points assigned to each of them, that's why we added them in the first place, lol.




Without them, users had to either check Recipe for Disaster (10 qp total) and Rag and Bone Man (2 qp total) completely, or not at all, in order to track their quests. This meant their total wasn't reflected, and it also didn't allow them to track the requirements for the subquests in RFD, which get pretty hectic.




I have alerted our coder to this issue and expect he will look at it as soon as he can. It's odd that it's affecting only a few people, though. Re-reading your posts I see that the main symptom is it saying you've done all the quests even tho you clearly have not checked them all.




In the old days, any change to our quest checklist required users to clear their cookies. That hasn't been necessary in a long time. I hate to even ask it because it's such a nuisance to redo (checking off all your completed quests again), but I wonder if this would solve your problem. (You may have already done this, anyway.) Course I'd hate to have you do it and not have it help, either, lol. >.<


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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The sages have been consulted, and have responded thusly: please clear your cookies.




It will mean entering your data in by hand again, but it should solve the problem.




Thanks for your helpful description of the problem. Please let us know if you still have difficulties after doing this.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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I cleared my cookies, re-entered my done quests.. and I still get the "You have finished all quests..." problem. It doesn't matter the number of quest points earned-- it still happens when I have ten quests, any ten quests left unmarked in the quest list.




I have tried this with subquests checked (as in, all parts of Recipe for Disaster and Rag and Bone Man checked) and unchecked. Different combinations of QP doesn't affect it-- the only thing that does is having 10 quests unmarked.


You sass that hoopy Alaisiaga? There's a frood who knows where her towel is.

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When there's 10 quests left to do, it shows an "All quests done message", yet when all quests are done's no such confirmation message. Guess somebody made a typo there.




Thanks for your help, much appreciated.

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  • 1 month later...

The quest calculator indicates I can do Smoking Kills but the quest guide says I need level 85 combat - which I don't have. Not sure which is correct, the guide or the calc.




It also says I can do Spirit of Summer but I have only level 1 summoning. I think this is a mistake with the quest calc itself.





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Can't do Smoking Kills without the combat level. She (Sumona) won't talk to you. I had the same problem...just levelled up to the appropriate level.




It might be difficult for them to figure combat levels into the calculator.

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Total level: 1936

295/303 Quest Points

Combat Level: 117[/hide]

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There's also a problem with The Great Brain Robbery - it says I can't do it because I haven't finished Recipe for Disaster, but I don't need to finish the whole of RFD, just the Pirate Pete bit (which I have done).




I guess this wasn't updated when RFD was split into subquests, any chance it could be done now?



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Rather than messing this up I will ask the coder to try. Thanks.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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  • 1 month later...

Any chance the quest calculator could be updated to change the fact that there are now multiple boxes to click for each part of the Recipe for Disaster quest so that the Great Brain Robbery quest does not incorrectly show that the quest cannot be completed by people who have already done the Pirate Pete portion of the RFD quest? It still says you must complete the whole thing.




A minor change that may involve major work, but I think it's worth it to curb confusion among newer players using the Tip.It calculator...and that's what the calculator is for anyway, right? To show which ones you need to do in red and the requirements already completed in green.

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Total level: 1936

295/303 Quest Points

Combat Level: 117[/hide]

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Frankly, we are probably going to have to rip the RFD subquests back out of the calculator and force people to cope with the ramifications on their own, as they did before we added them in. (Used to be just one checkbox for the whole quest.)




It was very complicated to code and we have had many complaints, most of them from people who already KNOW the issues around RFD. In fact, it's almost a given that doing RFD means a player is experienced enough to be aware of the subsequent effects.




It's disappointing, but there's other stuff our coders need to do.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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I vote against that! I would RATHER have the individual parts listed and wrong notes than have to have the wrong number of quest points until I finish all of the RFD sub-quests.




It seems to me that those people having problems like that (and myself) could make do until they de-select one or select one more quest or in my case, just know that I can in fact complete the Great Brain Robbery (which I just have done in order to remedy the situation for myself).




If you rip out that code, then I'll have ANOTHER problem, one bigger than the first one, at least IMO.




Perhaps opening up this to some programming help (definitely not me! I'm not a coder) would get a suitable result.




In any other case, I think it is in fact worth the time spent to get it right...for many reasons. Quests are one of the biggest reasons people use the site and the quest calculator is one of the main reasons people like me chose this site over some others.




Please reconsider the rip-out.

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Total level: 1936

295/303 Quest Points

Combat Level: 117[/hide]

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It's not up for a vote. The coders will decide. Basically I'm wishing that people WOULD make do instead of complaining about it, but evidently that's too much to ask.


it's a lot easier to get over yourself when you look at intelligence the same way you look at beauty, or height, or eye color: being smart is easy, but being good is hard ... being smart is handed to you, being good is handed to *nobody*.

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