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Hi Tip.It Clan Community again




Tempted Killers warred The Death Monkeighs on 11th June.


It was tense war and we got suprisingly many K0s. Death Monkeighs had deadly spipers and we had to mass anti-snipe them away many times.




Tempted Killers memberlist : http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php/clan=soulz


The Death Monkeighs Warring List : http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php/clan=tdmwl




Link of declaration : viewtopic.php?f=216&t=797325




Starting : 18-18, one TDM DCed, so 18-17




Picture are coming up




Ending : 7-0










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Thanks for the fight, Tk. Though you seem to have forgotten one rule -










Found here for reference.






You had WAY more than 3 rangers. We have pictures of 7 people that brought range on your side which put us at a pretty big disadvantage. :| Someone said they saw Bronxfighter with range aswell though we don't have a picture of it, so that would make 8 if it was true.




Pics as followed -






Bl00dy Santy + Kirmit Frog








Y0u Pk3d M3








Kirmit again, as is hard to see in first pic








































Ultra Primal (which is hard to see, sorry)










And you can see 5 rangers all on Tk's side in this picture -












Our performance was quite bad today, but the fact that you breached rules and brought over double the amount of rangers as shown above really didn't help. I don't know if you knowingly did this or somehow forgot about the rule, but doing that merits a disqualification, I think. Thanks for the fight anyways, Tk.






Edit - Elfish Lord is new, and he probably didn't know that was out of bounds. He wasn't far and wasn't actually hugging anything either, so it shouldn't be a problem, it's not like he went around rocks or into trees. Sorry about that.


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Both clans broke some rule


Lets see what Tip.It moderator has to say






One went out of bounds on accident which didn't really hurt anything.


You brought over double the amount of rangers permitted giving you quite an advantage.




Should be a no-brainer really.


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Bringing more rangers was accident too, I told all thatt range are limited and told few not to range and btw your played went a bit deeper out of a bounds than in a pic, I managed to say wtf 2 times


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Bringing more rangers was accident too, I told all thatt range are limited and told few not to range and btw your played went a bit deeper out of a bounds than in a pic, I managed to say wtf 2 times




If it was an accident that you brought 5 more rangers than permitted, you could've told all but 3 to stop ranging. As it gave you an advantage it looks like you didn't care to. No offense, but those are pretty bad excuses to cover up the amount of rangers you brought.


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I didnt see that we had more rangers at that time, I was binding hard for all clan.


It wasnt big advantage, cause they werent ranging at the same time as I can see from pictures and some picture shows how they walk with a bow.


Stop complaining and give some credit for good war.


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I didnt see that we had more rangers at that time, I was binding hard for all clan.


It wasnt big advantage, cause they werent ranging at the same time as I can see from pictures and some picture shows how they walk with a bow.


Stop complaining and give some credit for good war.












5 In that picture all at once. (Chris can't count)




And it doesn't matter that 'they weren't all ranging at the same time', (plus, if you say you were binding and didn't notice you had way over the ranger cap, how would you know?) the fact that 8 people brought it and used it, at once or only a couple at a time, it's still a pretty big rule breach. And 'some picture shows how they walk with a bow'... yes, I bring a bow to wars and put it on when I'm walking to the pile for no reason.




And yes, I am going to complain about it, sorry. You brought nearly 3x rangers permitted and could've done something about it (18 people on your side, and nobody saw there were more than 3 and thought to bring it up? :roll: ). As for what you're saying about out of bounds, all of us know bounds, and if someone went out it was accidental. If we saw it, we would've told them to get back in-bounds, heck we did when we saw Elfish did. We tried to do something about what happened on our side, but the fact that you didn't on yours is why I'm bringing this up. Sure it was a 'good war' for you guys, but not for us who were at a clear disadvantage.






EDIT - Here's another pic for you, 5 rangers at one time. 2 in middle, 2 a little to the left, one running behind the southwest barrier. Don't try to use the "they weren't all ranging at the same time" excuse, please.






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(18 people on your side, and nobody saw there were more than 3 and thought to bring it up? :roll: )


No one except viking knew about the ranger cap, our fault on mis-communication. (Viking drop it now we broke the rule.)


And Elfish lord1 went a bit further then that in the picture, after he got binded he went deeper before returning, i dont think that was accidental.


warlordlol.gifCurrent Tempted Killers Council

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(18 people on your side, and nobody saw there were more than 3 and thought to bring it up? :roll: )


No one except viking knew about the ranger cap, our fault on mis-communication. (Viking drop it now we broke the rule.)


And Elfish lord1 went a bit further then that in the picture, after he got binded he went deeper before returning, i dont think that was accidental.




Seeing as it was his first war. I highly doubt he had any intentions of breaking any rules. I didn't see him go any further, and he is maybe 4 steps out of bounds. BIG WHOOP.




All I can say is.



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(18 people on your side, and nobody saw there were more than 3 and thought to bring it up? :roll: )


No one except viking knew about the ranger cap, our fault on mis-communication. (Viking drop it now we broke the rule.)


And Elfish lord1 went a bit further then that in the picture, after he got binded he went deeper before returning, i dont think that was accidental.




Seeing as it was his first war. I highly doubt he had any intentions of breaking any rules. I didn't see him go any further, and he is maybe 4 steps out of bounds. BIG WHOOP.




All I can say is.






he went out of bounds which is still a rule broken from your side, we broke a rule, your broke a rule, don't try and deny the fact you guys didn't. when there's evidence from both sides of both clans breaking rules.




best you could do is ask for a rm.

Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?


appmanagercrown.pngTKO Blitz Member | bluepd5.gifEx-Tempted Killers Council

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So he broke bounds because of inexperience? He didnt know his bounds?


He still broke that rule, why even have that rule if were allowed to break it.




Never said he didn't break it or even made it sound like that.


I'm up for a Rematch :thumbsup: \'

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(18 people on your side, and nobody saw there were more than 3 and thought to bring it up? :roll: )


No one except viking knew about the ranger cap, our fault on mis-communication. (Viking drop it now we broke the rule.)


And Elfish lord1 went a bit further then that in the picture, after he got binded he went deeper before returning, i dont think that was accidental.




Seeing as it was his first war. I highly doubt he had any intentions of breaking any rules. I didn't see him go any further, and he is maybe 4 steps out of bounds. BIG WHOOP.




All I can say is.






he went out of bounds which is still a rule broken from your side, we broke a rule, your broke a rule, don't try and deny the fact you guys didn't. when there's evidence from both sides of both clans breaking rules.




best you could do is ask for a rm.






I didn't deny that one person went out of bounds. Which for sure wasn't intentional - as Baller said, it was his first war, and when he went out we told him to come back, he probably didn't know what bounds were. Look at it this way though - one person went a few steps out of bounds when it was 7-3. Really didn't affect much. And you had almost 3x rangers the whole fight. What happened on our side hardly affected the war while on your side, it gave you quite an advantage.




We'll see about a RM, but firstly let's see what the Tip.it mods will say.


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Wanna play bound fights, i have a picture of your members going out of bounds aswell. Since they went 1-3 steps out aswell.

Don't you know the first rule of MMO's? Anyone higher level than you has no life, and anyone lower than you is a noob.

People in OT eat glass when they are bored.

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ok, you know what to end up this thing? let's just rematch.. seriously..




and both clans tk tdm have to make sure that every1 is understanding the rules.. k?



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From the picture, TDM's member was only a couple steps out of bounds, additionally he broke bounds where there was nothing to tank around and he wasn't praying, at a point where we were already down 7-3. And seeing how there is only 1 person in your pile (Soulja Melle) its pretty obvious that it didn't effect the fight.




Bringing 8/18 rangers did have a huge impact on the fight, for the first few minutes of the war our binders were getting wrecked, we though because of excellent ranger sniping, it turned out to be mass ranger sniping. Had we had 8 rangers we could have we could have done the same, but we limited ourselves to what the rules called for. By the time we saw you had way more range snipers than were permitted, our binders had been significantly lowered in food and pray, which would directly affect the outcome.




I wasn't able to make it to this war in time, so I watched. I was hoping for a drama-free fight, since last time we fought one of your members flamed every one of our youtube videos after our last fight. This'll make 2 out of 2 wars with you guys now with unnecessary drama.



124ecdx.gifFormer Admin of The Death Monkeighs124ecdx.gif

124ecdx.gifFormer Vengeance Council124ecdx.gif

124ecdx.gifFormer Eternal Honour Member124ecdx.gif

124ecdx.gifCurrent Runescape Dinasty Supreme Member124ecdx.gif

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