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[Answered]Account hacking


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Well ive been off runescape for about 6 months, and recently my cousin has been trying to hack me, now he tried to get my password from the lost password feature and well he knew most of the answers but he didnt know any of my old passwords, but im scared that he might just be able to get my account, any way i can tell jagex about this?


Best tip.it F.O.G. player =)

"No mercy for the weak, no pity for the dying, no tears for the slain"

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Why not just settle things like a real man would?




knock his face in.










but in seriousness: there's almost no way you can get in direct contact with jagex. certainly not about things like account security :roll:


I already beated him up ;) , but i guess he's gonna take his revenge by hacking my account :(


Best tip.it F.O.G. player =)

"No mercy for the weak, no pity for the dying, no tears for the slain"

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knock his face in.




Seriously, do this, don't let your cousin attempt this, I mean unless he is older than you. Other than that change the recovery questions, put up a bank pin, lock up your things.




How old is this cousin? If you can beat him up, he cant be that big/smart.

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can i buy a ticket?




btw, change ya pass, chnge ya recs and put a pin on your account, also tell your cuz that should he touch your account, tip.it will be all over him LOL!




EDIT! btw, i just remembered, shold you loose your account to your cuz it would not matter, as long as you are on the same ip as when you made/played the account mostly jagex will give you back your account.

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Violence is not the answer. I frown at you for suggesting it :thumbdown:




On Topic: Talk to him over the phone and tell him that if he does anything, you will tell his mother. Better yet, tell her.

My relaxation method involves a bottle of lotion, beautiful women, and partial nudity. Yes I get massages.



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Punching him and telling his mom won't work as our parents don't get into our fights, but well i guess most of my stuff is in my bank which i put a pin on and then if he steals it i can just recover the password back?


Best tip.it F.O.G. player =)

"No mercy for the weak, no pity for the dying, no tears for the slain"

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I dont think getting Jagex involved would be a very good idea, they might just lock your account because of account sharing/trading even though this might not have been the case. Best you could do is to keep on changing your pass to random letter/digits and change your recovery questions to something he would never even guess. If everything fails then you might just have to knock the sheeeeeeeeet out of him.


|Tip.it's TOP F.o.G player|Current Goals: 95STR/95ATK/95RANGED|



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1) Change questions


2) Change PIN, or set


3) Change password to something TOTALLY off. Something like mrgreen, idk (looking at smileys, lol). But yeah, be creative.

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I dont think getting Jagex involved would be a very good idea, they might just lock your account because of account sharing/trading even though this might not have been the case. Best you could do is to keep on changing your pass to random letter/digits and change your recovery questions to something he would never even guess. If everything fails then you might just have to knock the sheeeeeeeeet out of him.


two people in this thread's siggies say theyre tipits best fog player lol.


but on topic, just change all your recovery questions and your password to something random, or something your cousin would never guess.


and if he still manages to hack it somehow, tell his mommy.

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Change your pass, and change your questions.


That should help. ::'

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I think gabby_air hasnt updated his siggy in quite a while. If im not mistaken his FOG rating was something like 9k last time i checked. Errrr i wipe the floor with 20k rating


It's 18k but since i havent played for 6 months, i guess people took over me


--well ive changed everything, so i guess i'll hope for the best


--Mod can close the topic


Best tip.it F.O.G. player =)

"No mercy for the weak, no pity for the dying, no tears for the slain"

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