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Newbie's Diary


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Ok I know you've seen this before, but this is gonna be diffrent!




I made a new character, for the first time on Rs2, and I'm gonna post daily logs of his activites. Here it goes, maybe you'll all get a good kick out of this. Note: This is not a dramataiztion... haha








Day one: And so it begins




I start my day by walking west from Lummy and I reach a town that people call Draynor. I find a sword there it is called a rune longsword... it was just on the ground so I'll do what I always do with stuff on the ground, I'll sell it to the general store.








I have just returned from the general store with a hefty 12800gp in my pocket I bet I can but some nice armour with this. I will head to varrock to try my hand and getting good armours! But first I will kill chickens, becuase I think they are evil... Muhaha








I have reached lvl 5 combat I will now journey to Varrock... Wish me luck on the long long voyage ahead...








I was nearly killed by an angry farmer... But I have arrived in the great city of Varrock, on my journey I found these items:




A mysterious "Air Talisman", Yellow bead, boots, an egg, an iron dagger, and fur. I will sell this in hopes of finding splendid armours!




My first evil encounter, near an altar to the evil god Zamorak I encountered a Mugger, which nearly killed me but a valiant hero told me to run and he killed the foul man. Thankyou Hero. I now have aquired full Iron!








Now I enter the rank sewers of varrock, what foul creatures await me, I cannot imagine. This will be my last post until I emerge. I have killed many rats this day, and my Combat lvl is now an impressive 10! I am now going to go back to my home town of Lumbridge, and from there I will go to the desert town of "Al Kahrid".








My begging have finally payed off! With an impressive set of full steel armours! Which I then sold to pay for journey expensses. WOoot

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You should have traded with him, and then at the confermation screen declined. Its funny to do that, like put up a bunch of rares, accept, then decline. They get so happy then sad. I almost accepted once, very close call.

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heh now my post looks really dumb and pointless lol. Oh well keep it up. Whats his name, i have 3 noob accounts :) (one banned tho). We could noob people lol

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Guest Armagedon46disabled
Its actually kind of a shame, I was hoping to start this Character to kinda get a Noob experince, I was gonna start off fresh, newbie style if ya know what I mean :wink:
lol yea but noobs got hte best of luck
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his name is Sir Savgold, I hope to save gold on him lol, My privacy will always be off anyone can add me... heck in the future maybe I could make a noob clan :twisted:




Im up for that! I have a friend who wanted to make a noob cult too lol where we all speak pig latin. Go up to people and say random things in pig latin its awesome.

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day one : i was given a weapon by a friend so i was wandering around port sarim , and i walked in on this man and woman just mindlessly wandering around the house. so i killed them. i even looted them after too! then i ran away and got killed by a bear somewhere.











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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

day 8: some strange player tried to give me free stuff. "ooh free stuff," i said. "that must mean he wants something for it." so i offered him various valuable items, including the prized posession, my copper ore. He kept saying things like "you stupid noob, free means free, i dont want a tinderbox!" I'm still not quite sure who he was talking to.








day 9: i was in a mysterious town called varrock, when a player was recruiting people to go on treasure hunts in "the wilderness." I thought to myself, "well i certainly could use some treasure." so i volunteered my help. on our way, a pop up window came up on my screen warning me of the perils that lie before me in "the wilderness". thats when i thought to myself, its a good thing i have this nice level 50 player to guide me.








day 10: i quit this stupid game

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  • 2 months later...
day 8: some strange player tried to give me free stuff. "ooh free stuff," i said. "that must mean he wants something for it." so i offered him various valuable items, including the prized posession, my copper ore. He kept saying things like "you stupid noob, free means free, i dont want a tinderbox!" I'm still not quite sure who he was talking to.








day 9: i was in a mysterious town called varrock, when a player was recruiting people to go on treasure hunts in "the wilderness." I thought to myself, "well i certainly could use some treasure." so i volunteered my help. on our way, a pop up window came up on my screen warning me of the perils that lie before me in "the wilderness". thats when i thought to myself, its a good thing i have this nice level 50 player to guide me.








day 10: i quit this stupid game





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