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Basically, how does the degrading process work? Does it only degrade when you have it equipped, or when it's in your inventory, or is it just a set time from when you first equip it? Also, is the degrading process the same for both the corrupt and non-corrupt versions, if not, what is the difference?




Thanks :D

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I think/believe its like barrows armour/weapons they only degrade in combat. But don't quote me on that.


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    Warrior Ring x8
    Dragon Med
    Dragon Boots x4 - all less then 30 kc
    Godsword Shard (bandos)
    Granite Maul x 3

Solo only - doesn't include barrows[/hide][hide=Stats]


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I think/believe its like barrows armour/weapons they only degrade in combat. But don't quote me on that.


Perty sure its only for non-corrupt versions.


Correct, corrupt degrade constantly while equipped, non-corrupt only degrade in combat.

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I think/believe its like barrows armour/weapons they only degrade in combat. But don't quote me on that.


Perty sure its only for non-corrupt versions.


Correct, corrupt degrade constantly while equipped, non-corrupt only degrade in combat.




You say corrupt degrade when 'equipped'. I take it that means when you are wielding it rather than having it in your inventory? If I had a corrupt vesta's longsword in my inventory and was using it for special attacks only, would it last me longer than 15 minutes?

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Yes, in theory, as long as you didn't use it for more than 15 minutes.

Many believe that the 1980 eruption of Mt. Saint Helens was a catostrophic geological event, in reality it was the day that Jimi Hendrix returned to Earth from the next world and actually stood up next to a mountain and chopped it down with the edge of his hand.

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I think/believe its like barrows armour/weapons they only degrade in combat. But don't quote me on that.


Perty sure its only for non-corrupt versions.


Correct, corrupt degrade constantly while equipped, non-corrupt only degrade in combat.




You say corrupt degrade when 'equipped'. I take it that means when you are wielding it rather than having it in your inventory? If I had a corrupt vesta's longsword in my inventory and was using it for special attacks only, would it last me longer than 15 minutes?


Corrupt doesn't have specials.

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I think/believe its like barrows armour/weapons they only degrade in combat. But don't quote me on that.


Perty sure its only for non-corrupt versions.


Correct, corrupt degrade constantly while equipped, non-corrupt only degrade in combat.




You say corrupt degrade when 'equipped'. I take it that means when you are wielding it rather than having it in your inventory? If I had a corrupt vesta's longsword in my inventory and was using it for special attacks only, would it last me longer than 15 minutes?


Corrupt doesn't have specials.


You can, however use it for KO hits.




Corrupt items don't start degrading when wielded immediately, it takes about 20-30 seconds before it does, to prevent accidental equips. With this in mind, you can (theoretically) make a Corrupted Zuriel's staff last forever.




Misc: Abyssal Whip x28 , Dark Bow x5, Beserker Ring x3, Warrior ring x1

Dragon: Dragon Platelegs x2 , Dragon Plateskirt x2, Dragon Boots x38, Dragon Med Helm x4, Shield left half x3

Godwars: Godsword shard x13, Bandos Hilt x3, Bandos Chestplate x6, Bandos Tassets x4, Bandos Boots x5, Saradomin Sword x1, Zamorakian Spear x1,. Armadyl Helm x2, Armadyl chestplate x2.

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I think/believe its like barrows armour/weapons they only degrade in combat. But don't quote me on that.


Perty sure its only for non-corrupt versions.


Correct, corrupt degrade constantly while equipped, non-corrupt only degrade in combat.




You say corrupt degrade when 'equipped'. I take it that means when you are wielding it rather than having it in your inventory? If I had a corrupt vesta's longsword in my inventory and was using it for special attacks only, would it last me longer than 15 minutes?


Corrupt doesn't have specials.


You can, however use it for KO hits.




Corrupt items don't start degrading when wielded immediately, it takes about 20-30 seconds before it does, to prevent accidental equips. With this in mind, you can (theoretically) make a Corrupted Zuriel's staff last forever.


Do the non-corrupt versions also take about 20 seconds before they degrade or do they start to degrade as soon as they are equipped?

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non corrupt is same as barrows: the clock starts ticking 1s u get into combat.



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