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Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States


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Dude, do you have any class? You've won and you've still resorted to name calling




I didn't call Republicans any names, just Sarah Palin. Rightfully so, if I may say. NAFTA...? Comon...




I never said that is why he won. I just said that he did.




How so?

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The Natfa thing and Africa thing are just made up by bitter people from the campaign. And Obama played the race card a few months ago when he said his little 'OOoh the evil Republicans are going to try to make people scared of me by saying oh did you know he's black?' I'll give him credit for not doing it a lot but he still did it.

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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The Natfa thing and Africa thing are just made up by bitter people from the campaign. And Obama played the race card a few months ago when he said his little 'OOoh the evil Republicans are going to try to make people scared of me by saying oh did you know he's black?' I'll give him credit for not doing it a lot but he still did it.




It wasn't made up lol, and if it is she hasn't addressed it.




How is that playing the race card? He said "He has a funny name, he's a muslim." How on earth is that the race card?

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It's hilarious that you think Obama was playing the race card, he was (or at least was trying) to do the complete opposite. He wanted people to believe and vote for him for his policies and his plans to "revolutionize Washington" and not because there's more pigment in his skin...




I'm still laughing that I read he's playing the race card... Sure he got many voters because he's black (he got 96% of Nevada's black vote) but that was up to the voters, he didn't say "Hey, I'm Black, I'm different. I'm not the traditional white guy so vote for me!". But you seem to be blaming him for being black...






I was going to add a little insult but then I thought you might call me out on not having class.

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The Natfa thing and Africa thing are just made up by bitter people from the campaign. And Obama played the race card a few months ago when he said his little 'OOoh the evil Republicans are going to try to make people scared of me by saying oh did you know he's black?' I'll give him credit for not doing it a lot but he still did it.




No one seems to remember that Sarah Palin played the "sexist" card about a billion times. I mean honestly, the McCain/Palin Campaign was whining about the fact that she was being asked difficult questions. If you're going to call out Obama for the race card, you damn well better recognize that Palin played the sexist card just as much, if not more.

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I think the funny thing is that Obama really didn't have the race card to play. I mean he is half-white and half-black. Trust me if Obama was fully black he would not have won the election. The American Public wasn't ready to elect a fully black president, just look at the uproar caused by electing Obama.


People that would have been against him just for not being white wouldn't really have made that distinction.

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I think the funny thing is that Obama really didn't have the race card to play. I mean he is half-white and half-black. Trust me if Obama was fully black he would not have won the election. The American Public wasn't ready to elect a fully black president, just look at the uproar caused by electing Obama.




You realize that race is not biological, and that it's a social construct made up by humans...right?

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I think the funny thing is that Obama really didn't have the race card to play. I mean he is half-white and half-black. Trust me if Obama was fully black he would not have won the election. The American Public wasn't ready to elect a fully black president, just look at the uproar caused by electing Obama.




You realize that race is not biological, and that it's a social construct made up by humans...right?

Race for the most part is not biological, but it is still to some extent biological. Because how many Africans(Blacks) are there that can trace their true family heritage back to Europe. I have to use colors, because of the Europeans that migrated to Africa and the blacks that moved to Europe or were forcefully taken there.
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So I asked my dad what he would say Obama's policies are, and he agrees with GW in that, they're not Socialist, not even marxist, but Stateist.

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Tbh, I have no idea what it is, I'm just saying what he said, to be honest.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

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If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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It doesn't really matter what Obama's policies or ideas are it only matters which ones he will carry out. I have a feeling that Obama will be quite conservative in the sense of not doing much his first term. Look at from his point of view and you see that him just sitting back and not making to many real big changes will help get re-elected for a second term. Electing anyone to a second term is where real damage is done in the second term where they do not have to play the political game as much.

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It doesn't really matter what Obama's policies or ideas are it only matters which ones he will carry out. I have a feeling that Obama will be quite conservative in the sense of not doing much his first term. Look at from his point of view and you see that him just sitting back and not making to many real big changes will help get re-elected for a second term. Electing anyone to a second term is where real damage is done in the second term where they do not have to play the political game as much.




Bush's first term:




-War on Terror


-Patriot Act


-Foundings for an economic disaster (see "War or Terror")


-National Debt consistently sinks


-Invasion of Iraq




..and many other "little things".




I'd say he did a pretty good job of messing up his first term. He even got elected to a second term.

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It doesn't really matter what Obama's policies or ideas are it only matters which ones he will carry out. I have a feeling that Obama will be quite conservative in the sense of not doing much his first term. Look at from his point of view and you see that him just sitting back and not making to many real big changes will help get re-elected for a second term. Electing anyone to a second term is where real damage is done in the second term where they do not have to play the political game as much.




Bush's first term:




-War on Terror


-Patriot Act


-Foundings for an economic disaster (see "War or Terror")


-National Debt consistently sinks


-Invasion of Iraq




..and many other "little things".




I'd say he did a pretty good job of messing up his first term. He even got elected to a second term.


What? You're blaming the credit crunch on the war on terror? Also, pretty much everything on that list would've happened no matter who won the election. Btw what do you mean by he "never got elected to a second term"?

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What? You're blaming the credit crunch on the war on terror? Also, pretty much everything on that list would've happened no matter who won the election. Btw what do you mean by he "never got elected to a second term"?




Not entirely, but I am saying that spending billions of dollars in foreign countries isn't helping anything.




Pretty much all of that would have happened if anyone else was elected?! The Patriot act? Probably not. Iraq? More than likely not. Economic crisis? Not as bad.






I said "He EVEN got elected to a second term".

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Obama was the better candidate and he won. I don't understand the people who think otherwise.


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It doesn't really matter what Obama's policies or ideas are it only matters which ones he will carry out. I have a feeling that Obama will be quite conservative in the sense of not doing much his first term. Look at from his point of view and you see that him just sitting back and not making to many real big changes will help get re-elected for a second term. Electing anyone to a second term is where real damage is done in the second term where they do not have to play the political game as much.




Bush's first term:




-War on Terror


-Patriot Act


]-Foundings for an economic disaster (see "War or Terror")[/b]


-National Debt consistently sinks


-Invasion of Iraq




..and many other "little things".




I'd say he did a pretty good job of messing up his first term. He even got elected to a second term.








The Economy started to sink with Clinton. No one will deny it, Bush did help it along, I'm not saying he's guilt free, BUT, Clinton did start it.

I have all the 99s, and have been playing since 2001. Comped 4/30/15 

My Araxxi Kills: 459::Araxxi Drops(KC):

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Boss Pets: Supreme - 848 KC

If you play Xbox One - Add me! GT: Urtehnoes - Currently on a Destiny binge 


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It doesn't really matter what Obama's policies or ideas are it only matters which ones he will carry out. I have a feeling that Obama will be quite conservative in the sense of not doing much his first term. Look at from his point of view and you see that him just sitting back and not making to many real big changes will help get re-elected for a second term. Electing anyone to a second term is where real damage is done in the second term where they do not have to play the political game as much.




Bush's first term:




-War on Terror


-Patriot Act


]-Foundings for an economic disaster (see "War or Terror")[/b]


-National Debt consistently sinks


-Invasion of Iraq




..and many other "little things".




I'd say he did a pretty good job of messing up his first term. He even got elected to a second term.








The Economy started to sink with Clinton. No one will deny it, Bush did help it along, I'm not saying he's guilt free, BUT, Clinton did start it.




Then... George H W. Bush started it!!@@ :ohnoes: :ohnoes:





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This is why he is awesome:




WASHINGTON President-elect Obama's advisers are quietly crafting a proposal to ship dozens, if not hundreds, of imprisoned terrorism suspects to the United States to face criminal trials, a plan that would make good on his promise to close the Guantanamo Bay prison but could require creation of a controversial new system of justice.




During his campaign, Obama described Guantanamo as a "sad chapter in American history" and has said generally that the U.S. legal system is equipped to handle the detainees. But he has offered few details on what he planned to do once the facility is closed.




Under plans being put together in Obama's camp, some detainees would be released and many others would be prosecuted in U.S. criminal courts.




A third group of detainees the ones whose cases are most entangled in highly classified information might have to go before a new court designed especially to handle sensitive national security cases, according to advisers and Democrats involved in the talks. Advisers participating directly in the planning spoke on condition of anonymity because the plans aren't final.




The move would be a sharp deviation from the Bush administration, which established military tribunals to prosecute detainees at the Navy base in Cuba and strongly opposes bringing prisoners to the United States. Obama's Republican challenger, John McCain, had also pledged to close Guantanamo. But McCain opposed criminal trials, saying the Bush administration's tribunals should continue on U.S. soil.




The plan being developed by Obama's team has been championed by legal scholars from both political parties. But it is almost certain to face opposition from Republicans who oppose bringing terrorism suspects to the U.S. and from Democrats who oppose creating a new court system with fewer rights for detainees.




Laurence Tribe, a Harvard law professor and Obama legal adviser, said discussions about plans for Guantanamo had been "theoretical" before the election but would quickly become very focused because closing the prison is a top priority. Bringing the detainees to the United States will be controversial, he said, but could be accomplished.




"I think the answer is going to be, they can be as securely guarded on U.S. soil as anywhere else," Tribe said. "We can't put people in a dungeon forever without processing whether they deserve to be there."




The tougher challenge will be allaying fears by Democrats who believe the Bush administration's military commissions were a farce and dislike the idea of giving detainees anything less than the full constitutional rights normally enjoyed by everyone on U.S. soil.




"There would be concern about establishing a completely new system," said Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., a member of the House Judiciary Committee and former federal prosecutor who is aware of the discussions in the Obama camp. "And in the sense that establishing a regimen of detention that includes American citizens and foreign nationals that takes place on U.S. soil and departs from the criminal justice system trying to establish that would be very difficult."




Obama has said the civilian and military court-martial systems provide "a framework for dealing with the terrorists," and Tribe said the administration would look to those venues before creating a new legal system. But discussions of what a new system would look like have already started.




"It would have to be some sort of hybrid that involves military commissions that actually administer justice rather than just serve as kangaroo courts," Tribe said. "It will have to both be and appear to be fundamentally fair in light of the circumstances. I think people are going to give an Obama administration the benefit of the doubt in that regard."




Though a hybrid court may be unpopular, other advisers and Democrats involved in the Guantanamo Bay discussions say Obama has few other options.




Prosecuting all detainees in federal courts raises a host of problems. Evidence gathered through military interrogation or from intelligence sources might be thrown out. Defendants would have the right to confront witnesses, meaning undercover CIA officers or terrorist turncoats might have to take the stand, jeopardizing their cover and revealing classified intelligence tactics.




In theory, Obama could try to transplant the Bush administration's military commission system from Guantanamo Bay to a U.S. prison. But Tribe said, and other advisers agreed, that was "a nonstarter." With lax evidence rules and intense secrecy, the military commissions have been criticized by human rights groups, defense attorneys and even some military prosecutors who quit the process in protest.




"I don't think we need to completely reinvent the wheel, but we need a better tribunal process that is more transparent," Schiff said.




That means something different would need to be done if detainees couldn't be released or prosecuted in traditional courts. Exactly what that something would look like remains unclear.




According to three advisers participating in the process, Obama is expected to propose a new court system, appointing a committee to decide how such a court would operate. Some detainees likely would be returned to the countries where they were first captured for further detention or rehabilitation. The rest could probably be prosecuted in U.S. criminal courts, one adviser said. All spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the ongoing talks, which have been private.




Whatever form it takes, Tribe said he expects Obama to move quickly.




"In reality and symbolically, the idea that we have people in legal black holes is an extremely serious black mark," Tribe said. "It has to be dealt with."




http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20081110/ap_ ... guantanamo

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That is not awesome. The only people left in Guantanamo are the hardcore terrorists and people who's country doesn't want them. So he's going to let terrorists who there isn't enough evidence to prosecute live in the U.S.? If there were other countries that wanted them they would be there. And then he's going to give the really bad guys the same rights as citizens. There is an inherently different thing from U.S. courts, which are designed to punish wrongdoing, and intelligence activity which are trying to stop it before it even happens.






The Natfa thing and Africa thing are just made up by bitter people from the campaign. And Obama played the race card a few months ago when he said his little 'OOoh the evil Republicans are going to try to make people scared of me by saying oh did you know he's black?' I'll give him credit for not doing it a lot but he still did it.




It wasn't made up lol, and if it is she hasn't addressed it.




How is that playing the race card? He said "He has a funny name, he's a muslim." How on earth is that the race card?


http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.c ... 814S13.DTL






And Obama did play the race card 3 times. You know it and I know it. 'My Grandmother's a typical white person', 'Republicans are going to say OH did you know he's black?' and 'Republicans are going to say wait! he doesn't look like the other guys on the dollar bills' Didn't really make a difference, but he did it.

My carbon footprint is bigger than yours...and you know what they say about big feet.


These are the times that try mens souls...
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