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Laptop advice


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I'm currently looking for a laptop for college but I want it to be able to play some games and the price should be less then 1000.


This is the one I'm currently looking at. Please tell me if there's anything I should be aware of about this laptop or if you know any laptops similar to this.




http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.a ... 6834220525




I'm waiting for the Windows Vista to Windows 7 upgrade deal to come out before I buy it.

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The battery life looks to be sub-par so I'd recommend getting an extra 12 cell battery with it.


I'm actually pretty sure I'm going to be around an outlet most of the time. If I really need to get the 12 cell battery can I buy it later?

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The battery life looks to be sub-par so I'd recommend getting an extra 12 cell battery with it.


I'm actually pretty sure I'm going to be around an outlet most of the time. If I really need to get the 12 cell battery can I buy it later?


Yeah, you should be fine, I don't see anything else wrong with it. :thumbsup:

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The battery life looks to be sub-par so I'd recommend getting an extra 12 cell battery with it.


I'm actually pretty sure I'm going to be around an outlet most of the time. If I really need to get the 12 cell battery can I buy it later?


Yeah, you should be fine, I don't see anything else wrong with it. :thumbsup:


Ah, Thank you ::'.




I should add that I'm planning on keeping this laptop for a good 3-5 years. Would the laptop be good enough?




EDIT: Also does anyone know if I'll be able to use the Asus Windows 7 Upgrade deal by buying the laptop off Newegg.com when the upgrade deal is active or will I have to buy it from Asus.com or something like that?

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Gpu is crap for any half serious gaming.




Go for: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp ... 8044029168

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Gpu is crap for any half serious gaming.




Go for: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp ... 8044029168




:thumbup: . That's such a stupid good deal it's not even funny.




+1. That laptop is an absolute bargain.



"In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."
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To get a decent gpu on a macbook Laura, you have to work alot of money. Money he don't have.


The laptop is made by Asus, which is a huge company. Their support might be a bit iffy in some cases, but just because it ain't an Apple product doesn't mean it's crap.

J'adore aussi le sexe et les snuff movies

Je trouve que ce sont des purs moments de vie

Je ne me reconnais plus dans les gens

Je suis juste un cas désespérant

Et comme personne ne viendra me réclamer

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I never suggested buying a Mac, simply that you do end up with what you pay for. Just because I happen to own one doesn't mean I feel the need to blindly suggest laptops that don't fit the posters needs.

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Still it seems like you're trying to imply that just because a laptop has a good price on it it's going to be crap and not work well which isn't the case. You don't need to spend thousands on a laptop to get something good like apple would like someone to believe.

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And Asus is one of the best brands, I own an Asus laptop, older model, but had no trouble with it whatsoever. That Asus computer that I have, is the only computer that didn't have a part fail on me for such a long time! I had it for almost a year now, and with every other computer, I had something like a graphics card or a RAM stick fail on me only after a few months. Not my Asus, and it seems to be the one laptop in my class that still is as fast and functionnal as new.




Not trying to be an Asus fanboy here, since it's not the only good brand out there, but you, laura, seem to have became a fangirl of Macs, and it's starting to get on my nerves that you say macs are better, or think that all the people are as rich as you, cause you seem to be rich always telling people to buy expensive things. Not everyone has money to fork out, you know? I do agree though that macs are good computers, but they're overpriced and not always someone's needs.




Anyway, I'm not going to continue on this.

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Thanks to everyone who replied, I really appreciate it ::'


I'm going to think about the Best Buy one but does anyone know how Newegg/Asus will be conducting the Win 7 Upgrade Deal? Like if I buy the one from newegg do I just buy it and then inform Asus when the Deal comes to get my upgrade disc or what?

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I'm not sure, because I've never seen such a deal, but I do think that newegg will have that deal.


Ah, but I mean if I buy the laptop on the 26th on Newegg (when the deal is supposed to begin for Asus) will I be eligible by Asus standards to get the Win 7 Upgrade? or will I have to follow Neweggs deal? (which may begin later then the 26th)

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I haven't even owned a Macintosh for five months and I'm already sick of this community of fanboyism and apologist behavior. I, in no way, muttered the words Apple of Macintosh before someone acclaimed my statement to the fact that I own one; you're looking for problems when there are none. I enjoy these forums as anyone on here does, but do not accuse me of being something I'm not - a fangirl. Which seemingly stems solely from the fact that I own a Mac. I said nothing negative about Asus's quality and I understand the original poster's needs, which I why I didn't recommend a Mac. And please, don't make statements regarding my financial status; I can't afford to buy cheap. My reasons are my own.





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