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Starting to Smoke


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Well yesterday I just took my first two hits of weed (not that im proud of it..I'm not even into smoking. Lets just leave it at one thing led to another, and next thing i knew i was doing it :? )




Two hits, and a lock (where another person literally blows it into you through your hands) and I told a close friend about it. She reacted sorta bad i guess, but I knew it could of been worse :-# And its not like I woke up the next morning craving some more.




Anyways, my two cents are if you"re gonna start doing it, know the consequences and be prepared for'em. Oh, drugs are bad, m'kay?




And jw, it is possible to get 'hooked' on weed and such from your first time right?




Its called "peer pressure" that's how most people get started, it is not AS addictive as other drugs but people do get hooked on it.



As long as you don't have an addictive personality, you'll be fine--i.e. cannabis isn't physically addictive, although, just like with anything else, you can become psychologically addicted to it.

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tell us more, did you enjoy it?


two average size hits sounds about right for your first time :)




Um im not sure to be honest. I guess i should explain how it happened.




I just finished watching a football game with a friend, and we scored just barely with 19 seconds left, and won. So my friend says alright lets go, when he meets up with his friends and they're like oh we we're gonna go smoke some to celebrate you should come. Next thing I knew I was with them in an empty parking lot, and they're passing it around. Normally I wasn't planning on smoking any, and my friend was like "Oh i'm not gonna force you to do it if you don't want to." Then one of his friends comes up to me and says "Oh you've never tried it? You should start like how I first did, with a lock (or shotgun, as deloria called it) It was freezing last night so all i wanted to do was go home, and they're like alright just take a hit or two before ya go. I honestly dont remember what it was like, but it was pretty much how I imagined smoking anything would be. Like I could feel the smoke in throat and when i blew it out. And I didn't get any kind of high or anything (Your not supposed to on your first time, right?) But yea. Like i said, I don't take pride in it, but at least can say I've tried it before.




And, I'm 15 >.> Just throwing that out there. Oh and sorry for the long story :-#

[94/99 Ranged][87/99 HP][80/85 Def][70/70 Pray]

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Well yesterday I just took my first two hits of weed (not that im proud of it..I'm not even into smoking. Lets just leave it at one thing led to another, and next thing i knew i was doing it :? )




Two hits, and a lock (where another person literally blows it into you through your hands) and I told a close friend about it. She reacted sorta bad i guess, but I knew it could of been worse :-# And its not like I woke up the next morning craving some more.




Anyways, my two cents are if you"re gonna start doing it, know the consequences and be prepared for'em. Oh, drugs are bad, m'kay?




And jw, it is possible to get 'hooked' on weed and such from your first time right?




Its called "peer pressure" that's how most people get started, it is not AS addictive as other drugs but people do get hooked on it.




Yea i guess. It was pretty much a moment thing. The fact that I knew people on the group definitely, I guess, affected me to do it. If it was anyone else I'd probably turn it down. But whats done is done, and I don't plan on doing it again anytime soon.

[94/99 Ranged][87/99 HP][80/85 Def][70/70 Pray]

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just make sure its not too much to get you addicted.




Do you know anything about nicotine?




It isn't an instantly-addicting chemical, unlike some included in heroin, cocaine, etc...




There are millions of people who can likely smoke a cigarette at a party, then drop the habit for another year... Not so easy with brain-altering hard drugs.




Not saying marijuana is a hard drug, far from it... Not everyone gets addicted on marijuana either.




Just saying nicotine isn't as 'evil' as you think. You wont get instantly addicted to it unless you build a habit and smoke it even when you don't crave it... Then you might get a physical dependency. I've smoked a couple of cigarettes and never got addicted..

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It isn't an instantly-addicting chemical, unlike some included in heroin, cocaine, etc...


Heroin and cocaine are not instantly-addicting drugs. :lol:




DrugScope - Heroin Myths




Not sure how objective that source is, I was rather referring to cocaine, from a purely non-biased, medical view http://www.pa2online.org/articles/






Cocaine and amphetamine both inhibit re-uptake of dopamine; additionally, amphetamine also causes release of dopamine from nerve terminals. These two drugs therefore act at the nucleus accumbens.




Also quoting for a fair view's sake:




Many drug users do not become dependent or addicted to drugs. However, those that do become addicted display compulsive drug intake, and recovering addicts show a dramatic incidence of relapse, even after prolonged periods of abstinence.




The effects of cocaine on a person's brain and central nerve system can't be even remotely compared to nicotine (but can be likened to amphetamine though), due to the natural reward process it inhibits in the brain. It's very unlikely a recreational cocaine/heroin user can just use the substance occassionally and simply drop the habit at any time.

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It's very unlikely a recreational cocaine/heroin user can just use the substance occassionally and simply drop the habit at any time.


You're assuming that all those who use these substances must do so out of habit (and thus have a hard time parting with it... just like dropping the habit of biting your nails). This isn't always the case for those who use these drugs in a controlled manner.




It's hard to believe, but there are some who have been using heroin "responsibly" for many years without allowing dependence or habit to take control.




Occasional and controlled heroin use - Not a problem?

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Just saying nicotine isn't as 'evil' as you think. You wont get instantly addicted to it unless you build a habit and smoke it even when you don't crave it... Then you might get a physical dependency. I've smoked a couple of cigarettes and never got addicted..




imo nicotine is incredibly evil.. it triggers an addiction in your mind while destroying your body all for little or no benefit...


feels good though :wall:

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I would absolutely not advice you to start smoking, everything that you use for an escape just makes it worse, i'm only 16 and ive been smoking since i was 13, My condition is way worse, i had bronchitis last spring and ive gotten heavy astma in just 3 years, ive also spent over 1000$ a year on smoking so listen to this foolish 16 year old boy... do not smoke T_T 1 ciggarette every other day can turn into 10 a day.




sorry about my bad english im from sweden *excuses*









Gabbie d in the making

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2. Marijuana is only psychologically addicting. If you're weak willed, welcome to hell. If you can control yourself, you don't have much to worry about.




'eh, good thing i dont give into peer pressure.




been tempted to try both but i tend to worry about the effects it causes (too much of a health freak)


and my god, the amount of young people who smoke! :|




do gotta ask, if i was to try a smoke or pot or whatever, how should i do it rather then run to the local druggy down the street with $10 waving in my hand, flailing it around like a 5yo winning his first football trophy?


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Thanks for the interesting booklet Venomai.. Reading it,





do gotta ask, if i was to try a smoke or pot or whatever, how should i do it rather then run to the local druggy down the street with $10 waving in my hand, flailing it around like a 5yo winning his first football trophy?




If you 'have' to, and abstaining from the drug is not an option... Best option would obviously be medical marijuana. Apply for it for back pains or other physical torment, if the doctor sees there's benefit to marijuana use, it can be prescribed in Oregon, Rhode Island and plenty of other states... http://www.cdph.ca.gov/programs/MMP/Pages/default.aspx




If that's impossible... Well as you said, you'll have to deal with criminals. I personally never bought drugs, but observed the dealers usually hang at campuses and night clubs, they wont contact you, you'll often have to get their cell number by asking someone else in the place.




Were I you though, I wouldn't even touch harder pulverized/injectable drugs just as a precaution. Even the study Venomai posted will show you most people who dropped hard drugs did so because of the damage it did to their social life, driving them to crime to finance the expensive stuff, ruining your existence in general..

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I'm starting to smoke on weekends (mostly cigars, and tobacco not actual ciggerettes), with a few of my friends. The main reason I started was because at the moment I don't have much to look foward to, I don't have a girlfriend, I don't have a job and I'm doing average in my last year of school.



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2. Marijuana is only psychologically addicting. If you're weak willed, welcome to hell. If you can control yourself, you don't have much to worry about.


Surely that's a fallacy. If you could control your own emotions, or how much you succumb to peer pressure or new temptations, you wouldn't feel a need to take it in the first place.

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Surely that's a fallacy. If you could control your own emotions, or how much you succumb to peer pressure or new temptations, you wouldn't feel a need to take it in the first place.




because its something new doesn't mean that its a bad thing..

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I have to say I'm not entirely sure what the medical effects of different amounts of cigarettes are.


but from everything I've heard, smoking to relieve lifes general stresses is very much the road to a dependancy/addiction.


It's very easy to build up in the association in your brain - oh dear I'm stressed time to have a cigarette and 1 or 2 could end up building up to more and more.




I'd be very very wary about using stress as a reason to smoke.

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do gotta ask, if i was to try a smoke or pot or whatever, how should i do it rather then run to the local druggy down the street with $10 waving in my hand, flailing it around like a 5yo winning his first football trophy?




Your best bet is probably to find a friend who smokes and see if he can either hook you up with some of his stash (for first timers) or see if he'll give you his dealers number. Getting ahold of a dealer can be the most painful part of the whole process. Many small time dealers often fail to answer their phone, call their customers back, or have enough to sell when you want some. Make sure you're careful when picking up your product, cops are on the look-out for drugs. If you can do the deal inside a house, that's probably best. It will give you time to take a good look at what you're getting and make sure you're not getting ripped off. But if you have to do it outside somewhere, the product goes from your dealers hand, to yours and directly into your pocket. People are generally aware of what a drug deal looks like and many people are opposed to drugs, so keep it as low key as possible.

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Your best bet is probably to find a friend who smokes and see if he can either hook you up with some of his stash (for first timers) or see if he'll give you his dealers number. Getting ahold of a dealer can be the most painful part of the whole process. Many small time dealers often fail to answer their phone, call their customers back, or have enough to sell when you want some. Make sure you're careful when picking up your product, cops are on the look-out for drugs. If you can do the deal inside a house, that's probably best. It will give you time to take a good look at what you're getting and make sure you're not getting ripped off. But if you have to do it outside somewhere, the product goes from your dealers hand, to yours and directly into your pocket. People are generally aware of what a drug deal looks like and many people are opposed to drugs, so keep it as low key as possible.


You're starting to make me paranoid. :lol:




do gotta ask, if i was to try a smoke or pot or whatever, how should i do it rather then run to the local druggy down the street with $10 waving in my hand, flailing it around like a 5yo winning his first football trophy?


My advice? If you really want to try it, ask around a little. Bring it up with your friends and at parties. Don't seek out a dealer, just be patient and soon you'll get a chance to try it.

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