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Halo is never mad, ever.

He just [bleep]es a lot.

The once was a mexican called pepsi,

Or maybe it's just he had Hep C,

He was a pretty cool bro,

Bros generally are you know,

He hailed from the land of 'taters,

He was known to hate many-a-hater,

He likes a girl named Lacey,

His thoughts about her are kind of racy,

And also his dad likes to [rooster].

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-age: 22

-occupation: computer programmer

-gender: male

-location: toronto, canada

-political leaning: "centrist", i guess

-highest level of education: college

-do you like milk: I love milk

"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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-do you like milk: I love milk




Seriously, it is. I've drank milk like a boss my whole life, and I've never broken a bone (besides my thumb in a freak accident). Yet I was a pretty physical kid, fair amount of sports...coincidence?



"It's not a rest for me, it's a rest for the weights." - Dom Mazzetti

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-do you like milk: I love milk




Seriously, it is. I've drank milk like a boss my whole life, and I've never broken a bone (besides my thumb in a freak accident). Yet I was a pretty psychical kid, fair amount of sports...coincidence?



we have a constant amount of 6 litres of milk at the house at any one time. drinking milk now. TASTY. and I dont think I've broken a bone either...though for a seperate reason.

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Hint: I'm pretty sure everybody in this thread has heard this song.


Name it without Google.



Audi famam illius.

Solus in hostes ruit

et patriam servavit.

Audi famam illius.

Cucurrit quaeque

tetigit destruens.


Audi famam illius.

Audi famam illius.


Spes omnibus, mihi quoque.

Terror omnibus, mihi quoque.



iuxta me.


Ille iuxta me.

Socii sunt mihi.

qui olim viri fortes

rivalesque erant.


Saeve certando pugnandoque

splendor crescit.

Oh, hey. This was my 7,777th post in this thread.


It's the SSBB theme.

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Didn't know of halloween birthday... Jessie's is the day before, and Cyndi's brother's is halloween like yours. Except the birthday party deal (and kind of going away party since he's leaving for Kuwait next Friday for Nat'l Guard) for her brother is on Sunday and she'll be with her boyfriend and probably miss part or all of it because she's starting off her own life...

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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My first real joining here post in March was when I was sick one day. I was just bored and didn't have anyone to talk to. What a theme in my life.

I know that feel


Before I became active here, I was on omegle too much. Got sick of talking to random people, only actually followed up talking to two people from there. Yeah, it was funny for a while, but I had enough trolling and "asl" and whatever.

Omegle is the bottom of the barrel for me... it is my last desperate attempt at distraction from my inner demons. Luckily I don't have to go there often, and not at all in the past 6 months.


Before I became active here, I was on omegle too much. Got sick of talking to random people, only actually followed up talking to two people from there. Yeah, it was funny for a while, but I had enough trolling and "asl" and whatever.

I can actually sympathize with you for once. Omegle pisses me off so much. I go on there wanting to just chat or something and it's full of horny retards wanting to cyber.

Sounds like chat roulette. It also sounds like its ruined what little charm omegle had to begin with.


you're all uninteresting. (or maybe I dont know anything)






-political leaning

-highest level of education

-do you like milk


fill this out

-21 years old, born July 16 1990

-Student, unemployed

-Pittsburgh, PA

-Centrist, slight leaning towards liberal

-Going for a Bachelor's of Science in interior design

-For cereal, yes... plain drinking... no.


Yeah, I started going on there a lot when I was having fighting issues the same as I am now (in the beginning) and spilled things I haven't even told you guys. Not that any of those things would be too shocking in too many ways. I just wanted a release, and then I came here and decided to repeat victimize everyone here since that girl stopped going online lol

I came here because silva made me. After coming and leaving occasionally over the years, I think I'm here to stay.

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