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its my very first pixel so dont be harsh on me. im only 13 so i think thats quite good for my first try. i did this within 1.5 hrs. of course im not gonna use it yet. any tips on how i can make it better? plus, the sky. i wanted to make it kinda yellowish blue but i couldnt get that. do i just make lines of blue and yellow or what? i used MS Paint. also any suggestions for next pixel. id like to have it a little harder so i can work myself up.






btw those are armadyl legs. couldnt find a good pic of them from the back...so i just made whatever.

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Shoulda just saved time and used a gradient in a program like GIMP if you'll shade like that.




Look at pictures of real skies, real grass. You have a very easily defined light source (albit the sun is much too large, if it was actually appearing that big we would be in trouble) so use it. Also the Red does not fit in with the yellow/green/blue, at all. If you're going to use natural colors as a color scheme stick with it the entire time. Also, why doesn't your guy have any resemblance or shoulders or arms? It's very choppy as well, look up how to make a smooth line when doing a curve.




Not even going to mention that it's just a very boring setting overall. Yawn, some guy looking at a sun -- how horribly cliche.

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ok.ty guys. i just wanted to make a quick pixel so thats why its not the best. with the setting...i know its kinda boring but i couldnt come up with something simple that doesnt take too long. i mean...for a start i think its pretty ok. im not really the best at this kinda stuff.

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If your not going to make it detailed, your never going to like it! Us tagmakers always spend time, and we get outcomes which we hate. It happens to me a lot of times. For detail try dithering, but I will need someone to explain it.

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Here, I drew something that might help you out a little. It's a 5 minute sketch so it's not too good, but I think it illustrates how you'd shade according to a light source, and a tiny bit of anatomy (or at least how to make it resemble a person ;) )








Anyways, keep trying. You're better than I was at first, you've got the general idea so the only way you'll get better is through practice.




Oh and I started when I was 12 I think, age is really unimportant.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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sry i meant that like that i never said... That i wouldnt make it detailed. So that i would. I cant get the body of the dragon right. It always turns out like... Kinda like a turtle. I try to make it lying down, but the whole idea about the dragon is kinda fading away. Lol, patience Has never been one of my strengths, but writing this with an iPhone? *sigh* any suggestions for a pixel?

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rus? lol im trying to practice son. i dont want to rush into something hard and be disappointed by the outcome and never do it again! i want to take it slow so i can make good art soon.




You're going to encounter a problem if that's your way of thinking.


Making easy stuff will never make you get better. You have to try hard or new stuff even if it means to fail horribly in order to get better.




Pixels are not meant for impatient people, so if your attention span is like 1 hour, I'd suggest you take a look at another form of art.




Things you have to learn in order are:


-Sketching (that includes basic knowledge of anatomy, perspective and other stuff)


-Shading (knowing how to use values (dark-light) to suggest 3D shapes)


-Coloring (knowing which colors blend well together, etc..)




Just look around for tutorials, there's plenty. Good luck, I'll be looking forward to your next pixel.


Thanks To:reddawn509, Hoopster211, JacobRyan, navyplaya, bigsword33, Ferahgo28, speedofsound, Goldwolflord, unknowz, GonAndGary and born2die

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im confused.


Just keep making pixels. Don't bother with human anatomy for now. Try to practise with still life, landscapes, etc. Extreme detail isn't always necessary, so long as you have the basic form and composition down. Before you begin drawing animals and humans, you should have a good grasp of perspective, lighting, colour theory, proportion, etc.




Detail is a fundamental part of pixel art.


Not all pixel art. :)






Here, I drew something that might help you out a little. It's a 5 minute sketch so it's not too good, but I think it illustrates how you'd shade according to a light source, and a tiny bit of anatomy (or at least how to make it resemble a person ;) )






It should look a little bit more like this, also with a smaller sun and a higher horizon line. (Assuming it is the horizon line.)








http://www.istockphoto.com/file_thumbvi ... e-rays.jpg[/hide]

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um...yea. another problem i have trouble with is "mixing colors." i saw a sig here somewhere with a guy lying in a hammock near the ocean with the sun on the horizon. the sky and water were kinda bluish yellow. i tried to imitate the blue yellow "mixing" but just couldnt get it right!

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i hope that sig your referring to was the one i made :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


umm i might get in trouble for saying this, but get pictures of real sunsets and just take the colors you like from it :-# for practice.


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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