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- Turnpikes - Road to Max Cape -

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Going for 99. Doubt I will make it, but with work and playing Stealing Creation for hammers it honestly is not half bad. I'm getting 90 at the bare absolute minimum.


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  • 2 weeks later...




Buying 99 Prayer via Infernal Ashes and 98 Herblore via Combat Potions in the GE as of right now. I have the money to get 99 Herblore too, but I want to make some Extremes and what not for 98-99. Got a lot of work the next few weeks so they should keep me busy..


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  • 1 month later...

dat dongoneering skill is lonely :boohoo:

lol turn sucks at dungeoneering.


My Dungeoneering level is 92.




92 Fishing | 92 Firemaking | 92 Dungeoneering | 99 Cooking

100% FTP | 800+ Total | 19 Combat

Optima dies.. prima fugit. .::. Forever a Harpy

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herb is for noooobs


No it's not. Extreme Potions are needed. :D

Lies. People have been playing without them for years.


Because they are either stupid or poor. :P

I'm poor and have godawful MH luck





People in glass houses should shower in the basement.


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Hi, I am actually still playing...it's amazing.


So, not really into taking screen shots anymore except for 99's.


I got 93 Fishing and 84 Woodcutting..


Plans include: Crafting for 2x weekend along with just Woodcutting Ivy and Farming Maples/Palms/Watermelons/Herbs while playing Call of Duty now.


Also...as stupid as it sounds..my buddy taught me how to PK so I spent a few days doing that. Nothing big though only AGS/Whip in Edgeville..


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Got some new goals lined up..some are pretty easy, while other will take some time. No rush on them..only playing casually..


82/90 Farming

90/90 Firemaking

93/90 Smithing

90/90 Woodcutting

83/90 Crafting (This will be my 2x weekend skill. I have 6k Red Leather already bought.)

81/85 Construction


Right now I am Farming along with chopping Ivies while playing my Xbox..Smithing and Firemaking will not very long...but I'd rather work on Woodcutting while I am motivated.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So the bonus weekend ended. I managed to get 90-93 Smithing and 85 Farming. I also have gotten 90 Firemaking and 86 Farming on top of those. I'm kind of losing focus again on goals, however, I'm trying to do some Runecrafting along with Construction still. Thinking about trying to get some effigies to raise my RC some more.







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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I spent the last few days viciously Crafting, and honestly managed to get a 99 I never pictured I'd have. I am quite pleased. (Now it's back to work today.) Next up is Smithing until I give up, but I WANT the Smithing cape so.. :)









Also managed #1 on the Daily! :D WOO!@


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Congrats on crafting!


It was a bit confusing scrolling down, seeing you have leveled 99 first and after that 98 :P


"Happines only real when shared."





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