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Suggestion Box (RS2) (JaGeX Staff Welcome)

Guest Skunko

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Guest Skunko

:idea: I have a great idea for RS2 :idea:




It is that you can put tags on names in-game...








eg. 'Skunko' (not my user-name in RS), (then date added), (then tag) in a table format...








So it looks something like this:








Name | Date added | Tag








Skunko | 01, may, 2003 | ghggghggat Clan Leader








1G | 19, june, 2004 | buys feathers for 1k each








Hupo2 | 10, july, 2002 | owns me a kabab!








Aghsghsgasdf | 09, dec, 2002 | i own a steel plate








(12 spaces) | (12 spaces) | (24 spaces)... (small text)








and so on...








The reason i thought of this is that i have many friends for good reasons such as they buy stuff, or i made a deal for me helping them... and now i got I.O.U's everywhere and really hope someone from JaGeX looks at this and thinks in his/her head 'thats a pretty good idea...' and could be in the next update... well... i can only hope... :cry:








Thanks For Looking!

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Yeah has been suggested a few times before.




Although it would be an interesting idea, I can't really see Jagex implementing it. :?

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this idea was posted on the offical forums by curse:








the idea of present box's(Presents!)








where you can put an item in a box and give to someone as a surprise :)




(and no i dont see how someone can be scammed with this, cos honestly who takes a present from someone they dont even know, if you do then your just asking for it :roll: )








and my idea:








the face's in the dialog box's, i dont think the world was cloned or is it just coincidence every male and female respectively looks the same i the talking dialog. a few different designs in faces would be a welcomed additive to the game. :D









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Something that tells you which server you are on. Simple :wink:








YES! We need one of those. Right now I just add some random person who was talking, hoping they have privacy off.

RSN: Mutashi

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The names would take up too much space.








And just for future reference, when you said "Jagex Staff Welcome", if they are looking for suggestions, I think they'll still to the boards directly off their site, which includes a whole forum list of topics about suggestions. Try posting it there if you are looking for them to read your topic.

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Guest Skunko
The names would take up too much space.








And just for future reference, when you said "Jagex Staff Welcome", if they are looking for suggestions, I think they'll still to the boards directly off their site, which includes a whole forum list of topics about suggestions. Try posting it there if you are looking for them to read your topic.





k, good point, but i really think that a very small tag would be cool, when you put your mouse over a small block on the right side of the name or soming... like:








blahblah server15 []








[] = when you put your mouse over a messege appers... sound good?

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Another good idea is to make rune gauntlkets and rune boots or things that are like armor boots. So that the term full ruen wqould mean that u are all covered n armor ... and also it would look muhc cooler to have rune boots with u'r rune full.

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or just full armor. it all comes together as one item and you can buy it for slightly cheaper than buying everything separate. then you just equip it and on the equip screen it shows you as if you have each individual item. Then they could keep the way it is too and that way you can mix, ie. addy plate and rune legs








another idea: to chose whether you are going to be a pker or not when you make your character. that way pkers can only kill pkers, but nonpkers cant pick up pked items etc and cannot see or get items in the wildy or something, they can just battle monsters. example: a pker can mine in the wildy cause he is at risk, and can be attacked, but a non pker wouldnt be able to mine, but he would be safe from harm.

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yah thats a really good idea ... ti would make ther selling procces much more easier but then again u have ot remeber this is kind of liek a medieval world and peoepl in the medieval had to go looking for thigns and exploring so that wouldnt be too realistic ... and also the tag thing wouldnt be too good because it would take too much space.

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another idea: to chose whether you are going to be a pker or not when you make your character. that way pkers can only kill pkers, but nonpkers cant pick up pked items etc and cannot see or get items in the wildy or something, they can just battle monsters. example: a pker can mine in the wildy cause he is at risk, and can be attacked, but a non pker wouldnt be able to mine, but he would be safe from harm.








Doesn't work. That's how RuneScape was before the wilderness came out. You chose to be a PKer or non-PKer and you could switch 3 times before becoming a permenant PKer. Jagex soon added the wilderness in and took out the PKer/Non-PKer idea. The wilderness was made to be a place where it is dangerous and you take the risk of being PKed. Re-adding the PKer/Non-PKer idea and keeping the wilderness wouldn't be a very good idea at all, sorry.

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We should have individual bank account passwords to feel more secure online, so if someone gets in our accounts, then we can at least protect our banks, or we should be able to burry treasure as a way of potecting out most valid item. i.e. put a phat in a casket and burry it then re dig it up later or whenever, we would also be able to learn the cords of where we burried it. But the problem would be that people would forget their cords and then jagex would recieve many support queries.








An alternate suggestion would be having a vault say in the dwarven mines or grand tree where we could store our items, and have an individual passs word to withdraw them.




tell me what you think,





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intresting.. but in order to do this.. the friends list would have to be wider? or the text smaller? or each person taking up 2 lines?








any of those would be a hassle :shock:


[02] -RuneScript- *** [ END ]: You gained 444,384 prayer exp in 5secs. That's 319,956,480 exp/h.

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another great idea would be making the banks to having slots so the items in u'r bank dont get all mixed up and u can find them fast and easy.... for example there would be an armor slot and u could only put armor in there, then there would be an magic slot and u could only put in amulets, runes, and magic stuff. This would make banks way more organised.

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