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Farming, and Salve Ammy


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Well, can anyone explain/show some quick ways to level farming, I want to use it as an income method, so I'm assuming i only need 32 for rannars to start making some income, will that be a good way to get money and farming exp? If there is a faster way which involves no income, I'm fine with that as well. I am currently level 20, and am farming tarromin..... 8-)






And for the mini game where you can enchant your Salve ammy, is it difficult? Would rune and strait 90s in melees w/ 70 prayer suffice? What exactly will I be doing?




Thanks =D

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Just unlock all 5 patches, and buy as many seeds+compost as you like.


I use this to do my herb run, the seeds are snapdragon and marigold.


I bank after 3 patches in catherby, and do the other 2 patches after that. Skills necklace for fishing guild tele, close to ardougne patch.








I get around 17k profit/patch (6.7 herbs/patch on average), 3 cactus spines and 2 marigolds/run, which is 100k profit per 6 minutes spent :D

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Tarn's Lair is very easy. Your stats are probably to the overkill levels lol! I did them with way lower stats than yours (my stats are still way lower!) with quite a bit of ease.

~ Proud Father ~ Proud (Currently Deployed) Army National Guardsmen ~ Proud Lakota ~ Retired Tip.It Crew ~

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HINT HINT: making toadflax is waaay more profitable than ranarrs.




Just use all your allotments, hops and bushes and play Vinesweeper while they grow. I did 1-45 this way.



95/99 Summoning

95/99 Slayer


[hide=This is what you look like when you play RS too long]2vvq0z4.jpg[/hide]

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Just farm the best trees/allotments you can. Cost isn't really at factor below 50 farming.




Tarn's Lair is easy, you just need a good map. You'll be running through a dungeon full with traps and killing some level 67 noob.

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