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Things like resize, filters and gradient tools defeat the purpose of pixel art. It also results in a pretty bad look -- life is not shaded in linear gradients. No part of a pixel sig should be shaded with linear gradients. [Things like line, marquee, etc. are fine to use, but you shouldn't depend on them to create figures and scenes.]




We aren't saying you can't use filters and effects -- by all means go ahead -- we're saying that isn't what pixel art is. It's like trying to call a canvas painting a stone sculpture. These are two different types of art, made with different tools and techniques.




You've gotta be willing to accept and listen to our advice without exploding into rage -- criticism can be a lot harsher than the stuff posted here. None of us are insulting you, we are just frustrated that you ask for our advice only to ignore it.

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saying "you just dont get it" is not critisicm though. ok. but ill listen from now on. i dont even know what filters and that stuff are so theres no point in even trying that. is it ok that i made the chandelier with the curve line tool? i guess so, because its kinda just some regular lines.

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i love the candle thing but not the dragon. is there anyway you would humor me and just do a sig of a banquet hall or a room with that candle thing instead of a dragon? anatomy on living things is always the hardest anyways so maybe work your way up to it.


Pixel Signature Made By Me.

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Try sketching out what you're trying to make on paper first. That's always helped me. Also, you might want to try making a rough sketch in paint before you do the outline. I sketch all my pixels then clean it up after.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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that is paint...and i have some references which i use. one the dragon on page 2. 2 a donald duck book where theres a big money stack on the fron =P. that will be how i will make my money which the dragon will be on. taking a short break now though to make that sig cowboy wanted. just have to add the shading and stuff now...

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The Chandelier looks really nice so far....I have a suggestion






Why don't you cut down that whole thing...say to 80x80. And ONLY do the chandelier. Work some more on the line work, add more detail with the pencil(Beginnings of wood grain...candles ect.) Then you can add color, pixel by pixel. You already have a nice start on it...why not just focus on that?


Listen to the mighty words of Bloodredsword.

Tip it MGC Xbox live leader board!

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that is paint...and i have some references which i use. one the dragon on page 2. 2 a donald duck book where theres a big money stack on the fron =P. that will be how i will make my money which the dragon will be on. taking a short break now though to make that sig cowboy wanted. just have to add the shading and stuff now...


I meant sketch like make a rough drawing and then clean it up instead of making the clean outline to begin with but never mind, just keep going.

[bleep] the law, they can eat my dick that's word to Pimp

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so...one chandelier? and one room with a chandelier and furniture? ok...




I think what bloodredsword means is not to rush into making a huge complicated scene as your first piece. It's far more productive when you're learning to draw to just draw a single object. That way you can really focus on it and get that one object perfect, without having to worry about getting everything else right and rushing over the details. It's a bit like learning to play guitar, and trying to learn a whole metalica song as your first piece. You should start out with the basic elements; for guitar you'd start of with a few scales and chords, with pixel art start out with a single object and really try to get the details nailed.



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i had guitar lessons for a few months! but then i moved and i kinda stopped. btw, look on page three on my official progress post. it has my progress so far with the chandelier and talks about how im not gonna do the room, because i already have a new idea, and i want to start on it as soon as possible. that doesnt mean ill rush through the chandelier...mind that.

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i fin it easy to use the curve line tool in MS...i know you're supposed to do it with pencil, but isnt it kinda the same thing? only the curved line tool is faster? and more accurate? well, anyway. i think in pixel art its not really the things that count, but the creativity and how lively you make it look with what you have. if you have a crappy 2D dragon (2nd page) but you shade it well and put a lot of other things into it, its still a great pixel. thats my thought of it.




im gonna GIMP for making the colors. its easier to shade it there with the gradient.




A chicken is not a chicken dinner. A pixel is much more than the sum of it's parts. All the parts have to work in concordance with each other in order for the final product to actually be worth something. Creativity doesn't count for anything if you can't make everything work in harmony.




As you can see, I'm still here, If you need help.




My Suggestions-


-Restart using a smaller canvas, like Jopie said. An avatar size(100x100)


-Make the pixel using no other program but MS Paint. You don't need to know how to use layers till much later.


-Use your own colors. By this I mean create colors using the Edit->Custom colors function


-Try not to rely on shape tools since they look choppy and unnatural.


-If you need help with anything, just ask! We're here to help, and if you need example picts I can make some for you in Paint.




As for you subject, pick an object you like. Some thing small and inanimate like, oh a carrot.




Here be dragons ^


Dragon of the Day


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