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Password got keylogged, how did it happen?


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I use


Comodo Firewall - Defence level "Paronid Mode"


For Antivirus I use Avast Home Edition


I also use ProcessGuard, WinPatrol, Spyware Terminator to mointor stufts from downloading


I also use Adaware, Mareware bite, Spyware doctor, A Square to counter spyware and malware.


Other than this I also use Housecall and Hijack this to check my software.




All this are updated every week and are use to scan my computer weekly. I uses Opera as my primary browser, and Internet Explorer as seconday browser.




But with all this security software, how did a key logger trojan installed itself onto my computer?! Is is because Avast is not that powerful and I should use Norton instead? I tried AVG and Avira before too.




One strange thing is that the password I type on Internet Explorer got stolen, but the one on Opera is untouched. Is it because Internet Explorer is more vulnerable or what?

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How do you know it was keylogged? Personally i think is operator error. You know 99.9% with a computer it is operator error. You were pry looking at something you shouldn't have been looking at and that is why you pry got your password stolen.

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I use


I should use Norton instead?




No, Norton would be your biggest mistake ever. If you want to try something else, It's NOD32 or Kaspersky that you should go to.



One strange thing is that the password I type on Internet Explorer got stolen, but the one on Opera is untouched. Is it because Internet Explorer is more vulnerable or what?




Internet Explorer has a lot of security holes that are still waiting to be plugged. Use Firefox instead of Internet explorer and you'll be like me, Opera as main browser, and Firefox as second. Firefox has a lot less security holes (or so I read) and is much faster than both Internet Explorer and Opera.

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Thanks for the tip! I would already deleted Internet Explorer if not for my School Insistance to only allow Internet Explorer user to access the website. Plus, I need to access it to check my time table, home work and stufts everyday.




But why is Norton consider bad? Initally my school install Macafee on all our laptop, but I uninstall it as I found it hog too much system resource. Also,does encription work in such cases?




So is there any way to make Internet Explorer more secure? I tried some utilities and pop-up blocker that doesn't really work well.

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Norton is known to be a resource hog, slowing down your computer to a crawl when nothing is happening and being even more slower when you have something running, it is also has a recent reputation of missing vital malicious software and giving false-positives.

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I was until very recently using Norton and it gave me nothing but trouble. It's slow, misses things, and to add to that, the customer support is rubbish.




Anyway, I'm confused by what you're saying. Did you try logging from school or home? If you did the former, then it's little wonder your password was stolen.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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internet explorer is junk and shouldn't even be classified as one of the leading web browsers in my opinion, get rid of it now.




its very possible it may have just been user error your password was stolen. are you sure it was a keylogger or are you just guessing?

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internet explorer is junk and shouldn't even be classified as one of the leading web browsers in my opinion, get rid of it now.




its very possible it may have just been user error your password was stolen. are you sure it was a keylogger or are you just guessing?


Internet Exploder really isn't a leading browser. It is only used because that is what is installed on all Microsoft machines by default. Which some people that are illiterate don't know how to install another internet browser believe it or not. So i guess that is how it gets its self populated as a browsers its self. Now in vista Microsoft requires you have Internet Exploder installed. So of course Microsoft took the cheap way again.

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Anyway, I'm confused by what you're saying. Did you try logging from school or home? If you did the former, then it's little wonder your password was stolen.




I use the Internet Explorer at home but my computer domain is a public domain share by everybody in the school. Because in the school, we need to log on to that domain to use the school free wireless network and other services.





its very possible it may have just been user error your password was stolen. are you sure it was a keylogger or are you just guessing?




PC Tools Spyware Doctor Detect it as I shedule daily scan and the result is as follows:




Threat Name - Application.Absolute_Key_Logger


Type - Registry Key


Risk Level - High


(It sounds like some commerical key logger)




And Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware found a trojan, that trojan was annoying as it keep trying to terminate this, in the end I have to use ProcessGuard to deal with it.




Ad-Aware did a scan and found a threat-high, that is called "Anti-Spyware" or something.




That trojan (or the virus bundle with it) prevent me from using TweakNow RegCleaner Std but my other registry cleaner Glary Registry Repair and CCleaner is not affected. It also prevent Windows Defender from auto-updating. Plus, it also corrupted one of my files, that I have to restart my computer and uses Chkdsk.




But I still don't understand how it went pass Spyware Terminator (Real-Time Sheild), WinPatrol, SnoopFree Privary Sheild and COMODO firewall.




Basically one file with a keylogger name and two file with some trojan name inside and all are threat level high. I'm just confused and curious how did that Trojan and Keylogger went through all the defence utilities I've installed.

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If it's help my Internet Explorer has the adds on "Free Download Manager", "IE7Pro 2.4" and "Spyware Blaster" to prevent spyware from getting through the security loopholes.




Maybe my suspicions is wrong, but I think the trojan and virus get in through Internet Explorer as the password I use there all got changed. However the password in Opera browser remains secure. (Let say 20% is secure)




I use Internet Explorer to Google and search stufts, anime and watch youtube videos, I did not go to some "naughty, forbidden" website, nor download/open any unknown attachment.




Should I use Encription and RoboForm (a password encription software) to protect my computer?




What I'm also confuse is that does Proxy, Privacy Cleaner actually helps?

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If I had to guess, I would say your multitude of programs caused problems with each other, and while they were arguing, the file pulled a Stealth > Ambush > Cheap Shot on your computer (If you play WoW, you'd get the reference).




You should only have 1 antivirus, 1 firewall, and maybe 2 antispyware (many people suggest Spybot and Ad-Aware together at max).




With your 10 antispyware, firewall, and 3 virus scanners, plus 6 different registry and crap cleaners (/exaggeration), you're bound to have conflicts somewhere. Try to cut down on your anti-x usage, stick with what you really need (mentioned above), not what your paranoid mind thinks you need.




I looked at your list of programs and added on to our house with the bricks I shat...srsly.

[hide=Funny Quotes]

So you sucker punched a kid in the back of the head? Good job.
What scares me is that you're like 10 years old.
-.- im not that freaking young
You were a couple years ago.
It's not racist if its true.
Hmm... I wonder how one goes about throwing someone out a window in a mystic fashion :-k


The mental image for that is freaking awesome.


- I dont need to "get a life." I'm a gamer - I have LOTS of lives!

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