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What I think should be done is "dynamic caps": instead of saying you can buy X y times in 4 hours, wouldn't this work better?




You can buy up to 2.5% + 1 of the previous day's total trade every day. - So for example coal you can buy 250K daily... Yet godswords (etc) which are trade only like 1000 daily you can buy 26 daily...




This limit would prevent any person to completely control the market..




Also Ge shouldn't be based on completed offers, but instead also based on the incomplete offers: THIS, is the basic that causes why those manipulator clans work, and THIS is the reason why GE prices get stuck!




I never ever sawa reason to base it on completed offers: heck I wrote (in pseudo code) already a way how to calculate accurate prices.. Yet no one ever seems to actually listen...


I'm not sure how dynamic caps would help or hurt the situation, but basing prices on uncompleted offers would make it possible to lower the price of an item when it's selling for max. People could just put in massive buy offers for the min price for decent items (gs, claws, etc) and lower the price without spending anything. And then there would be people who would crash markets just for [cabbage]s and giggles.

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What I think should be done is "dynamic caps": instead of saying you can buy X y times in 4 hours, wouldn't this work better?




You can buy up to 2.5% + 1 of the previous day's total trade every day. - So for example coal you can buy 250K daily... Yet godswords (etc) which are trade only like 1000 daily you can buy 26 daily...




This limit would prevent any person to completely control the market..




Also Ge shouldn't be based on completed offers, but instead also based on the incomplete offers: THIS, is the basic that causes why those manipulator clans work, and THIS is the reason why GE prices get stuck!




I never ever sawa reason to base it on completed offers: heck I wrote (in pseudo code) already a way how to calculate accurate prices.. Yet no one ever seems to actually listen...


I'm not sure how dynamic caps would help or hurt the situation, but basing prices on uncompleted offers would make it possible to lower the price of an item when it's selling for max. People could just put in massive buy offers for the min price for decent items (gs, claws, etc) and lower the price without spending anything. And then there would be people who would crash markets just for [cabbage] and giggles.




Maybe they should finally go ahead and determine the value of each item and lock it in place and do the same for each future item? I'm personally against it, but if it would stop all the complaining... maybe they should go for it.

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What I think should be done is "dynamic caps": instead of saying you can buy X y times in 4 hours, wouldn't this work better?




You can buy up to 2.5% + 1 of the previous day's total trade every day. - So for example coal you can buy 250K daily... Yet godswords (etc) which are trade only like 1000 daily you can buy 26 daily...




This limit would prevent any person to completely control the market..




Also Ge shouldn't be based on completed offers, but instead also based on the incomplete offers: THIS, is the basic that causes why those manipulator clans work, and THIS is the reason why GE prices get stuck!




I never ever sawa reason to base it on completed offers: heck I wrote (in pseudo code) already a way how to calculate accurate prices.. Yet no one ever seems to actually listen...


I'm not sure how dynamic caps would help or hurt the situation, but basing prices on uncompleted offers would make it possible to lower the price of an item when it's selling for max. People could just put in massive buy offers for the min price for decent items (gs, claws, etc) and lower the price without spending anything. And then there would be people who would crash markets just for [cabbage] and giggles.




Uhm of course it shouldn't work like that:


Lowering should only happen if there's unspent stock, while raising should only happen if there's too little stock in the GE.. Most of the time!




So yes you would theoritically be able to "fake rise" the price of something.. However that would require total control over the market (since as soon as there would be 1 other person who sells the item, you would simply loose a lot of money).






I admit this won't fix prices that are "struck": however it will make the GE for healthy items to move faster, more accurate (instead of lagging behind the actually street price for 4-5 market cycles it will only lag for a maximum of 1 market cycle).. And thus prevent the GE from growing out of control, creating new items that can't be sold/bought.

First they came to fishing

and I didn't speak out because I wasn't fishing


Then they came to the yews

and I didn't speak out because I didn't cut yews


Then they came for the ores

and I didn't speak out because I didn't collect ores


Then they came for me

and there was no one left to speak out for me.

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Idc about merchanters anymore since the grand exchange update. If I can't buy or sell an item easily, whatever. It's sooooo much easier now than before. My stuff will buy/sell soon.

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Jagex can do NOTHING serious about Manipulation clans, as the only way is to lock down on the Ge limits, which are already tough.




Now, what you say about how manipulating clans work, isn't completely true. If it's a public channel, like Chessy018, CmRobins and that rubbish, well then, yes, the leader's going to prebuy. If it's a private channel, where you need "X" amount of money to join, and everyone trusts everyone, well then there's no prebuying. The members sometimes will dicuss what item to buyout next, which means there isn't even room for prebuying.


Don't tarnish everyone with the one brush, if you have NO idea.


Yes, I do run a manipulation channel, and am very proud of it & my members.




price manipulation was against the rules before the g.e. and i see no reason why it would not be against the rules now.

Americans love to fight. All real Americans love the sting of battle.

George S. Patton


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