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Mute question


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I know you can't post screenshots of JageX's reporting system, but can I copy & paste the words? I got muted for offensive language, but I didn't think the word "noob" could be used for offensiveness... So ye, can I copynpaste the words to show what I did, or not?


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I don't really get what you're saying. If Jagex said that you were offensive by saying the word "noob" simply then send a report in saying you think Customer Support made a msitake.



95/99 Summoning

95/99 Slayer


[hide=This is what you look like when you play RS too long]2vvq0z4.jpg[/hide]

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I don't really get what you're saying. If Jagex said that you were offensive by saying the word "noob" simply then send a report in saying you think Customer Support made a msitake.




The thing is, I can't appeal, it's "deferred" or whatever.




Here, i'll copy and paste the evidence..




[hide=Reported for what?]darksin68: 3~


darksin68: ty


darksin68: step back


darksin68: fail..


darksin68: visage!


darksin68: omf!


darksin68: tele


darksin68: coin share


darksin68: gtfo noob


darksin68: 7.6M


darksin68: he missed a visage


darksin68: poor newb


darksin68: sorry zero


darksin68: my friend


darksin68: I need more asp*in


darksin68: maybe o_O


darksin68: u leik dat 36 huh veiny?


darksin68: and dat 32


darksin68: d med <_<


darksin68: fail newb


darksin68: no


darksin68: hop


darksin68: X[)


*********: XD


darksin68: >_>


*********: ya


*********: yuo


*********: yup


darksin68: [clan] sarcasm


darksin68: \sarcasm


*********: right


*********: waqting for my friend


darksin68: we are too


darksin68: king duffy1


*********: ty


*********: term joib cc


darksin68: gf


*********: ya


darksin68: yews


darksin68: hai zero


darksin68: [clan] naise u gud


*********: term join mine


*********: cool


*********: turn loot


darksin68: flash range prayer veiny


*********: [clan] they dont


*********: [clan] =\


darksin68: ok.


darksin68: wtf hax


*********: [clan] ya


*********: [clan] ya =\


darksin68: u leik dat 37 huh


*********: [clan] they made fun of me


*********: [clan] and loowoot


*********: noo


*********: hp


*********: 63


darksin68: **** it


*********: nothin


darksin68: d med


darksin68: zero got a d med


*********: lie


darksin68: no u


*********: skk


darksin68: ur hawt


*********: uhh


darksin68: be my gf plawks


*********: werid


darksin68: ffs..


darksin68: gtfo


*********: birdies~!!!!!!!!!!!!!


*********: [clan] YA WANNA HOP


*********: [clan] IT A MAYBE


*********: BOOT


darksin68: gf


*********: GUTHNIX COIF


darksin68: [clan] we got it..


darksin68: guthnix?....


darksin68: wow, noob


*********: YA


darksin68: learn to spell.


*********: STHU!


darksin68: it's Guthix...


darksin68: make me.




*********: GO *** SUM NUT'


darksin68: \hurt


*********: OK


darksin68: level 67 telling me up?


*********: YA I OWN U


darksin68: it's past your bed time little boy.


*********: OKAY NOOB


darksin68: [clan] this level 67 is trying to show me up..


*********: [clan] WOW I HATE THID


*********: [clan] BULYL BS


*********: =\


*********: FFS


darksin68: gf newbs


darksin68: woot


darksin68: yews


darksin68: they left


darksin68: dang


darksin68: I liked making fun of 10 year olds.


darksin68: zero, are you a girl irl o_O?


darksin68: <_<[/hide]


Edit: What exactially did I do? >_>.... And no, I don't know king duffy.. I tried to make him jealous.. <_<


Current Whip Drops: 9 Current D Boots drops: 27

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I think he means if hes allowed to post it on forums




People do it all the time.


I dont think its exactly OK if the words are against tif rules but..


Go for it idk o.o




You asked for personal information


"are you a girl irl"




LOL jagex = so [bleep]ing stupid.




Captain you dont get muted for astericks.


Dont act like you know mr im2gud for a blakmrk.

I dont need a siggy no moar.

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Theres other things in there it may have been for. Four star and an "it" more or less speaks for itself. Not supposed to report for that i know, but still can be looked at by Jagex if the report is made.




You don't exactly shine in that do you?


Also, not sure how this fits into help and advice :|

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One of my offenses says deferred as well.








. postponed or delayed.


2. suspended or withheld for or until a certain time or event: a deferred payment; deferred taxes.


3. classified as temporarily exempt from induction into military service.



95/99 Summoning

95/99 Slayer


[hide=This is what you look like when you play RS too long]2vvq0z4.jpg[/hide]

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Yeah, but what was the purpose of posting on a forum to ask if you could post the evidence.


Asking it was asking for help, granted. But what now?




This no longer belongs in help and advice surely as it's going to turn into a rant on customer support or some kind of debate. :?

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darksin68: ur hawt


*********: uhh


darksin68: be my gf plawks




That's against the rules. :notalk:




That was my best friend >_>.. Toobs :/




And of course, Jagex will be aware of this, right?




No. Because they don't know you. Pretty simple, avoid saying things like that to ANYBODY and you will not get into trouble.

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It was the "ur hawt" and "be my gf" part that got you in trouble. It's a quite recent rule they added, probably because a lot of people before pretended to be girls and went around gold digging.




All others, like **** it and gtfo are all acceptable though I wouldn't recommend you to use them much since they sound a bit silly. Asking for someone's gender I don't think is against the rules, but it does raise some eyebrows if you do that lol :P

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