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Well, every time we used to fight in the summer you'd be able to tell because she's post something on facebook along the lines of "derp boyfriend is air I breathe don't need anything else", or the one about "he's a bigger part of my family than she'll ever be"


just break up with her emily. <_<




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That was August, the one where I was at my dad's and my mom told me about it and then her aunt and my mom both talked to her about how that's completely wrong to say that about anyone and especially on facebook and whatnot, that was when her boyfriend was butthurt and thought I was making her care about him less... because I'm her neighbor and we hung out a lot.


The appointment went well, I said I'd do another but that's not till the 14th

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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I've been having some issues with my room mate. He's been my best friend for nearly 3 years now, but I've always had the nagging feeling that I wasn't as important to him as he was to me. That feeling has been getting worse in recent weeks. However I'd never treat him the way that cyndi has been treating you. If someone is truly your friend and you truly care for them, you could never stay mad at them, or say the types of things that Cyndi has been saying to you. The good times you've shared outweigh any type of spat you could ever have. That's why I can't believe Cyndi is really treating you like this. And its why I think that she'll come around soon.

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She goes back to talking to me like nothing happened usually within hours or at most a day or two. Today she worked from like 11-9 or something, for his family, and then skyped him I'm guessing. No time to text me back apparently.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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ok here;s the thing fluffy.


growing up and watching my parents.. i've always known that i will marry my male best friend.

my parents are still together.. they didnt have a perfect marriage.. but my mom tells my dad everything.. and he cooks for us.


so i could never imagine myself with my ex because he wasn't even a good friend.. he was just a boyfriend. however.. if i had a best guy friend who could cook... well i'd probably molest him and then make him marry me because he touched me and spoiled me for other people.


i dont have much female friends.. but i'd never abuse them the way that cyndi is treating you. this is psychological.


you obviously love her as a friend. and she obviously is just usng you for the cool things you do for her, and for always being there for her. she is spoiled. and i want to punch her.


my friends are such that.. i dont even need to talk to them.. and a few months later.. one of us texts the other and we are still the exact same people who love each other.


why am i like this with one of my bestest friends? because... of work and time.. i don't have time for her and we don't have much things in common like facebook.


yes i could get up off my ass and message her... but.. before i used to work on saturdays and sundays.. and we never had the time or energy to meet up.


she;s the same so it works like how my friendship with you works. <3:


anyways... if i had a boyfriend.. and.. we talked and told each other our deepest desires and most intimate secrets...

i would feel closer to him than my friends.. maybe even the best friend i had. he would turn into my best friend.


however... if my friend wanted to hang out with us.. or his friend wanted to hang out with us... i would... want to be friends with them.

and even if that person didnt want to be friends with me.. i wouldn't push him.. i'd try to respect his boundaries.. because i know i'm a little weird.


however.. if he completelly disliked my friend.. and i didnt agree with him for the reason of dislike.. he would be out of my life faster than you can say lijadoewioefwoifewpofaeoiaewwfaeh


and... if he had a good reason for disliking my friend.. i would think... is this a reason i think i should stop being friends with someone.. if the answer was no.. i';d still be friends.. and if he didnt like it.. he could just not be around there.. when my friend was there.. including the wedding and other important times where friends should be.


if his reason was valid and i agreed... i would.. still keep that person as a friend but slowly fall out of the friendship.. <_<

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I agree with most of what silva said, but I don't know that its reasonable to say that cyndi doesn't love emily. It sure seems that way given how she's been acting, however, we don't really have the full picture of what's going on. However we can surely agree what she's doing is unacceptable and she should stop right away!

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I agree with most of what silva said, but I don't know that its reasonable to say that cyndi doesn't love emily. It sure seems that way given how she's been acting, however, we don't really have the full picture of what's going on. However we can surely agree what she's doing is unacceptable and she should stop right away!


since you agree with me.. you shall marry me <_<

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Did I ever tell you guys how I got an offer to go to Brazil and be an exchange student there for like a year? It wasn't just some money-making thing, I was only one of two kids that got chosen of all the people taking spanish at my school and you have to write an essay and take an interview and stuff.


Yeah I'm not doing it. br? br? hueheuheuheheuehue

Wait, really? That's actually really cool. I'd do it if I were you.

yeah it's cool i got chosen and stuff but i don't want to leave my friends and family during my senior year of high school and go to south america with just two years of public school spanish knowledge...

More importantly, to a country that speaks portuguese.

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Did I ever tell you guys how I got an offer to go to Brazil and be an exchange student there for like a year? It wasn't just some money-making thing, I was only one of two kids that got chosen of all the people taking spanish at my school and you have to write an essay and take an interview and stuff.


Yeah I'm not doing it. br? br? hueheuheuheheuehue

Wait, really? That's actually really cool. I'd do it if I were you.

yeah it's cool i got chosen and stuff but i don't want to leave my friends and family during my senior year of high school and go to south america with just two years of public school spanish knowledge...

More importantly, to a country that speaks portuguese.

same thing.


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I just like keeping people close. I have some friends I can talk to every few months, but it's not like that with Cyndi or even Jessie. And part of what's so conflicting with Cyndi is that I'm legitimately worried about her. She's always somewhat been emotionally retarded and doesn't know how to react to people caring about her, but for a while it wasn't as bad. Now she's defensive when I express any concern about her. I understand it's easier to focus on one thing in your life, but you can't cut everything else out. She thinks she doesn't need a lot of things she used to depend on, and her boyfriend is a decent guy (besides blindly hating out of jealousy) but he's not a god. And, like I told her, she needs girl time and little kid time, which equates to friend time, which, since everyone else is out, equates to Emily time, which she enjoys while it's going on but won't admit it before or after.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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Did I ever tell you guys how I got an offer to go to Brazil and be an exchange student there for like a year? It wasn't just some money-making thing, I was only one of two kids that got chosen of all the people taking spanish at my school and you have to write an essay and take an interview and stuff.


Yeah I'm not doing it. br? br? hueheuheuheheuehue

Wait, really? That's actually really cool. I'd do it if I were you.

yeah it's cool i got chosen and stuff but i don't want to leave my friends and family during my senior year of high school and go to south america with just two years of public school spanish knowledge...

More importantly, to a country that speaks portuguese.


Did I ever tell you guys how I got an offer to go to Brazil and be an exchange student there for like a year? It wasn't just some money-making thing, I was only one of two kids that got chosen of all the people taking spanish at my school and you have to write an essay and take an interview and stuff.


Yeah I'm not doing it. br? br? hueheuheuheheuehue

Wait, really? That's actually really cool. I'd do it if I were you.

yeah it's cool i got chosen and stuff but i don't want to leave my friends and family during my senior year of high school and go to south america with just two years of public school spanish knowledge...


mfw when the national language of brazil is portugese.





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I can respect Cyndi's desire to spend lots of time with her boyfriend. I can even respect her desire to spend more time with her boyfriend than her other friends. But that's where my respect for her decisions end. From what you've told us, Cyndi is still interested in being your friend, and still wants to spend time with you, but her boyfriend is stopping her. At this point in her life, she respects her boyfriend's decisions so much that she stops acting on her own free will. That's certainly not a good way to do things. She allowing her boyfriend to abuse her devotion to supplant her desires with his own. But that's not to say she doesn't care about you anymore. She's just confused and overcome with emotions that are new and strange to her. She sees her boyfriend as the endgame for her life, when in reality, he probably won't even be in her life in a decade, or even as little as a few years from now. They're both too young and inexperienced with relationships to be able to predict where this relationship will end. They also lack the maturity to keep the relationship healthy; its already become toxic, and is unlikely to get any better. She's not gone, she's lost.


I don't hold any resentment towards the boyfriend. He is incidental. If Cyndi were more mature, or more open to criticisms of her action, she would not be in this situation, regardless of her boyfriend's wishes. The fact that she so easily caved to her boyfriend's unreasonable demands is more of an indictment of her than her boyfriend. Were Cyndi behaving maturely, she would have ignored his requests and, if need be, terminated the relationship when it became clear that he was not mature enough to be in one. So no, don't be mad at the boyfriend, although I don't see anyone really saying anything about him, so that's good. It'd be a shame if the frustration and disappointment was misdirected, because if it were, and no one faulted Cyndi, then when the boyfriend went away, Cyndi would just repeat this with another boyfriend, or something else.

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lol, Portuguese. It's a lot easier to learn Spanish if you know Portuguese than it is the other way around, apparently, according to the Brazilian kid at my HS.


according to my coworker.. spanish people understnad him talking in portugese.. but not the other way around. <_<

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I agree with most of what silva said, but I don't know that its reasonable to say that cyndi doesn't love emily. It sure seems that way given how she's been acting, however, we don't really have the full picture of what's going on. However we can surely agree what she's doing is unacceptable and she should stop right away!


since you agree with me.. you shall marry me <_<

Aren't I married to y_guy? Well... I'm open to bigamy.

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I agree with most of what silva said, but I don't know that its reasonable to say that cyndi doesn't love emily. It sure seems that way given how she's been acting, however, we don't really have the full picture of what's going on. However we can surely agree what she's doing is unacceptable and she should stop right away!


since you agree with me.. you shall marry me <_<

Aren't I married to y_guy? Well... I'm open to bigamy.


he beats you. so break up with him.

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Well yeah, it's her behavior. She gets sucked in and they're both immature in their own ways. He wouldn't have made the ridiculous demands for her to cave to if he wasn't a jealous idiot, and he has no reason to give dirty looks to my house when, honestly, we got along face to face just fine before the early August thing.


I don't think he'd had a girlfriend before, and all her previous boyfriends were stupid. She'd acted like this before somewhat, but not to this degree. She's rarely been comfortable talking to me about her relationship issues while she's still in relationships, but afterwards she's been able to open up sometimes. So I have no clue if everything is as perfect as she says, or if she's just defensive because something is wrong and she's struggling.

/FG/First thread post to when I joined the family.


[hide=Insert rant here]blahblahblahLIFE[/hide]


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I agree with most of what silva said, but I don't know that its reasonable to say that cyndi doesn't love emily. It sure seems that way given how she's been acting, however, we don't really have the full picture of what's going on. However we can surely agree what she's doing is unacceptable and she should stop right away!


since you agree with me.. you shall marry me <_<

Aren't I married to y_guy? Well... I'm open to bigamy.


he beats you. so break up with him.

Ok. He is dumped. I took half his shit... -holds up half a bit of twine-


Well yeah, it's her behavior. She gets sucked in and they're both immature in their own ways. He wouldn't have made the ridiculous demands for her to cave to if he wasn't a jealous idiot, and he has no reason to give dirty looks to my house when, honestly, we got along face to face just fine before the early August thing.


I don't think he'd had a girlfriend before, and all her previous boyfriends were stupid. She'd acted like this before somewhat, but not to this degree. She's rarely been comfortable talking to me about her relationship issues while she's still in relationships, but afterwards she's been able to open up sometimes. So I have no clue if everything is as perfect as she says, or if she's just defensive because something is wrong and she's struggling.

I dunno. I can't really relate to someone defending such a toxic relationship on the basis of just being reluctant to admit to trouble. I mean, she has to be getting something out of it, right?

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