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New planet


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It seems a bit swampy. You can try making the transition between water and land sharper. GJ though.








yeah thats what i tried to avoid actually :) the sudden change of land and water, and i know the atmosphere isnt totally correct yet, the planet has too sharp edges

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Sorry to hear it took you that much time...well keep it as experience...still it's very hard to find something right in this pic.




Main problem is the overall feeling is of a fake planet...and quite 2d. I can see the long work on it but something went wrong and the result is that blurry, flatten surface (a bit 2 colorful 2) and the athmosphere's problems that's been already mentioned. U could still try taking away most of the saturation and adding a layer with some kind of rilief effect...but it might be hard to save this...even for a moon.




I'm still sure your next one will be way better. U had a lot of feedback plus sometimes things simply go the wrong way :)




BYE :)

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