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Everything posted by sees_all1

  1. Inb4 200M thread for all RS... 3, OSRS, DS, FunOrb. :)
  2. Would've like to see a fix in the Great Orb Project.... a revamp in experience rates would have breathed some life into the game.
  3. sees_all1


    Other than think of the idea and write a disclosure (which was about the equivalent of a 2-3 page essay), I didn't put much work into it at all. Not to mention my company rightfully owns any intellectual property I thought of while I was employed there, and they paid me to work on it. They probably spent more than $100k alone paying fees and litigating the patent. Granted, as an individual I wouldn't pay that much but for me it was pretty much risk free money.
  4. sees_all1


    I'm not going to make any money other than a relatively small award because I don't own the patent.
  5. sees_all1


    I could link you to the granted patents, but the language is all legalese and very dry and boring. I gave you the executive summary because that's all I care to explain.
  6. sees_all1


    What is the patent for? Or is that a patented secret? Cause, you know. The thing is patented. I'll leave. 1st patent was a new thing to display in TV guides, granted in U.S. last year. 2nd patent was a twitter application on TV, and the way it pulls in tweets associated with programming, granted in U.S. last week. 3rd patent likely to be another aspect of twitter application, which granted in Japan this morning? Still have about 10 or 11 applications pending, all from work that I did and ideas I had from 2009-2012. The company that I worked for will take a disclosure (my idea), and try and break it into 1 or more patent applications. Then it'll file each application in each of 4 major governing bodies (U.S., Europe, Japan and China). So now I have 2 U.S. patents and 1 Japanese patent, on 2 different ideas but 3 different applications.
  7. sees_all1


    2nd patent granted last week. Super excited :)
  8. Voted for Emma.... but I don't think my vote will go too far.
  9. It's looking like religion was a factor, yes. "Mr. Hicks, appeared to have a deep dislike of all religion. On his Facebook page, nearly all of his posts expressed support for atheism, criticism of Christian conservatives or both. Last month, he posted a photo that said, 'Praying is pointless, useless, narcissistic, arrogant, and lazy; just like the imaginary god you pray to.'" http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/12/us/muslim-student-shootings-north-carolina.html?_r=0 Pretty senseless and horrific stuff. Wonder how much attention this will garner.
  10. sees_all1


    Taxes will make a conservative out of you yet. I paid quite a bit of federal taxes this year. It really bums me out.
  11. What the hell is mauve? tnpw be in lower case.
  12. sees_all1


    no, reflow soldering. You heat up the solder, it gets all melty and then everything sets properly. Although I heard that braising it can make it overclock 3% faster. (something with realigning the electrons, for gullible people).
  13. sees_all1


    Try putting the card in another PC to see if it fails in the same way. There are also utilities available to check different components in your PC, which would be a good way to make sure your hard drive, ram and CPU are all good as well. If you determine that it's your graphics card, I've heard of people having success when they bake it in the oven to reflow the solder and let everything set again.
  14. sees_all1


    I know what I wrote, and I stand by it.
  15. sees_all1


    Parents are visiting this weekend, driving in tonight. Scrambling to clean up my apartment, only to realize that for the past year I've been living in a pig sty. Except a pig sty probably has less shit than I do, and more places to put shit.
  16. All muslim extremists are muslims, but I'd suppose you'd tell me religion has nothing to do with it either. Anyhow, I'm failing to see a point in what you're arguing, other than your first post where you wrote that you shouldn't poke an angry bear with a stick. I'd imagine that the point is that, while all Muslim extremists are Muslims, not all Muslims are extremists. Sweeping generalizations based on the actions of extremists only hurt those that aren't, and arguing that religion is the sole cause is both massively prejudiced* and insultingly lazy. Do we need a refresher on the cold war, just to bring up one of the most recent examples...? *especially when Gabe was called out for having done just that before this thread started http://www.pewglobal.org/2014/07/01/concerns-about-islamic-extremism-on-the-rise-in-middle-east/pg-2014-07-01-islamic-extremism-10/ Need to weigh the countries by Muslim population, but it looks that about 20% of Muslims in the Middle East have an extremist view on suicide bombing against a civilian target. For an act so heinious, I would say that is a large percentage of the general population.
  17. http://southpark.cc.com/clips/386581/eric-cartman-12-inches I'm hung like a horse. edit - caution, language.
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