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Last one to post wins


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OKay okay okay. I'll play Dead Island after I finish this god damn level in Portal 2.




"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Halo, don't forget your to do list! You have to read Ender's Game!


"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Wow. That level was actually really easy. I'm just a derp. As usual.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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Interesting. Might be going for a night away in a few days. Wasn't for the idea a few days ago, but it seems like I really want to go now. Actually having something organised makes said thing seem more appealing.




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Awh. My knife is getting rusty.

Luckily I still have my other knife I got from my friend's wedding back in May.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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I don't why or if it makes me a bad person, but reading about breakups on FB is amusing.
Me too, mostly the couples who are the most mushy

This couple has broken up/back together around 5? times the past 2 months. Makes me wonder if it's for good this time.



Goddammit Monk, stop being so full of win.

I am Monk's [bleep]


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Yup. Yup. Yup.

Dr.Pepper is kicking in now.

"Let your anger be as a monkey in a piñata... hiding amongst the candy... hoping the kids don't break through with the stick." - Master Tang

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