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How many sharks/monks do you catch per hour?


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Just gathering some info.


please state you fishing level as well




In order to do the calc, time X fish-bank runs, then do:


60/(time taken/x)*27


this will give a good estimation of how many fishes you fish-bank per hour.


The bigger X is the more accurate it will be.






At level 66 it took me around 30 minutes to do 4 monks runs so:


60/(30/4)*27 = ~216 monks per hour





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i think a lot of people use bad math to figure out their hourly fishing rates.


we need a bunch of people at different levels to legitimately time fishing trips per hour and average it out keeping a constant location (ie. you either use the "4" dock or the "F" dock at the guild and never change during the entire time). you have to take spot movement, spot numbers, distance from bank, your fishing level even your internet connection speed into account..




it's stupid to time a load and figure it out from there, i have level 77 fishing and a load of lobbies can take anywhere from 2 minutes to 8 minutes for me. what about the time wasted in random events?? how do you factor that in.. that's completely unknown.

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The best way to do this would be to take a stopwatch, and whenever you are actually fishing (ie plundging the harpoon etc) the clock is running, and when you hit full inventory, or a random event, or a spot move, you stop the clock until you continue fishing. and you time how long it takes to get X (500 should be good, so we can get a good sample, that's about 20 loads) amount of monks.


I think I'll do Baby Blacks :P
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i think a lot of people use bad math to figure out their hourly fishing rates.


we need a bunch of people at different levels to legitimately time fishing trips per hour and average it out keeping a constant location (ie. you either use the "4" dock or the "F" dock at the guild and never change during the entire time). you have to take spot movement, spot numbers, distance from bank, your fishing level even your internet connection speed into account..




it's stupid to time a load and figure it out from there, i have level 77 fishing and a load of lobbies can take anywhere from 2 minutes to 8 minutes for me. what about the time wasted in random events?? how do you factor that in.. that's completely unknown.




Well now haven't you just defeated your own argument? You really don't see that too often. =D>




Why should we attempt at making approximate calculations for fishing rates when there are so many variables to take into consideration? A good educated guess is as good as it's going to get. Timing several loads at the same level and averaging them out is really the most time effecient way of getting an answer, and besides they don't need to be approximate anyway. It's a waste of time trying to factor in all the technicalities that are seemingly impossible to factor in anways.



-Recipient of Lesser Demon Champion Scroll

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Timing only the loads and ignoring the trips to the bank would be a very bad way to time it, actually. :shame:




At level 99 fishing, I can average 150 sharks per hour (at Burgh de Rott). So that claim of 250 in an hour at level 83 is either an exaggeration, a massive fluke, or both.

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A good educated guess is as good as it's going to get. Timing several loads at the same level and averaging them out is really the most time effecient way of getting an answer


Exactly, we are talking about average here so if,for example, you go fishing for 2 hours, you can divide by 2 the numbers of fishes you banked,or even to use an 1/2 hour quanta ,multiple each by 2,sum them all and divide by 4.


A better way will be to do 10 fish-bank runs, divide the time taken by 10 to get an average per run, for example 8 minutes,then (60/8)* 27 = ~202




Either way, lets not do an essey about it, if enough people will put their info we'll have a good estimation of the fishing rate per hour.


And yes, banking should be included.


Anyway, i edited the post to explain how to calculate

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