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Last one to post wins


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>faking being sick to skip school

>on the national honors society and taking AP classes


Well, I suppose ignorance is bliss.

This steak is really [bleep]ing good.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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part of the reason i didn't go to school today was because i was up until 1am doing work and studying for 4 tests today, then i realized there was no way i was gonna be able to do well on the tests, especially with like 4 hours of sleep, so then i just slept until 11.


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>Leave to uni

>Stand 10 minutes under the rain waiting for bus

>It's full

>Get late to class

>Stay for one hour, say [bleep] it, leave

>It's raining even harder, with thunder and all

>Get home

>Drink some hot chocolate

>Wrap up in a blanket and play vidya in my couch



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>school on Thursday and Friday

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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so i think we all agree that i won here

>not balancing your work load properly


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Yes, I am so furious right now.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Try taking deep breasts


The only difference between Hitler and the man next door who comes home and beats his kids every day is circumstance. The intent is the same-- to harm others.

[hide=Tifers say the darndest things]

I told her there was a secret method to doing it - and there is - but my once nimble and agile fingers were unable to perform because I was under the influence.

I would laugh, not hate. I'm a male. :(

Since when was Ireland an island...? :wall:

I actually have a hobby of licking public toilet seats.

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I have an urge to play Runescape.


The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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I have an urge to play Runescape.


It's just gas, just ignore it.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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