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Silly Avatar game :O


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hey kool im guessin were still waitin for,








  • Lord Maras
    dogtaz dez








Plus the late comers? 8)








  • Lord liquid








Is that right? then theres not long left :D




hey... i was fifth done they aren't waiting for me...

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i hate wen ppl sign up for stuff like this, where thers at least 5 other ppl who wanna play and then they dont do it, or if they do they are slow about it and make the others who did it wait :|


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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I bet whoever makes yours is gonna be great, like godslayer or quer, princessa, terley or misterxman. But you've got only a small chance though, a extremely small chance of having them.








Jeppoz take my place in that list. :wink:

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try sending it again Diablo, sometimes when I send pms it comes up with unable to send due to debugging or something :? ??! He's posted up the people who he's recieved avatars from so im guessin it didnt send properly.

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i hate wen ppl sign up for stuff like this, where thers at least 5 other ppl who wanna play and then they dont do it, or if they do they are slow about it and make the others who did it wait :|








please dont give me any of that, the only reason im not done yetis because im pretty busy in real life right now its hard for me to balance on computer hours with out-door hours because im out-doors 12 hours a day and i sleep 10 hours that gives me little 2 hours ok?




and ive got orders to make to so i can only do little-little that and i going on holidays next sunday.




don't accuse me of lazy-[wagon] in this one because im doing all i can to atleast finish it and even that will be one tough job for me to do.

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please dont give me any of that, the only reason im not done yetis because im pretty busy in real life right now its hard for me to balance on computer hours with out-door hours because im out-doors 12 hours a day and i sleep 10 hours that gives me little 2 hours ok?




and ive got orders to make to so i can only do little-little that and i going on holidays next sunday.




don't accuse me of lazy-wagon in this one because im doing all i can to atleast finish it and even that will be one tough job for me to do.








a little 2 hours is all u really need. I complete most my avatars in less than 30 minutes...... and as for the sleep, work, and whatever, thats ur life and we don't need to hear about that..... if u knew u were gonna be so limited on time. why did u enter this game then.... a lil common sence would say if "I don't have the time, then why put myself on an even tighter schedule." Don't take this the wrong way, but priorities need to be set before anything else is supose to get done. Your overworking yourself.

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try sending it again Diablo, sometimes when I send pms it comes up with unable to send due to debugging or something :? ??! He's posted up the people who he's recieved avatars from so im guessin it didnt send properly.








I sent again. Also decided to bust out the cow sig, LOL

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im not accusing anybody of being lazy, but its just that if u no ur busy in rl and lots of ppl want to do this, and ur not sure u can get it dun by the deadline then mayb dont sign up for it, i hope u see wer im comin from


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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please dont give me any of that, the only reason im not done yetis because im pretty busy in real life right now its hard for me to balance on computer hours with out-door hours because im out-doors 12 hours a day and i sleep 10 hours that gives me little 2 hours ok?




and ive got orders to make to so i can only do little-little that and i going on holidays next sunday.




don't accuse me of lazy-wagon in this one because im doing all i can to atleast finish it and even that will be one tough job for me to do.








a little 2 hours is all u really need. I complete most my avatars in less than 30 minutes...... and as for the sleep, work, and whatever, thats ur life and we don't need to hear about that..... if u knew u were gonna be so limited on time. why did u enter this game then.... a lil common sence would say if "I don't have the time, then why put myself on an even tighter schedule." Don't take this the wrong way, but priorities need to be set before anything else is supose to get done. Your overworking yourself.








first of all im not you and dont complete anything in meazly 30 minutes ispend way more time and put way more detail in it.




and in those 2 hours i tend to eat you know like people with "common sence" would do.




you dont want hear about it ? fine with me but how else could i explain i dont have enough time to finish it before the end of the day tomorrow aye? i merly possted a few numbers and i didnt say what i was doing so i dont get your response. thank you for taking so little understanding.




and if everyone is so tight etched to see there avvys and cant wait a day longer then they should all get there head out of there [wagon] and think somebody out there perhaps needs a day longer.




i mean why the ... do you need a list of who's done and not why does it matter some are done some are not we have to wait a little longer so what, your avatar isnt going to be any less.




i mean [bleep] ill finish it so dont give me any of the "if you knew you had a tight schedule then why did you enter?"




i entered because i was asked to by one of my friends that entered this competition.




and i didnt know ill be busy from before did i?









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I put the best quality i ever did into the avitar i made for the person who i made it for...(Tongue twisting, lol)




And as i said before...




thats ur life and we don't need to hear about that








don't take offence to it sheesh.... :?








As for every1 else who is waiting for people like Quer_Skulll to finish the avatars. Just wait it out so nothing like the above arguments won't start again.








No offence Every1 but I have seen more maturity at a Irish Bar with Kareoke Strip Night.

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Mrxman isn't done, lets insult him next? :roll:








Please no more flaming others to speed up their work. they will get done when they get done...... btw Godslayer are u like 12 years old. becasue thats a comment I would expect from an addolecent.

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i think i sorta started this argument :oops: and i didnt mean for any of it to happen, i didnt mean to insult any1 or get any1 mad i was just trying to state that mayb next time thers a popular thing that ppl wanna do try and have it dun by the deadline








queer skull i apologize if u'll except it i didnt mean to insult u or make u mad in any way, and it wasnt directed specifically at u or anybody else, it was for the general poblic


thanks to Etexbleu for the sig

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Mrxman isn't done, lets insult him next? :roll:








Please no more flaming others to speed up their work. they will get done when they get done...... btw Godslayer are u like 12 years old. becasue thats a comment I would expect from an addolecent.








Clearly, I was mocking the situation. As if I'm going to flame someone for taking their time, it was a parody. Are you trying to flame me? Because you seemed to be looking over the subtle rolleyes I used as a hint I wasnt serious.

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Godslayer not every1 knows what a rolling eyes mean. I myself am not a mind reader.








In my mind the rolling eyes ment as like look above previous messages because they roll up.








Not every1 preceves the same messages durring typed chat. and as for flaming u..... *As u would put it Godslayer..... :roll: *

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Let's not ruin the fun with complaining about people not being done in time. Maybe if this was some serious thing with money involved but people do have many other things more serious to deal with which is the normal thing to do. It's only a game involving free avatars. I'm sure we could all wait for all to finish just a few days, life can't be that short.








Yes I did send my ava in today, finally had time to make one, had to remake part of a sig.


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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