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I got a question to Atheists


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I've gone through phases of spiritual atheism.




Ghosts and spirits of the dead are essentially one in the same, but 'ghost' has more of a popular fiction interpretation.




and there is a $1 million dollar reward for anyone who can prove the existence of any paranormal phenomena


The James Randi Challenge is a bunch of BS, and more or less a total scam. :lol:




The money does exist, the foundation has a Goldman Sachs bank statement on the front page.. View the log of applicants.. It's really them who are full of BS, no offence :lol:




The requirements aren't that hard to meet: Your 'ability' simply must hold water in double blind testing. All sorts of people claiming to be able to summon ghosts, read letters that are sealed in a box, etc... Have all failed when it was ultimately tested.




Frankly, I'm not really surprised that an animal (human) can't bend the laws of nature, some of those applicants need a reality check badly.




Some of them have pretty interesting abilities though, like being able to draw a different picture with both your hands at fast speed accurately. Not sure if that's paranormal though.

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The money does exist, the foundation has a Goldman Sachs bank statement on the front page..


The money is held in "negotiable bonds." The actual money the winner would receive may be much less than the expected amount.




I'm sure most of the participants are full of BS, but that's aside the point. :lol: As of April 2007, the challenge only accepts those with an existing media profile. This instantly creates a bias. Those who advertise their 'ability' are more likely to have a media profile and are often more motivated by profit (which is suggestive of a hoax).

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Well, I think yes, they're related, but not. If you, know what I mean.




1) God and 'ghosts' are both supernatural, no one can deny that's what they're classified as.








2) People can believe in God, but not ghosts.








But personally, I believe in God, but not Ghosts, or Purgatory for that matter.

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I don't think God and ghosts come hand in hand. Like, if you believe a person has a soul, but there is no god, then where do those souls go when one dies? The most logical answer is either they go into the form of a ghost, or that humans do not have souls, and that ghosts are just figments of one's imagination.




When it comes to ghosts, I'm around the middle of the road. I believe that ghosts are a possibility, but I have no true experience to make me fully believe in their existence. And, being Atheist only affects this with saying that one cannot be possessed by a "demon," because believing in demons means believing in everything else christianity teaches. Sure, there could be particularly malicious ghosts out there, but not demons.




Well, that's my two cents :twss:


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Ive spoken to Physicists who believe in Ghosts.




There are Scientific theory's that explain the existence of "Ghostly images" from the past. But I have not encountered any that would explain the ability to interact with "Ghosts" as some people claim to have.




How do you define a Ghost because some people will class an unexplained orb of light as a Ghost and other will only call it a Ghost if it represents a human form. I have not encountered anything to convince me that Ghosts exist, I think Human imagination plays a big role in the reports of Ghostly sightings.




You can be an atheist and believe in Ghosts, I'm undecided on the subject because I haven't seen one but if people are telling the truth in what they see, one day Science will explain it.


Since 27 Aug 2002

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Well most people don't believe that ghosts created the world and everything in it in 7 days and that we must devote a part of our lives to worship said ghosts.




I'm talking about like civil war ghosts, murdered ghosts, ect.. not your ignorent example.

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There are Scientific theory's that explain the existence of "Ghostly images" from the past. But I have not encountered any that would explain the ability to interact with "Ghosts" as some people claim to have.


It seems likely that many ghost/alien/spirit encounters can be attributed to chemical changes in the brain and altered states of consciousness. Two common scenarios come to mind. The first is hypnagogic hallucinations of demons, evil spirits and aliens (sometimes related to sleep paralysis). The second is out-of-body and near-death experiences (and related phenomena), in which seemingly realistic sightings and even communications with other beings (deceased relatives, spirit guides, etc) has been reported.

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I'm agnostic, and I'm actually more open to ghosts than a god. For a ghost to exist, it must simply be something that can be experienced somehow. If I could see a ghost and be sure it is not an more of an illusion than something else I usually see, it would be just as real as my table or my laptop.




God, however, is a little more tricky. A ghost can easily be defined as a ghost, but how can you be sure of what's God or not? Perhaps this god has its own god that "programmed" it to think of itself as God? :shock:



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