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The Official 2008 HSC Topic


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hsc broke my spirit. :lol:


that it did also. >.<




dont we get our UAI posted on the net now or do we also get a letter sent home with our UAI? i was told it was intarwebz... plus i lost my pin numer to check on the D.O.E. site. -.-




besides that my 18th is on the maths exam so im not particully happy about that, however its the last exam i have so all ends well. ::'


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im doing my hsc through tafe. its a really great way to do it =]




im doing my hsc over 18 months and have already fully completed my maths module and scored 94 on it (will prolly get lowered down to 93-91 but hey its out of the way =] )




i finished my physics and chem modules scoring 87 and 92 respectivly (not sure what they scale to)




and iv got english and modern history left, both of which after 50% of em being done are sitting at around 90-92% so as long as i dont screw them up, it should be a good UAI for me




then its off to a buisness / arts degree through the army studying at canberra



Started new account: flipflop v2

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I did SACE last year and completely screwed up the exam process lol. Basically didn't plan it out too well and just over crammed burnt out. During exams my brain literally died 1.5/2 hours into the exam -.- so I basically went from a 95+ ter to a 90 ter lol.




My tips:




- drink caffine in moderation.


- if your tired, sleep, don't try and study through it.


- plan out your study.


- be chilled


- don't stay stuck on one question only.

Wondering what to do with life .....

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Doing it next year, so i start the year twelve course in two weeks, fun fun. Doing 4u English, 2u Religion, modern history, music 2 and Industrial Technology Multimedia. 12 units, i might drop a unit of religion to bring it down to 11, kinda stupid having two useless units. My school makes 11 units the minimum btw. I'm hoping to either do visual communication or industrial design at UTS. And schoolies is booked, my group's got a house in byron :D




Good luck to everyone btw, got a couple of friends doing it, rather stressed ha.


"A disbelief in magic can force some poor souls into believing in authority and business"

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Doing it next year, so i start the year twelve course in two weeks, fun fun. Doing 4u English, 2u Religion, modern history, music 2 and Industrial Technology Multimedia. 12 units, i might drop a unit of religion to bring it down to 11, kinda stupid having two useless units. My school makes 11 units the minimum btw. I'm hoping to either do visual communication or industrial design at UTS. And schoolies is booked, my group's got a house in byron :D




Good luck to everyone btw, got a couple of friends doing it, rather stressed ha.




I'm going to Byron for schoolies 8-) Can't wait.

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im doing my hsc through tafe. its a really great way to do it =]




im doing my hsc over 18 months and have already fully completed my maths module and scored 94 on it (will prolly get lowered down to 93-91 but hey its out of the way =] )




i finished my physics and chem modules scoring 87 and 92 respectivly (not sure what they scale to)




and iv got english and modern history left, both of which after 50% of em being done are sitting at around 90-92% so as long as i dont screw them up, it should be a good UAI for me




then its off to a buisness / arts degree through the army studying at canberra


92 in Chemistry... holy crap, you're a gun. Good work man.




I'm going to a place just out of Gosford with a bunch of guys from my year for schoolies. It's pretty secluded, but there are two groups of girls from our year who are staying nearby. Plus, we can just go to Newy when we want to have a party. :)




Ergh. First exam for me is in two days--English Paper One. The exams officially start tomorrow though, don't they?




Edit: Remoteman, you've booked schoolies a year in advance? I'd be cautious about that. You might change your mind about who you like and don't like throughout the year.


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Yeah my first exam is English too. I don't know how to feel right now. Sometimes I feel extremely confident, while every now and then I start to think I'm not prepared.


All I know is I keep looking forward to the end way too much. I keep getting distracted by thinking about how great it will be once I finish.




21 days left! :D

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I dropped out of year 11 last year so I am watching my friends suffer through their HSC starting today :lol: it's pretty weird the ones I expected to do really well in their HSC have put absolutely no effort into studying and are just going to wing it :? and the friends that were usually lazy have been studying almost every day.




I say the TAFE route is probably better opposed to the HSC if you aren't interested at all in uni, at the moment I am just in a lil gap period but I have pretty much all my modules in cert 3 Network Admin completed I just need to get my web design ones done and I get the certificate. TAFE is a lot more relaxed environment and I find it much more enjoyable then school. :thumbsup:




anyway that's my lil input about HSC times, good luck guys.

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All I know is I keep looking forward to the end way too much. I keep getting distracted by thinking about how great it will be once I finish.


That's exactly what I've been doing.


It's weird though. I'm actually looking forward to the first exam. Just for the fact that I'll go in there, sit a two hour exam, and I'll never have to look at those texts again. Plus, creative writing is awesome.


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The first section in particular. I've always gone really well in that section. As in, I usually beat all of the Advanced students bar maybe 1 or 2 in that section. But I didn't even try for part D of it.


In addition I did a horrible job of the creative writing, but that was just my own fault. I think the essay was ok.


It was mostly section 1.


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When I first walked out of the exam, I actually felt extremely confident about my performance in the first and section. But now that I've had time to think about it, I think I had a really shallow analysis for section 1, and I forgot to include the title into my creative writing :? Hopefully that wasn't an essential point.

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I thought it was pretty easy. I ran out of time for the last question on section 1 though, but I think I wrote enough anyway. The creative writing probably let me down since I had one prepared and couldn't really fit it into the question. But the essay was dead easy.




So what modules is everyone doing for paper 2? I'm doing Transformations, Telling the Truth and Gwen Harwood.

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Just finished English Paper 2. I'm actually pretty happy with it. I did Telling Stories (Henry Lawson short stories), Poetry (Wilfred Owen), and Ways of Living (SeaChange).


I expect to get pretty good marks for the first two, in particular Telling Stories. The question for Ways of Living was a bit too ambiguous for my liking, but it's alright.


How did everyone else go?


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Yeah I'm not sure how I went. The 'Into the world' world question was easy, but including two texts made me go over time, making my last essay a little bad. So I'm hoping to go well in the first two, and get average marks for the last. But anything can happen ;)




Section 2 (We All Fall Down for me) was a very surprising question. It was a lot more complex than any other question I had gotten for this module.

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I gunned Transformations.




I hated the other two. Especially Harwood. For those two I was grasping at straws for something to write. But English is finally over...now to ritually burn all my English notes.

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Apparently my school had a bomb scare today. So lucky that there were no exams on!


Haha, lucky. What happened?


There's a school across the road from mine that's about two or three times the size of mine. Some of their students used to ring up saying there was a bomb, and they'd laugh at us as we all ran out onto the oval. I respect them for that.


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