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Tie CW?


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Im thinking you mean soul wars? If you are then your outta luck, Jagex states that tie sw worlds are against the rules and threads get locked. Your better off just going to a normal world and actually playing the game the way it was made.

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Ummm I believe in your title means SW and I think tieing Sw is "illegal" in Rs. Sooooo uhhh I guess you should just play Sw the way it is, atleast you got a chance of getting 3 Sw points :D.



By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest;

Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.


- Confucius

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I'm pretty sure he means CW, because in his post he said that if he searches for CW he always gets SW instead.




Oh yea your right his grammar was a bit messed so I didn't fully understand it. My bad.



By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest;

Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.


- Confucius

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Why would you want a tie castle wars world? :? Castle wars is about fun, not about collecting tickets. And since the tickets only allow you decorative armour with horrific defence bonuses what's the point?


Having a defence pure with awesome armour.

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Why would you want a tie castle wars world? :? Castle wars is about fun, not about collecting tickets. And since the tickets only allow you decorative armour with horrific defence bonuses what's the point?


Having a defence pure with awesome armour.


But Zodiark has a point. There really isn't enough reason for making a tie CW team, so there wouldn't be enough people to join.

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Why would you want a tie castle wars world? :? Castle wars is about fun, not about collecting tickets. And since the tickets only allow you decorative armour with horrific defence bonuses what's the point?


Having a defence pure with awesome armour.


But Zodiark has a point. There really isn't enough reason for making a tie CW team, so there wouldn't be enough people to join.



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