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Soloing the Grand Exchange & My current investments.


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Hi, unlike the other merchant guides, wich involves clan merchanting and price manipulating, this guide is easy to understand and it has an unique method, wich can make you get 25% of your current money during a week, I'm level 117, i'm hacked atm :/ LOL, And i have made 300M+ from merchanting, wich a 70-80% of it its about solo merchanting, D: Pay attention:




[hide=Requirements]A good amount of cash, 10m works.


Basic knowledge about merchanting






[hide=How does Clan merchanting works]Merchant clans do manipulate the item prices buying for high prices, so the market get out of stock and people will start buying for high prices (over mid), on the next grand exchange update the item price will raise, People on the clan will keep the item, while other people keep buying for max (that will make the item raise) After a few days the people in the clan will sell the item to the grand exchange... Were big amounts of item sell and will make the item price go down.








Crash: Item crashes after it's merchanted, price goes down.


Dump: When you sell items to the grand exchange after merchanting them




Steps for a sucefull clan merchant:


1- Buyout


2- First raise


3- No stock


4- Second raise


5- (Some times, Stock for high prices)


6- Third raise


7- Fourth raise or dumping.


8- Item crash[/hide]






[hide=What is this about]This method involves using merchanting clan's merchanting items on the third Step, items already didn't fail and your gonna make money off them.[/hide]




[hide=How to do it (Part 1)]Go on to the Grand exchange data dabe and check for rises.






Start checking for rises, Don't pick the 6-100% rise ones they don't work at all, FAIL FAIL FAIL! BIG FAIL












A good idea:






Blue underline: Perfect item to buy. [Wait, don't buy it yet.]


Green underline:Decent item to buy.


Red underline: Not that good item to buy, thought there are some chances that work.


Black underline: Doesen't work at all.




Tips for items to buy:


- Perfect item should go from 80k to 2M


- Items under 1k Are hard to Buy out and hard to sell.


- Items over 5M don't rise that fast.


- If an item crashes it will go up in a while no doubt.[/hide]




This is the first step, To Make this sucefully check the charts, look here:




[hide=How to do it (Step 2)]Once you pick an item, Click on it to check the chart.




This is a good idea.




Please follow this charts to check wich is a good "historial" to buy this item.




Don't buy this item: (bad)






Maybe buy this item: (Normal)






Buy this item: (Good)








[hide=How to do it (Step 3)]Check the forums, count the amount of buyers and sellers, The highest amount of buyers, the item will work better.[/hide]




[hide=Time to buy the item]If your item went up a 2-5 Percent, If the chart is "GOOD" or "NORMAL", and there's good amount of buyer offers in the forums it's time to buy.


Buying the item


First attempt: 2k Over mid at G.E.


Second: 10k Over mid at G.e


Third: 1% Over mid, then 2,3,4.




We haven't finished yet !!!


[hide=Risk factors and dumping]Dumping an item after the second update: Try selling for 5k Under max, Then 10k, then 1%. (This is for items worth 500k-1m. Lower the range for lower priced items.




Dumping the item after the third update: Sell for mid - 1k




Dumping after crash: If the item crashes, sell for "X" Percent under mid - 2gp


X = Percent of last price update of that item.




Risk factors:




If an item goes up 4-5%, When it crashes it will drop hard as the rise and it will be harder to sell than what you bought for.




1-3% Rises are always the safest ones.




Items that rise for 10+ Days straight 4-5% , will drop for a bigger amount of time once they crash. Sell at time.




Items that raise 4-5% for 30+ Days will become junk or junk traded items for a big period of time, not much bigger than the time they went up.


EG: Animal masks, elite, dragon hai, dragon full helm, Dragon platebody.




Nothing more, Just renember to dump your items at time.[/hide]




Thanks, for reading, If you'd like to ask me anything add me ingame, "Pipeelbakan", wish you all good luck merchanting, Thanks.

Saradomin gwd drops: 6 Ss, 2 hilts.

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Current investments:




I'll classificate my investments like this: CLASS= C SPEED=S




Class 1: Slow rise [safe]


Class 2: Normal rise [Normal]


Class 3: Hardcore rise (4-5%) [Risky]




Speed 1: Long term merchanting 5+ days


Speed 2: Regular term merchanting (3-5 days)


Speed 3: Fast term merchanting (1-3 Days)







Dragon axes


Recomended price to buy: MAX




Santa hats


Recomended price to buy: MAX NO DOUBT, HOPE YOU GET LUCKY!






Dharok sets


Recomended price to buy: Mid + 50k











Saradomin gwd drops: 6 Ss, 2 hilts.

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So you mean, hopping on the bandwagon of clan merchanting right when it's getting started?


Bad idea.


You want to be buying your merch items for slightly over mid, not praying that they will buy at max...




Good items for solo merch are the ones that fluctuate regularly and aren't currently being bought out. The biggest price raises chart is a bad place to look for items because it's too late by the time you have to buy for near max.




Unless you're in the inner circle of a merch group, you should never try to "latch on," especially if you have no direct contact with the group, because you don't know what's going on. More often than not you'll be caught on the losing end of a dump. Even if you profit, it's literally playing with fire; while you're sleeping, the time window to sell could be slipping away. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this guide were an effort to get more people to fall for merch clan raises.




Here's an example of why you shouldn't do this, using your own item's recent hoarde.


Dragon axe is 1.7m market price when suddenly it rises 2.5%, putting it at ~1750k. Unfortunately, since it's being bought out, you have to buy your axes at 1830k each (max).


It goes up steady a few days, no indication of falling, and hits 1.9m market. The next day, it suddenly drops 2.5%, putting it at 1850k market price. Since it's being dumped, you have to sell at the new minimum, 1760k.




So instead of cashing in on the 200k rise of d axes you end up with a 70k loss per axe. Whereas if you had stuck with the fluctuating items you could have made a good 2-3m using a couple GE slots per day.




Another example, Dark Bows were hoarded about 3 weeks ago. From 850k street price they shot up to 1m in 4 days. Of course, if you had played it safe and sold on the second day, you would have lost out on the other 75k/bow and would have been better off sticking to the steady fluctuators. Or you would have bought somewhere in the 900ks and have been desperately trying to sell it on day 5 for below what you bought the bows for. It's like playing with fire except you're blindfolded and you have to guess where the fire is.

2496 Completionist

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