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A fair deal for Pkers and Jagex as well


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Before I type out my suggestion you must note that I'm not a member, I'm not a PvPer, I'm not someone that likes to PK and at the moment I could do it I barely did it.


My opinion at the time was actually that the biggest part of the pkers where overemotioned kids but ok, that's detail ;).


I think that the closest possible thing to the "old wildy" that Jagex might accept as not or barely accept as RWTing will be this:




Make the PvP wildy a BH place




The rules are:


- Your combat must be at least 20 to get in


- You must be at least 1 minit in the wildy before you will receive a target (wildy = every place above the wildernissditch)


- There must be at least 100 persons for at least 1 minit in the wildy of your PvPworld, otherwise you won't receive a target


- Jagex will choose a target for you, you can't choose a target yourself and if you do anyway than you will just receive a normal PvPdrop


- Tele target (teleporting to your target) will be possible for free at magic lvl 1 at close near every moment, also above lvl 20 wildy, but you won't get any magicexperience for it


- It won't be possible to use teletarget at all once you are under attack and the first 10 seconds after that


- You will get a penalty that varies of the value of your drop where one person + anyone who got you as a target can attack you as long as the diffrence in lvls isn't to big




Once you're succesfully killed your target:


You will get a penalty, if you killed someone and received a GE value of:


10K or less you get no penalty


10K - 50K you get a penalty of 30 seconds


50K-100K you get a penalty of 60 seconds


100-200K you get a penalty of 100 seconds


200-500K you get a penalty of 160 seconds (just like BH atm)


500-1M you get a penalty of 220 seconds


1M - 5M you get a penalty of 270 seconds


5M+ you get a penalty of 300 seconds




- During a penalty everyone who got you as a target AND some random person will be alloud to attack you!


- You will see a coloured skull above your head that +- shows how much value you will lose if you die


- It will be possible to attack your target, otherwise you will receive a diffrend target (for example if he walks out of the really deep wildy


- If you can attack someone in the beginning and then suddenly he runs to a less deep part of the wildy so you can't attack him any more then you will have another 10 seconds left to kill him (just like in a bank in PvP world)


- Multi attack is multi attack, if you are here then anyone might attack you, even if it are 100 persons


- Tele (Varrock/Falador/...) will be alloud during a fight unless you are teleblocked (yup, beïng a coward is still alloud) somehow teletarget isn't!


- You will receive a bit of info about your target beforehand, like: His CB, the +- price of his drop, if he's standing in a multiattackplace, what lvl of wildy he is standing at the moment, or he is penned at the moment, *maybe more*


- It won't be possible to change floorlevel (a lot) during a penalty


- If you are in a nonmulti area it shouldn't be possible to get attacked by as well everybody who got you as a target as well a normal person.


- If your target is in a multi combat area then you will receive a warning before you tele to that place and the first 10 seconds after your tele you can't get attacked


- If a target should drop under 1K of value then it will automatically change in a PvP drop so it will at least be pointfull to kill him


- You can't teleport or bank at all if you have got a penalty


- No matter what, you will get skulled as soon as you enter the wildy, even before the first minit (where you don't allways get a target) ended


- If you succesfully killed your target and then other pkers/pjers that kill you will still keep whatever you was allready wearing, also your skull will automatically change into the price your target was worth before you killed him.


This prevents it that you maded an exellent kill, can't survive the penalty and after all you got even less then with what you where starting with while you did make a excellent kill!


If this happens you just die and keep the stuff you allready had at the moment you received the penalty


If you killed another person that was your target or had you as his target within your penalty then the 2 drops (and penalty's!!!) will be added together.


- If you succesfully killed your target then everything you get will be:


Everything you can see him/her wearing + a max of 1 additional item out of his inventory (like rune 2H for example) + (unnoted) food and potions in his inventory + runes up to 50 each of them.


So not whatever the guy got in his inventory, not even if it is someone that was mining a inventory of rune, if someone does protect item then the most expensive item won't go to you either.


- Once you died you will end in lumbridge again


- Once you survived a penalty you will receive the option to tele to lumbridge (fast and it doesn't matter or you are under atack) for free


- Protect item won't work additional during a penalty


- This "wildy" don't come in a PvP world to prevent that once you teleported out of the wildy after you survived your penalty to varrock for example you shouldn't get attacked, this to prevent that you just won a lot and then a pjer at a teleplace kills you anyway.








FAQ I expect from players:


*OMG I just killed someone with stuff worth like 8M but it was completely impossible to survive 5 minits against 2 persons!!! In the past I just tele Varrocked, but now that's impossible*


This is why I created this rule:


- If you succesfully killed your target and then other pkers/pjers that kill you will only receive whatever you should have received if you survived the penalty, also your skull will automatically change into the price you are worth at that moment.


This prevents it that you maded an exellent kill, can't survive the penalty and afteral just give you even less rich then where you killed your target while you did make a excellent kill!


If you die at this moment then you just die and keep the stuff you allready had at the moment you received the penalty


This is also to prevent that persons just kill someone, can't survive the penalty because it's just to long, the person that killed you during your penalty will just receive another longer penalty and can't survive it either, the person that killed him got another longer penalty and so on and on and on.






*Well when I was pking in the past with my clan we allways ended a lot richer in the end then we do now*


I'm sorry, we got to prevent RWT as much as possible, in my opinion this should be the most tolerateble that could be alloud.


If you kill with your clan then someone inside your clan will still receive a normal PvP drop




*This is unfair, my targets got way higher lvls then I do :(*


Those are things that could happen indeed, but remember once you might have the same stats and then others will he this problem ;)




*This is unfair, my targets are 1-itemers all the time :(*


That could happen, nothing to do about that, it should also have happened in the old wildy and remember that the drop will even be higher at this moment compared to the past because of this rule:


- If a target should drop under 1K of value then it will automatically change in a PvP drop so it will at least be pointfull to kill him (most of the time you get a amulet and 3 herring or something in a case like that)




*A 100 persons at the same time in the wildy and all of them for at least 1 minit? Do you think that will work?!*


Well... Weren't you guys the majority or something :roll: !?


Lets say there are 105K persons online (a avarage dayly amount isn't it?), and 0.1% of them is Pker (a lot less then the "majority") then you allready got enough...




*What is this, I see someone wearing stuff worth like 20M and he just got a skull like he's worth 10k!? Is this a bug?*


That could happen if he just killed his target, as long as he's penned he will remain keeping the lower skull.


And yes, this way it will be pointfull to kill targets with a low value




*I'm fighting with my clan in multiareas and then I want to fight anyone I want, not just my target...*


That's not a problem, the only thing that happens is that someone of your clan receives a PvPdrop and not a targetdrop and he won't get a penalty either.




*This is just BH and PvP together*


Yea and a very lot of additional things like a usefull teleblock, if you die while having killed someone you keep at least your old armour so you don't end up even more poor and more...


This is in my opinion the closest thing to the old wildy what Jagex can do while preventing RWT.






FAQ I expect from Jagex:


*OMG you how have you ever thought this out, how can Andrew ever thank you!?*


Joke, I don't really expect that question from Jagex :( :P




*We still think the risk that this make RWT possible is to big...*


Then I wonder in what way?


If there are 100 persons in the wildy then the chance that you get exactly the right target or he you is like close near nothing...


And even if you succeed then still you got to survive the penalty, I think RWTing this way is even less possible then along BH at this moment where you don't get a penalty if you killed your target and you will lose everything if you killed someone and can't survive the penalty.




*Multi attack also didn't work in BH so why should be allow it in here?*


It will only be possible in the area's where it was also possible in the past, you don't go there you don't get pked there.














I'm ready to answer questions or make a discussion with as well Jagex as Pkers why I think this prevents RWT and still makes Pking well enough possible.




Yours Deyan2

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I don't know what to say...


It sounds like BH and PvP worlds combined into the whole wilderness, Just like it was before... Only with pretty skulls, level limits and no tele ports...




No support.


Lol, you want to fight against peoples under combat lvl 20!?!? Men you must be a coward... Anyway, if you really only want to fight cb 20- then I suggest you should start with chickens, maybe you can own them ;)).


Btw you can teleport all over the place, even after lvl 20+ wildy (unlike before), just not when you are under attack or got a penalty (not that really remarkeble, it should be annoying as ... if you fight your target and he just leaves.


On the other side maybe you are right about the latest part about teleporting, it's like beïng a coward, but I can understand it if peoples want to tele away while someone attacks him.


As I've told before I don't have a lot of Pking experience, but this might become a thing where the old teleblockfunction should work instead of my idea.


Thanks anyway for the post, it just gives me a more extensive opinion indeed.

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I don't know what to say...


It sounds like BH and PvP worlds combined into the whole wilderness, Just like it was before... Only with pretty skulls, level limits and no tele ports...




No support.


Lol, you want to fight against peoples under combat lvl 20!?!? Men you must be a coward... Anyway, if you really only want to fight cb 20- then I suggest you should start with chickens, maybe you can own them ;)).






Actually, that's not what he said at all.




He pointed out that this is simply a concoction of PvP worlds and BH, with a few minor tweaks.

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I don't support, I would do and will if you were to say bump up the level abit from 20 to about 25


or depending on a certain type of character... ie. Melee or Mage or Range.

What's Runescape?

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I don't know what to say...


It sounds like BH and PvP worlds combined into the whole wilderness, Just like it was before... Only with pretty skulls, level limits and no tele ports...




No support.


Lol, you want to fight against peoples under combat lvl 20!?!? Men you must be a coward... Anyway, if you really only want to fight cb 20- then I suggest you should start with chickens, maybe you can own them ;)).






Actually, that's not what he said at all.




He pointed out that this is simply a concoction of PvP worlds and BH, with a few minor tweaks.


Well and that's exactly what's the best option possible that Jagex can allow because of RWT and where Pkers should be happy with isn't it?




I don't support, I would do and will if you were to say bump up the level abit from 20 to about 25


or depending on a certain type of character... ie. Melee or Mage or Range.


Who cares about that combat?


Why shouldn't a lvl 20 Pker be alloud and a 25 be alloud to use this?


If it's just because they will act like noob then just ignore or kill them.


Also the melee/mage/range apart isn't fair in my opinion, I mean why shouldn't a ranged be alloud to fight against a melee?


Maybe it's about me (note, I never or barely ever PK) but I don't see this point...

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No I am saying well if you are assigned a target, if you are using mage you are more likly to be


paired up against another mage or range tan a melee but you can still fight other classes.

What's Runescape?

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This looks like PvP Worlds and Bounty Hunter got together and had a bastard child, who happens to be a sadist and a draconian rule maker.




This wouldn't be a fair deal, it would just piss off pkers and push them back to pvp worlds and bounty hunter. The game would be plagued by 1-itemers and pile jumpers thanks to the penalty system of killing your target.




Also this looks like it was written by a lolcat. I maded u persons a thred, but i eated it.




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In my opinion, this isn't needed. There's too many rules, too many restrictions, when we can get on perfectly fine with the normal PvP drops. The spirit of the 'old wildy' was in that there were very few rules, and what we have now is closer to that than what you're suggesting.




However, if we put the whole 'Resurrect the Wilderness without RWT' mission statement aside, this might be good for what can only be described as a voluntary PvP random event. In that case, we can start ditching rules and still keep the straight drops.

~ W ~



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It will never be the same, I have moved on from pvp since the wilderness was removed. I used to enjoy pking but with rules it will never reclaim it's former glory. It's about as good as it can get given the RWT issue sadly.




[spoiler=Stats:]Updated December 22, 2011:


Total level - 1442 - 170M+ XP , Combat level - 115

Combat skills: Attack - 90, Defence - 99 (24.45m+ XP), Strength - 90, Constitution - 99 (16.42M+ XP) Ranged - 99 (13.32M+ XP), Prayer - 60, Magic - 99 (13.25M+ XP)

Non-Combat skills: Cooking - 99 (13.80M+ XP), Woodcutting - 99 (31.95M+ XP), Fishing - 90, Firemaking - 99 (24.82M+), Crafting - 90, Smithing - 90, Mining - 85, Runecrafting - 60, Dungeoneering - 85


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This looks like PvP Worlds and Bounty Hunter got together and had a bastard child, who happens to be a sadist and a draconian rule maker.




This wouldn't be a fair deal, it would just piss off pkers and push them back to pvp worlds and bounty hunter. The game would be plagued by 1-itemers and pile jumpers thanks to the penalty system of killing your target.




Also this looks like it was written by a lolcat. I maded u persons a thred, but i eated it.


I'm not a child, I just want a thing that comes the closest to the wildy as possible without RWTing possibilty's.


Btw, having a penalty is not a problem, you will keep your own stuff if you can't survive the pen, but I guess you allready readed that in the FAQ.




In my opinion, this isn't needed. There's too many rules, too many restrictions, when we can get on perfectly fine with the normal PvP drops. The spirit of the 'old wildy' was in that there were very few rules, and what we have now is closer to that than what you're suggesting.




However, if we put the whole 'Resurrect the Wilderness without RWT' mission statement aside, this might be good for what can only be described as a voluntary PvP random event. In that case, we can start ditching rules and still keep the straight drops.


I agree with you, notice that I didn't make this suggestion for my own, I created it to keep these: http://[Please Use QuickFind Code].com/p=kKmok3kJqO ... 4,goto,339


Persons quiet, they keep on cryïng for the old wildy like ... so I started to create the most close one near that that still prevents RWT. As you can see I'm not even in the supporterslist myself ;).




It will never be the same, I have moved on from pvp since the wilderness was removed. I used to enjoy pking but with rules it will never reclaim it's former glory. It's about as good as it can get given the RWT issue sadly.


No, it will never be the same, but this comes closest near it doesn't it ? :roll:




No support. :thumbdown:


No that comment is usefull :S, if you don't have any arguments then just don't post!?




You're not even a pker... so how could you know what the old wildy was like? And plus, 5 minutes is a really long time... just go sit in a blank, white room for 5 minutes and see how long it is.


5 minits yea ok, but a milion a minit... I'll do it for that :D


Remember if you can't survive it you will still keep your old stuff, read the FAQ ;).

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Are PvP worlds not enough? I mean, there's a level restriction and everything. You could even go into the Wild in PvP worlds if you wanted to pk in the wilderness with the traditional wilderness rules. They even gave f2p teleblock...




Ok, so you don't get exactly what the other guy had. So what? They lost their items, and you've gained items, what's your point? Why does it matter that you get what they lose?

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Remember if you can't survive it you will still keep your old stuff, read the FAQ ;).




You never answered my question: "You never even pked, so how would you know what the old wildy was like?" Or: how can you improve something if you didn't even know what its initial state was.

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No support.


No that comment is usefull :S, if you don't have any arguments then just don't post!?




They're fine the way they are no need to change what's already good.


Mer 0_0.png

Youtube: Here | Blog: Here | Add me if you want to.

You can find me in IRC chan: #Dragonz_Clan, #Mer and #TTFS


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Are PvP worlds not enough? I mean, there's a level restriction and everything. You could even go into the Wild in PvP worlds if you wanted to pk in the wilderness with the traditional wilderness rules. They even gave f2p teleblock...




Ok, so you don't get exactly what the other guy had. So what? They lost their items, and you've gained items, what's your point? Why does it matter that you get what they lose?


In my opinion? PvP worlds are even way to much, but in their opinion: 13-14-614-58405394 it appearantly isn't, I mean have a look at this rsforumpart: http://fo_rum.runescape.com/p=kKmok3kJq ... s.ws?81,82 (remove the _ in forum). Now I've tried to help Jagex with the idea I wrote above, I hope a big part of those pkers might get happy by that. You do get pretty close near exactly what the other guy got, unless he got 20M in his inventory or something redicolous like that or he got protect item on or something. Please read the rules to understand that part...


The point of them losing their items and you gaining items is the point of Pking. It matters that you get what they lose because that's the thing you are fighting for, you aren't fighting someone wearing 100K of stuff to possibly get stuff worth 20M, and so you don't kill someone who's wearing stuff worth over 20M to receive stuff worth like 75K. It can't be hard to understand that can it?




Remember if you can't survive it you will still keep your old stuff, read the FAQ ;).




You never answered my question: "You never even pked, so how would you know what the old wildy was like?" Or: how can you improve something if you didn't even know what its initial state was.


I'm good in guessing ;). No, I've been in the wildy and stuff like, so I know what it looked like and I've been in small noobwars and so, but I just have ever been a good Pker so I just didn't do it because I just kept losing, if I was in the wildy it was just to mine rune or addy or powermine iron ores.


Btw my opinion still is that the idea I created above is actually the closest near the old wildy without RL trading possible.




I've changed it a tiny bit so teleblock is actually pointfull, switching floors to avoid combat doesn't work and similar stuff ;).

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no support.


your system is too complicated for simple minded pkers.

99 dungeoneering achieved, thanks to everyone that celebrated with me!


♪♪ Don't interrupt me as I struggle to complete this thought
Have some respect for someone more forgetful than yourself ♪♪

♪♪ And I'm not done
And I won't be till my head falls off ♪♪

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What part don't you understand?


Like 60% of the rules I created are allready existing rules or rules that they don't need to understand...




He is saying its too complicated... Therefore too many rules... Most Runescapers (no offence capable ones) would not be able to grasp why they are unable to do such and such. If you suddenly introduce your "terrible" Idea into the world of Runescape... People will still not be able to cope with your excessive rules, limits and stuff...




Sometimes... Its best left, If each game has there own set of rules like they do now... But when you try put all the rules together it makes a massive failshake...




And to your comment about me being a chicken. How dare you, how dare you...


I have no intention of PKing...

Luck be a Lady

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What part don't you understand?


Like 60% of the rules I created are allready existing rules or rules that they don't need to understand...




He is saying its too complicated... Therefore too many rules... Most Runescapers (no offence capable ones) would not be able to grasp why they are unable to do such and such. If you suddenly introduce your "terrible" Idea into the world of Runescape... People will still not be able to cope with your excessive rules, limits and stuff...




Sometimes... Its best left, If each game has there own set of rules like they do now... But when you try put all the rules together it makes a massive failshake...




And to your comment about me being a chicken. How dare you, how dare you...


I have no intention of PKing...


I guess you mean to many rules therefore to complicated ? :roll:


RSplayers are alloud to do just about everything they want to do in this case, only if they kill the one where they know beforehand from what stuff they gonna get you might receive a penalty, and even in that case if you can't survive it it just doesn't matter, you keep your own armour! Where do you citate terrible from btw :roll:!? Neither are my rules excessive, compared to BH for example they are even relaxed a lot.


Sometimes, at very very rare moments, you might be right, but in this point definitely not ;).




I've never said you are a chicken, somehow I did say that you must be a coward and should start fighting chickens. You don't need a lot of self-confidence to say that do you?


If you don't have any intentions of Pking at all then why should you ruin the great idea's they deserve :S. I mean if you allready don't like my opinion about my comment then I guess you don't wanna know my opinion at all about this case ?!


Ruining great idea's without gaining anything at all yourself, then what's the point of ruining it!? This is just... OMG nvm.

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There are just so many rules... I didn't bother reading them all. Why? Because this screams "Bounty Hunter with makeup!" It seems to be Bounty Hunter, but throughout the entire wilderness, hopefully fooling "oldschool pkers". Sorry, but they aren't that dumb... Bigger pk area, MUCH easier to transfer money.







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